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A Very Concerned Canadian - What Savage Land is This?

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posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

Well, yes is very warm and humid in the summer, sorry about that, we just can not get rid of the gulf warm waves, no even in the winter, Plus the hurricanes.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 12:32 PM
I've been watching what is going on in Canada too and I'm in shock.

It's more of a psychological war than a physical one. They, meaning the elites, would like nothing more than someone taking this to a physical level (look how they used honking as an act of violence). Don't even think about doing that.

Calmly and rationally posting on social media does have an influence. People read social media a lot more than they post. I was looking at some people cheering the use of force and freezing of bank accounts, and I realized most of the posters are not normal people but people affiliated with political groups. They know social media affects people.

So if you want to help, read up on how to post in social media (it's something I'm very bad at). Maybe asks someone like DC Cowboy for tips. (I don't like them personally but they do know how to post). I know it doesn't seem exciting as some type of physical protest but the war isn't primarily physical.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: marg6043

lol I honesty would be more concerned for the humidity than the hurricanes. Never experienced a real hurricane before so that might actually be fun lol

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 12:54 PM
Way cool.

a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: Daughter2

No this is the sort of thing I was working on. How to reach people. But, a great many can't and won't be reached, I feel. So I guess my role now becomes more inspiration, encouragement, promoting healthy thinking and togetherness.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 12:59 PM
Well said Terry

a reply to: TerryMcGuire

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 01:00 PM
A misanthrope. Welcome to the antisocial social club

a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 01:03 PM
I feel that they’re sh!t scared of a physical retaliation. That’s the reason the narrative wants to control the definition of violence.

a reply to: Daughter2

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 01:03 PM
You will feel better in a month. Once we’ve all swept it under the rug .. kidding. No really though, give yourself time to cool off and collect your thoughts. Right now you feel anger and shock. We all do to some degree. Some more than others. Nobody will forget what Trudolph did - Ever! He has been mocked the world over. If you post too many opinion posts on fb, people will unfollow you so it gets rid of all the clutter in their newsfeed. Now they might be doing this because they don’t share your views or because deep down they do and it’s depressing them, this is called denial.

I think joining the new website suggested above is your way to keep in the loop, if that’s what you want to do going forward. You still have ATS to spout off about this. I can see you’re very passionate about this. Unfortunately all nations will be like this soon enough, so running away isn’t the answer right now. Any decisions you make need to happen once you’ve cooled off. Acting on emotions is never a good idea. Hang in there!

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
a reply to: Daughter2

No this is the sort of thing I was working on. How to reach people. But, a great many can't and won't be reached, I feel. So I guess my role now becomes more inspiration, encouragement, promoting healthy thinking and togetherness.

You don’t seem to be adverse to leading by example.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

I appreciate what you said Dave. I'm in the same boat.

Had a total meltdown two days ago because my family and friends are so lost. Would have been embarrassing if anyone had seen it. I was literally screaming and shaking in anger and grief. Nothing in life has prepared me for this yet I've always known something was coming. Today I finally feel strangely at peace.

The aggression of the vaccinated online is becoming horrific and one sided. There is no compassion, empathy or even a willingness to live and let live. My desire to not lose freedom or individual choice has been met with walls of talking points about extreme left wing misinformation, white privilege, they have it on a "higher authority", that I don't believe in science, that I'm selfish. Thanks, Media, for convincing previously intelligent people to throw their human connections out the window! People made their choice. I'm lonely but am content I made the right choice for myself.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: igloo
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

I appreciate what you said Dave. I'm in the same boat.

Had a total meltdown two days ago because my family and friends are so lost. Would have been embarrassing if anyone had seen it. I was literally screaming and shaking in anger and grief. Nothing in life has prepared me for this yet I've always known something was coming. Today I finally feel strangely at peace.

The aggression of the vaccinated online is becoming horrific and one sided. There is no compassion, empathy or even a willingness to live and let live. My desire to not lose freedom or individual choice has been met with walls of talking points about extreme left wing misinformation, white privilege, they have it on a "higher authority", that I don't believe in science, that I'm selfish. Thanks, Media, for convincing previously intelligent people to throw their human connections out the window! People made their choice. I'm lonely but am content I made the right choice for myself.

