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Corona new virus is now killing more people that have had 2 vaxxes here in Japan

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posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: QBSneak000
It is an elite vs the rest. For sure.
There is, or there will be -must be- a depopulation program before it's too late and humanity destroys itself.
Why are they targeting the sheeple? Maybe they don't need too much sheeple. It's like in a business: you need naysayers to grow.
Be assured, many sheeple will remain.
I'm absolutely surprised that ONLY say 10 percent of people refuse the vaccine. I am incredibly surprised of the fact that so many people - without even thinking about it - roll up their sleeves.
In short, the world now has too many sheeple.
Just a thought.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

The best way to Avoid drawing an unlucky card, is to not let yourself or anyone you care about, be injected with these experimental vaccines.

may i ask is anyone in your family vaccinated?

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: puzzled2

Yes, of course that also played a huge role in it. But it still doesn't change the fact that the Gates foundation found that since they started funding more vaccine programs in Africa population growth started to slow down. Not because people were dying, but because people were not dying.

It's your choice to either see the data as it is, or you can keep making up excuses about African's and Bill Gates with dumb assumptions like others have replied to me in this thread, why? I probably know why, but meh, shrug it off, it's the internet.

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 04:53 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: incoserv

Bill gates didn't day these vaccines would reduce the world population. When he mentions that vaccines would reduce population he was referring to his programs in Africa, where parents would stop having like 10 kids because vaccines would make children live long enough to build up immunity to other diseases, thus making the incentive to have more kids go down.

And you actually accept that explanation, coming from Bill Gates, master of eugenics, at face value?
A "person" who's "vaccines" have been killing (especially African) people by the hundres of thousands, if not millions?

Now that's what I call ignorant..

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: Rolicia

Got any proof of this claim?

What vaccines specifically?

Listen, I'm not a huge fan of Gates either, but I know how utterly put of touch and extremely biased ATS is towards the guy. I don't take anything anyone says on here about him in a serious manner. You've all done it to yourself. So pony up the data and proof.

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: strongfp

This information is incredibly easy to find so i won't provide you with links..
Ill give you a hint though..

Orally administered polio vaccine
Vaccine induced polio

You can go down the rabbit hole from there.. the "bias" against gates is for good reason.

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: strongfp

Sorry you lost me on the ramble about gates africa and lack of children.

The only time the birth rate goes down is when someone stops a woman from getting pregnant.

Either chemically, financially or straight up respect for the woman's own option.

Bill Gates is tied into the first 2 directly for profit the women have their own reasons.

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: Rolicia

His foundation basically eradicated the wild variation of Polio. They kept up with the oral vaccine to ensure it was gone and it started a new weaker variation which happened in the US as well in the 50's. The whole thousands of children dying in India also isn't true.

The whole bias against Gates is because most people who fall for general conspiracy theories are also heavily anti vaccine or are stubborn and go over board with the whole body autonomy arguments, and will spread or latch onto anything related to such.

a reply to: puzzled2

The only time the birth rate goes down is when someone stops a woman from getting pregnant.

What? Is this a joke?

Are you seriously suggesting that all women are forced to either have or not have kids?

Post some hard proof Bill Gates is doing this stuff. The burden of proof is on you.
edit on 25-2-2022 by strongfp because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: musicismagic

From early January 2022, the Omicron strain began to spread significantly in Japan.

It peaked in the week of 7 February, with 631,837 new cases that week. And now, after the incubation period, deaths are rising. None of this is outside the limits of what epidemiologists have been warning about for two months.

At the same time as this was happening, anti-vaxxers and the ivermectin snake-oil salesmen were baselessly claiming that the previous month's low numbers were due to ivermectin (which was not selling in increased numbers in Japan, and nor was it even approved by their health authorities for COVID-19), and this was being promoted heavily via social media and other online misinformation. It is obvious now, it was lies.

Japan, as I write this, is lagging in vaccination coverage with only 79.14% of its population fully vaccinated. That is not good enough against Delta, and way too low to be effective against Omicron's higher R0.

Don't blame the vaccines, blame the virus itself, the vaccine hesitant, the COVID-19 deniers, and the online liars that stop people from doing what is necessary.


posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: QBSneak000
Ok, I'm just going to throw this out there.

So you believe the virus and the vaccines were created by TPTB to commit mass depopulation. That the vaccine will kill masses of people. But this doesn't make sense. Wouldn't it be more logical that TPTB would want to get rid of those who think for themselves. Those who question their authority? Those who refuse to get vaccinated? etc etc.

Wouldn't it make more sense for them to use the vaccine to protect the ones who will follow like sheep/not question them? I mean, if its an elite vs the rest, they will still need slave labour and others to do their bidding so killing off those who follow orders wouldn't be in their best interest. They would count on the ones they know would cause problems and stand up to them to hold on to the belief that vaccines will kill them. That way once it gets bad, and most of those not vaccinated die off, there's no one to fight against their rule.

