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FDA Executive Officer Exposes Close Ties to Big Pharma - Part 2

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posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 12:38 PM
If Part 1 didn't convince you that the FDA is completely captured by big pharma, then part 2 no doubt will. In this video, our unsuspecting hero, Christopher Cole reveals that congress has approved user fees that lets the FDA charge millions of dollars to hire more drug reviewers, which speeds up the approval process, so they make more money. In other revelations he admits that any "extra" money the FDA gets in is spent on "whatever you can, whether it's right or wrong." I see no corruption or conflict or interest here.

Cole admits that you don't want to be the person to question it or rock the boat, or you will lose your job. Since the videos have been released the FDA released an "official statement" that more or less says that Mr. Cole does not represent the views of the FDA. Of course he doesn't...

edit on 18-2-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

That dude has some seriously loose lips LOL.
Proves beyond a doubt who is running the FDA and it ain't us!

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

That dude has some seriously loose lips LOL.
Proves beyond a doubt who is running the FDA and it ain't us!

I'm sure they all can't wait to tell someone they trust what's going on.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 07:00 PM
Thank you v1rtu0s0 for staying on top of the situation!
We need to be ever so thankful for these people that feel a need to talk!


posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 08:47 PM
Hey im new here on this account but longtime lurker. But i will watch the video.

My big concern is yes lies will be exposed. Yes, people will be unmasked as donors and advocates but aside from that whats really gonna happen? It will end up on what people call fringe media or outright dismissed as "conspiracy theories". (Someday however that term we need to take back) Nobody is ever going to drag HRC into court. Nobody is going to drag ASP M.D. into court. They will drag DJT and his family into court however. They will freeze bank accounts of peaceful protesters. So what do we do?

Sure some advocate for change, however change is a long drawn out process. Just remember this is a process. So it starts as a grassroots movement of electing the right person to the right position of government. This is something we have to address think about your council members, your local representatives, your local police chief.

Thankfully those truckers in canada said " no mas", # we should have done this years ago. People who were followed this protest prepared for this supported it and were punished. Personally i think your naive to say it wont affect you. This is a directed attack against what matters most to those in power, their pocketbook.

However if you choose this option, it apparently lead to criminal prosecution. If you choose to stand up at a PTA meeting to advocate your voice, you can be listed as a domestic terrorist. If you look at the scientific data or expertly examined papers from 4 months ago and speak your mind about it, your labeled as a nazi.

We as a collective of "fringe news" or "conspiracy theorists" have time and again released news, knowledge, and data. And do you know what the majority of that reflects? That once upon a time checking your sources and verification of data made sense. Not up botes and downvotes or and retweets. However thats what rules the world.

So i ask you again what do we do?

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