Problem is real science is actually orthogonal to present leftist/woke consensus/feewing based thinking. I've given up trying to convince anyone of anything and that was hard for me, because I have worked in mRNA/rDNA modelling with the NRC (as well as hundreds of R&D projects over the last ~45 years). At some point talking to people is like spending money, except it's your energy you're spending. There is no point in spending good money after bad to try and equalize your losses, because all you're doing is increasing your losses. My father did this once in the stock market, his stocks dropped in value so he re-bought more to "equalize." As the price toppled, he went from losing his initial $20k, to losing an additional $20k, by trying to equalize those initial losses. He should have quit when he lost the first $20k.

Just be happy you tried, so many don't bother, they're intellectually or emotionally lazy. Or maybe they have just beat their heads against the wall so many times trying to warn people, that it physically hurts to keep trying. I've had major debates with ministers in the SA government over their plans (or actually the plans of the UN/IMF they were implementing) back in the 80's, it didn't matter. I have watched governments capitulate and collapse up close, it doesn't matter. People do what they do out of fear, ignorance, extortion, etc and if you're not the one controlling those levers, there is no point.

Sometimes you just have to stop and look out for yourself, because nobody else is going to.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: Daughter2

You are correct... the bulk of this "Great" Reset is being done via bots and post farms on social media, making easily persuaded people think everyone is for the new hip techno-communist dictatorship.

Posting calm, kind truths does have an impact... at least I hope so!

Even knowing that few of the people online are real, I am appalled on a daily basis seeing alleged "liberals" cheering on jackbooted thugs working for the fascistic marriage of big pharma and government as they stomp little guys bravely standing up for liberty and justice... because the news says that the little guys with the trucks were "racist" or something.

Having all the darkest fears from the world of conspiracy come true in succession has made me wonder more than ever if thought can shape the world that we share... and if some portion of us has helped cause this NWO hell-dream by sinking into depression... or if it was a mass ritual of the esoteric ruling cults that did it... or both in a feedback loop!

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 09:14 PM
I was about to go to Ottawa, I gave my two weeks and said i'm leaving. At least that was the plan... Now I'm just goin across Canada to do somethin I always wanted to do. Experience a bit of real life that we've been so deprived of this whole pandemic. The convoy was a big moment for many of us and while it's being heavily overshadowed by Ukraine, rhis sparked a great awakening in many folks. People who were silent before have been given a voice and therefore, a meaning. Do the things you've always wanted to do, before it's too late.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 11:51 PM

Canadian Convey Co-Leader Tarmara Lich receives an emotional "Welcome Home". Canada's dictator Justin Trudeau wanted her to stay in jail indefinitely, but pressure forced him to relent.

Clip of her homecoming:

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

You have reached all the people you can, only post stuff that is new. I am waiting on some MRIs from a doctor I know. They are before and after cerebral shots of people who had the jab. I have this suspicion that the jab, through endothelial feathering is killing off a considerable amount of the brain, not all one spot, but hundreds to thousands of neurons all over the place. Or in the alternative, if graphene is present in the jab, because of its ionic charge, it is taking up residence in areas of high electrical activity, like the brain, self assembling and acting as an antenna plus "something" else. In either case, the application of 5G as a trigger could produce a "hive mind" aspect through irritation or direct control, check the patents :-)

Cheers - Dave

Any more thoughts on this?

posted on Mar, 21 2022 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Nope, still waiting. Apparently the College of Physicians and Surgeons is using extortion, re licenses, to prevent doctors from exposing the truth or digging too deep. As far as taking up in places of high electrical activity, the heart is another one, could be the reason for so much myocarditis and cardiomyopathy. Unless I can get some good MRIs to compare, I won't be able to tell if there is brain damage caused by the jab, as I need before/after comparisons. An MRI in the presence of 5G might be a little difficult as well, I expect the rooms are shielded and if so, it would probably be Mu-metal with a small aperture type Faraday Cage, so no RF/EMF is getting in from the outside.

Cheers - Dave

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