Maybe I'm not able to articulate my point in a clear matter but you get the gist of what I'm getting at.

anyways, just a thought.

Your point isn’t lost on me.

I’ve thought about this question a fair bit. Major corporations mandated all leadership get vaxed (which is why I got my first jabs) but the mandates are going by the wayside now. But, to your point, why would you want to eliminate your leadership broadly? You need those productive, tax paying members of society.

We now know:

- masks do effectively nothing.
- lockdowns did effectively nothing and likely had a net negative impact on society
- hospitals are NOT overwhelmed (remember The Mercy? Treated effectively no one…)
- vaccines don’t stop people from getting sick or spreading the disease.
- the vaccinated spread the disease more than the unvaccinated (at minimum due to behavior).
- social distancing doesn’t do anything, either.

From my personal experience developing Auto-Immune issues from the vax, I suspect the “reality” of the vax and COVID itself is far different than what’s advertised.

From my research, doctor’s visits, etc. it appears to me that the real issue with COVID is that it sends them body into disease fighting overdrive and creates a ton of inflammation. What I mean by that is, your body begins to fight all infections simultaneously - which it can’t do - and thus people succumb to what truly is (at least early on) a nasty chest infection because they’re fighting a multiple front war.

Simultaneously, COVID lights your inflammatory markers on fire. If you’re over 65, you already have more inflation in your body than the younger populations. So, the effects of the vax are reduced due to preexisting inflammation (I.e. my folks are ~70, double jabbed and had no issues. My friends wife who is 35 and fit as a fiddle/eats healthy/etc was WRECKED by the vax). The higher fatality rate in the elderly is because the elderly typically have more underlying conditions and inflammation. So, pre-existing conditions + inflammation + weaker immune system (due to age or condition) + nasty lung infection + lack of bodily resources to fight this all at once = fatality.

Problem is, it remains in the body for a long time and unless you get your inflammatory markers under control quickly you’ll get worse. This kind of explains why jabbed soccer players are having their hearts explode. It’s a muscle that’s straining and the body is already inflamed - can’t take it.

How do you help your body cope? I’ve found vitamin D, grape seed extract, alpha lopoic acid, sunshine/fresh air, reducing exposure to magnetic fields in my house and fasting solve the problem. Fasting being the most beneficial - you not only lose weight and gain energy but your body can target that energy towards repair and not processing food. I fast 16-20 hours daily now (did you notice how all of “rich and powerful” dropped a ton of weight during COVID?).

TLDR: What we were told COVID is and what the real concern is are two very different things - and that’s why they’re pushing the jabs.

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: chr0naut

Yep like jabbing 50 times because is good for them, then dying from jabbing because the jab does not work?

That is what you mean? Oh, forgot, still getting covid, darn life sucks.

Nowhere in the world has anyone even been able to have more than 4 shots of COVID-19 vaccines. Chances are, the virus will begin to burn itself out as a pandemic level pathogen in the next two years. Fifty shots is ridiculous overstatement.

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: chr0naut

Preponderance is Batch related.

Manifestation is staggered, depending on one's Health at the time of injections.

The best way to Avoid drawing an unlucky card, is to not let yourself or anyone you care about, be injected with these experimental vaccines.

I think that is a mix of statistical variance, regional disease rates, and people taking the worst case scenario and amplifying it in their minds. Bad and deadly batches would affect large numbers of people - double digit percentages.

edit on 27/2/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
I been reading about the Israel with 4 jabs and now Japan, is not a new virus killing people, is the darn jabs the ones killing the people, the more jabs the worst is becoming.

Big pharma is now getting ready to roll their 4th jab in the US, wait as numbers of dead starts to increase again, will be blamed on another variant.

Is all a lie, the criminals are getting away with killing people.

In both Israel and Japan where a 4th shot has been approved, not enough people have even had two shots to make a dent in earlier, and less infectious strains. Approval of the availability of extra shots doesnt mean everybody has suddenly had them.

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: Rolicia

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: incoserv

Bill gates didn't day these vaccines would reduce the world population. When he mentions that vaccines would reduce population he was referring to his programs in Africa, where parents would stop having like 10 kids because vaccines would make children live long enough to build up immunity to other diseases, thus making the incentive to have more kids go down.

And you actually accept that explanation, coming from Bill Gates, master of eugenics, at face value?
A "person" who's "vaccines" have been killing (especially African) people by the hundres of thousands, if not millions?

Now that's what I call ignorant..

Gates is an investor that has the public eye because of his founding of Microsoft. He isnt the biggest investor in medicine, nor is he medically or scientifically qualified.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Donations to his own foundations whose objectives are eugenics disguised as charity, aren't investments. There's no ROI, the sole benefit for him is further the depopulation agenda.

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