posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to:
Silcone Synapse
Guess that means London is in danger of getting pregnant now.
Alright stupid joke and a rude one for the 'other' new Babylon that London is.
But it goes to show you then just don't make them like they used too.
That or very poor maintenance is responsible and a large domed roof is like an aerofoil meaning likely there us suction upwards caused by the wind
passing over it, material degradation, large area and difficult and costly maintenance and in fact I am not even sure it was meant to be standing this
long as it was really just an expo or world's fair type building built for the millennium celebrations and likely they thought that afterwards the
real estate would be redeveloped creating more temporary building jobs and new venues and business property's as well as possibly home's.
A white elephant by all account's, when they build thing's like this they are like black holes were money disappears under the table and into back
Worse though when you walk past old buildings that are in a poor state or repair and need re-roofing in high winds only to have slate tiles blown
from the roof's just miss you or damage your car because some idiot has build a car park for a supermarket next to such old buildings.
edit on 18-2-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)