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Nord Stream 2 is politically dead. Expect Huge Problem Now.

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posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 02:16 AM
CNN in a written piece are happy to hear that Nord Stream 2 is politically dead. Leaving Germany and Europe with diffuclt choices.
They listened to US admin under Biden to politically kill Nord Stream 2 they gladly volunteered.

The article explains that Russia still can shut off Nord Stream 1 Leaving Millions in Europe in the dark.

Nord Stream 2 is politically dead. Germany and Europe now have big choices to make
The biggest important point of the article.

But it puts Europe in an uncomfortable position — Russia could simply turn off its other gas taps that power most of the continent and leave millions of people in the dark and cold. Natural gas is the fuel that can power water heaters, furnaces, stoves and ovens.

Isn't this what Biden admin/War Mongers had wanted in DC? German political far leftist parties are obsessed with climate change. In which they are even shutting down nuclear power plants.

In Which it is Causing Germany to have energy crisis.

Germany is one of few developed nations that opposes nuclear power and is in the process of shutting down its few reactors. Without it, it has become highly dependent on gas, and will need a radical rethink to speed up energy generation from renewables.

CNN still talking about nonsense in this part.

Considering the environmental concerns around dealing with the radioactive waste that nuclear energy brings, its role in the future energy mix across Europe as a whole has its limitations. A rapid scale-up of renewables — solar, wind and hydropower

hydropower can not replace the energy that nuclear energy can achieve. Its ludicrous for CNN to claim that nuclear energy brings environmental concerns but ignore other environmental problems solar, wind can bring and do to the environment.

Now they are worried how Europe will get its gas?

edit on 23-2-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: vNex92

Can someone put one of those stickers of Biden 'I did that' on the cap at the end of the pipe? Thank you.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: beyondknowledge

Gonna have to be abit more specific when talking about Bidens and pipes...
edit on 23-2-2022 by JinMI because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 02:40 AM
I expect the gas/oil prices in North America to rise because of this in the spring and summer.
edit on 23-2-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: JinMI

We can make a collage of the pictures of all the pipes he had capped off then. And oil wells, gas wells.........

Gonna need more stickers I think.
edit on 2 23 2022 by beyondknowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 03:09 AM
Nothing scares deep state Murica more than the prospect of Russia and the European nations cooperating economically and militarily with each other . The US needs Europe (and the rest of the world) to buy its weapons and overpriced LNG, etc. because else that house of cards that is the US dollar (debt) will inevitably collapse.

Russia obviously grew a pair. Time for the rest of Europe to do the same!

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 03:21 AM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
a reply to: vNex92

Can someone put one of those stickers of Biden 'I did that' on the cap at the end of the pipe? Thank you.

I had to stop and laugh when seeing one of those on the gas pump last week!


But after filling up the tank, I wasn't laughing.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 03:29 AM
And welcome to Utopia!

This is what we call down here "cutting off one's nose to spite one's face." Germany just threw the International equivalent of holding their breath to get what they want, and the rest of Europe seems to be poised to help pay the price. The EU has already contributed $5.5 billion dollars to building this pipeline, matching Russia's investment of $5.5 billion. That's 3.7% of Russia's GDP! And now, Germany has decided that Russia won't make a red cent off their investment, which was for Germany's benefit in the first place!

So, folks, here are the ramifications:

Anyone in the EU, better go buy as many coats and blankets as you can. It's going to get cold. And if there is heat to be had, it's going to cost you more than you ever dreamed of paying. I could not blame Russia right now if they jacked the prices on the existing fuels so high it made Merkel break her neck trying to look up at them. Germany basically just broke a contract with Russia, and Russia has every right to try and recoup those losses.

Not to mention, Russia also has the ability. They have the fossil fuels. They get to set the prices. Germany and the EU gets to either pay them or not. I'm sure the prices were negotiated before construction began, but this just broke that contract.

