posted on Feb, 19 2022 @ 07:28 AM
Last summer, things took a frightening turn when a man her family described as an obsessive stalker showed up at their Florida home with a gun.
"Someone had tried to breach the door with what I assumed was a shotgun," Ava’s dad, Rob Majury, told TODAY's Gabe Gutierrez.
The family says the alleged gunman was 18-year-old Eric Justin, who they said had been sending Ava hundreds of messages on her social media
Link below
So there was a shooting here in Florida last summer. A former cop shot and killed an 18 year old 'stalker' who came to his house to see his 15 year
old daughter, stalker had a gun and shot first. So in Florida the father had every right to shoot him BUT here is the thing.. The PARENTS ALLOWED
their 15 year old daughter to SELL this guy SELFIES. SHE IS 15!!!!! WHAT is wrong with her parents?! I dont know a single parent of a teenage daughter
that would allow such a thing. So, if you ask me the PARENTS invited this crap into their home by allowing their underage daughter to act like she is
some grown adult on TikTok. Some of the pictures of her are highly inappropriate for a child! I would NEVER let my kid dress that way let alone post
it on the internet for PERVING EYES!
I can't stand TikTok and I dont think teens belong on social media... This is one example why!
Her parents allow her to have a TikTok and sell pics. Um are they pimping her out already? Is her idol a Kardashian? Do they not want her to get an
actual education and learn something or is being extremely vain and shallow while doing nothing of skill on the internet the thing teens strive for
I am highly against social media for teens and kids. It is not healthy for them AT ALL! Also lets face it 99% of parents do NOT monitor their kids
internet history or social media. I have this struggle daily because my 8 year old comes home from he YMCA asking me very inappropriate things because
the older kids (4/5ht graders) have cell phones and are showing him things he should not be looking at and neither should the other kids. It is a huge
fight and nobody does a thing when I complain. Phones do NOT belong in school, period.
Social medial is a plague on teens and their mental health. I also can't stand the term 'star' when referring to these kids on social media. They
are not stars. Give me a break.
TIkTOk Star...
Another article
TikTok Star Ava Majury sold $300...
Ava's parents allowed her to sell selfies of only her face to Justin, who paid $300 on Venmo before reportedly asking for explicit photos of her
The request prompted Rob to intervene and text Justin to request that he stop reaching out to Ava, who blocked him on all accounts.
He intervened only then? How dumb is her father? He must have been a terrible cop. He should have KNOWN what that 18 year old wanted. He is so stupid.
I can't believe this one bit of the incident isn't mentioned in most articles. The fact they LET her sell pics to pervs online is what brought this
to their home!
I think TikTok is a terrible platform and kids do not belong on it. Not one bit.