China is likely jumping up and down for joy. This is a BIG plus for them, because it means Russia will likely now spend more time dealing with China and building pipelines to them than to Europe. It's common sense: given one customer who is willing to buy whatever you have for a fair price, and another who has just screwed you over royally and broke their contract, costing you $5.5 billion, who would you deal with?

China is all about the fuels. More fuels mean more manufacturing capability, which means more "stuff" for Americans to buy and more economic power.

Russia is likely pretty upset. They're all about trying to revive their economy after America drained it dry demonstrating "capitalism" to them. Now Europe just cost them 3.7% of their GDP. That would be like the USA spending $77.66 billion on a project and another country deciding to shut it down before it could get started producing. We would be rattling sabers so hard they would shatter!

Since Biden is involved in this (and threatened to do the same a while back), Russia is also probably ticked off at the USA; they already have good reason to be suspicious of us. That isolation from the West will only serve to strengthen ties to China and Iran/Iraq/Syria. That means the USA, since our infrastructure is crumbling and our present government is more concerned about destroying race relations than fixing roads and bridges, and are literally shutting down domestic pipelines as fast as they can, is also going to see record fuel prices. Maye not as high as Europe, but I wouldn't be shocked to see $10 a gallon gas.

And, of course, that sets the stage for another World War. Countries aligning with a rift between the two factions... that's how those get started. Welcome to Utopia!

Also, I seem to remember a while back, when all the Global Warming nonsense was the rage on here, reports of how wonderful Germany had done with solar power. I said back then that what was being claimed wasn't possible, but I was poo-pooed. Well, well, it seems solar is not going to save Germany as thought! And with the push to dismantle all the nuclear plants... like I said, it's going to get cold!

Maybe Russia can find a silver lining selling to Scandinavia or something. They're pretty close to the Nord Stream 2, and it's already finished and waiting on a customer that isn't throwing a temper tantrum and holding their breath. Might have to break a few bonds with the EU to stay warm, though.


posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 03:30 AM
a reply to: vNex92

Republicans say we should increase domestic production and ship it to Europe to offset any Russia caused deficiencies.

But for some reason, Joe Biden doesn't want to do that. I started a thread yesterday explaining how Joe Biden really dislikes everyone who is breathing. (Except Hunter)

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Republicans say we should increase domestic production and ship it to Europe

Which gas/oil? the LNG? the LNG would be expensive for Europeans. Germany doesn't have facilities for LNG.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 03:51 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: carewemust

Republicans say we should increase domestic production and ship it to Europe

Which gas/oil? the LNG? the LNG would be expensive for Europeans. Germany doesn't have facilities for LNG.

I don't know. Several of them want to help Europe if they need it, along with increase our own independence back to what it was before Biden sabotaged our energy industry.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: carewemust

The Biden admin/Democrats,NeoCons war mongers had achieved one thing only in this crisis they brought Russia even further closer to China.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 05:01 AM
I think all the talk of it being permanently off is premature.

You folks underestimate the flexibility of Germany's elites. When favorable times come once again, that system will go online. Politics.


posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 09:27 AM

Shale gas will come back, but they don't have the investment capital and are a little more lean and mean after they were screwed by Wall Street last go around

As you can see in the US weekly US crude oil production, America is producing almost as much as ever and well start ups are increasing since December

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: beyondknowledge

Shouldn't that be "i didn't do that" or "we did this" according to his former boss nobody can do anything thing without the help of the government or the help of others. So wouldn't that mean all the sorry POS's in DC and the rest of the world that support bi den helped.

edit on 23-2-2022 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

The pipeline closure may be temporary, but the knowledge that Germany just decided unilaterally to shut down an $11 billion investment over a political difference is permanent. One does not undo the consequences of such an action, even if that action is just a temporary bluff.

Germany has seriously damaged their credibility with Russia. That much is a done deal.


posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: vNex92

Republicans say we should increase domestic production and ship it to Europe to offset any Russia caused deficiencies.

But for some reason, Joe Biden doesn't want to do that. I started a thread yesterday explaining how Joe Biden really dislikes everyone who is breathing. (Except Hunter)

He must send gas to us freezing Europeans , cant talk like that and act like we in Europe are his personal meatshield in his vendetta against the Russians and don't send us stuff.
edit on 23-2-2022 by TheGreazel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

The pipeline closure may be temporary, but the knowledge that Germany just decided unilaterally to shut down an $11 billion investment over a political difference is permanent. One does not undo the consequences of such an action, even if that action is just a temporary bluff.

Germany has seriously damaged their credibility with Russia. That much is a done deal.


Not sure about that one. I mean, there is a former German chancellor working for the Russian gas company.

He could be a useful weather vane. If the Russians send him home, your take could well become true.


posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
And welcome to Utopia!

Germany just threw the International equivalent of holding their breath to get what they want, and the rest of Europe seems to be poised to help pay the price. The EU has already contributed $5.5 billion dollars to building this pipeline, matching Russia's investment of $5.5 billion. That's 3.7% of Russia's GDP! And now, Germany has decided that Russia won't make a red cent off their investment, which was for Germany's benefit in the first place!

Correct is that not the EU, but a group of companies from Germany, Austria and France paid 49% of the price, while 51%, which is the share of Gazprom in this company, is paid by the Russian company Gazprom.

Correct is also that Nord Stream 2 (not the spelling, it is not called "North Stream" anymore for many years now) had been disputed for many years. Sweden, Poland and other countries pointed to security risks, for example. In fact, almost none of the EU countries was or is happy with it.
But the real problem came up when 2005, Russia closed temporarily the Ukraine pipeline (Soyuz//Bortherhood - which continues into the EU) because Ukraine allegedly had not paid their bills. NordStream 2 was meant as a replacement for the Ukraine pipeline, so Russia could shut it down (and the EU would get gas anyway) - The Nord Stream has, in this regard, ties to the Russia-Ukraine situation.

What any people also do not know is that Nord Stream 2 is a parallel pipeline with the same capacity as the already existing Nord Stream 1 (which is up and running). Nord Stream 2 will just double the capacity, not enable a new connection line.
Now, during the construction of the pipeline Nord Stream, it was acually the US that intervened and caused the construction ships to be withdrawn (under the thread of sanctions), it was continued and finished later when Russia provided ships and crew to do that.

What some people also do not know is that the former German Bundeskanzler Schröder went, a few weeks after he lost an election, into the Nord Stream project and is representing it since (people say he represents Russian interests there more than German).
Of course Nord Stream is considered highly political in Germany and only to a lesser degree economical.

originally posted by: TheRedneck
Germany basically just broke a contract with Russia, and Russia has every right to try and recoup those losses.

Neither Germany nor Russia are contract partners with Nord Stream, therefore neither one can break the contract with the other. Nord Stream 2 is currently in the process of obtaining 2 grants to run their business. The "stop" is nothing else that policy makers having stopped this process (which can be taken up again at some time in the future ... or never).

originally posted by: TheRedneck
China is likely jumping up and down for joy.

Yes, of course. They do so for many years, not only in this case, but in alle cases where nations fight and disagree with each other in the hope of getting some from China, rather than standing united. :-)

originally posted by: TheRedneck
Russia is likely pretty upset.

Yes, because they have to maintain the ukrainian pipeline now to fulfill contracts. :-)

originally posted by: TheRedneck
Also, I seem to remember a while back, when all the Global Warming nonsense was the rage on here, reports of how wonderful Germany had done with solar power. I said back then that what was being claimed wasn't possible, but I was poo-pooed. Well, well, it seems solar is not going to save Germany as thought! And with the push to dismantle all the nuclear plants... like I said, it's going to get cold!

There is no way for Germany to step back, the whole policy and economy is going this way. And the problem is not so much that it was impossible, but that Germany started too late with the change. The electric energy is now covered by 50% already, only fuel is still at 10% - but this will increase within the next years by a huge amount.

originally posted by: TheRedneck
Maybe Russia can find a silver lining selling to Scandinavia or something.

Like I wrote - they do not want it. :-)

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