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Project Veritas: FDA Exec Christopher Cole Says Annual COVID Shot Required

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posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

Absolutely disagree!! Strenuously!

The unvaccinated are viewed as a THREAT to their whole scheme. The unvaccinated are a huge RISK. The unvaccinated are the...ENEMY!!

There's a big difference between 'unwanted' and 'ENEMY'. Unwanted will be ignored and forgotten about. The ENEMY will be actively hunted down like animals and slaughtered by any means necessary! Big difference. The unvaccinated must be exterminated! They cannot be allowed to survive, because if they do their mere existence will expose the greatest homicidal pyramid scheme ever perpetuated in the history of mankind.

This thread is about some alleged FDA exec letting the cat out of the bag on vaccinations. Okay. But let's not forget why the "vaccine" was created in the first place! Seriously. The "vaccine" was created to protect against an engineered bioweapon which was (almost certainly) intentionally released on the general WORLD population!

As fate would have it, the virus turned out to not be as serious / deadly as was originally envisioned by virologists. That's the 'good news'. However, the bad news is far worse. The 'bad news' is...

a.) The "vaccine" was under development long before covid was released from a bioweapons lab in China. In other words, the makers of the "vaccine" knew ahead of time that the virus was going to be released! This demonstrates intent.

b.) The "vaccine" was never intended to be a "vaccine" to begin with. It was being developed as an "antidote", an antidote to a bioweapon, but the development of the antidote was not complete when the virus was released. Therefore, the incomplete antidote was handed off to the pharmaceutical companies who packaged it as a "vaccine", but it only addressed the initial strain of the virus. The 'antidote' was going to address both the virus and all of its mutations.

The bottom line is this...the extortion by the pharmaceutical companies is just a single drop of evil into the bucket. The evil perpetuated on the human race by those who created the virus is a TIDAL WAVE of evil so great it could exterminate and drown the entire human race on planet Earth!

Think about this for a moment.

We’re on the same page. Thanks for being far more eloquent with your verbiage.

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 04:32 PM

FDA Exec Christopher Cole Says Annual COVID Shot Required

To Chris , I will get the shot when you get a brain , Scarecrow .

posted on Feb, 16 2022 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: BrokenCircles
How freaking long is it going to take for them to realize that we don't need this vaccine, I mean, we figured it out. How come they haven't?

How could they possibly justify the need for a mandatory shot for everyone..

My guess? People will begin to suffer horribly from a depleted immune system and discover that they will need to continue the shots just to maintain some illusion of an immune system against pretty much any disease a normal, healthy, un GMO-ed immune system traditionally protects the human body from.

Personally, as someone who has remained steadfast in refusing these shots, I am far more concerned about what the next iteration of COVID will entail to justify the establishment again trying to mandate shots for those of us who continue to hold out.

I have a feeling that the unvaccinated are viewed as the unwanted control group.

Without healthy unvaccinated around to point at and put two and two together they can be convinced it’s climate change.

The ultimate irony is that the elites, politicians, pharma execs are unvaxxt. They are part of the unwanted control group.

They got to fake the jab and then even fake the Coof when they need a break to hide from the mob like Trudy did.

She even had the media to support her in both instances.

The unwashed vaccinated aren’t allowed in that club.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

That is what scares me the most. I am not vaccinated with Covid, neither is my husband or kids, older and younger. When they do push this annual vaccine,I think it game over for a lot of people. When they say the u vaccinated cannot participate in society, I wonder how many will crack and get vaccinated?? I won't get it because I don't think it's necessary, I don't think Covid is real anymore, I just don't see it. I think exposing the fact that it's all for money, makes it even like this isn't real. Thescary thing is, are we all going to camps over a stupid non vaccine??

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit
All correct, but I need only one to refuse the jab:
Mrna long term effects are unknown (to us)
I really consider the depopulation agenda.
Multiple choice:
1) do you think there are too many people on earth? Yes/No
2) do you think there could be too many people on earth ? Y/N
- in 10 years? Y/N
- in 50 tears? Y/N
- in 100 years? Y/N
If you answered one time yes, go to question 3
If you anwered always No: take your pills.
3) do you think the covid jab could be on the depopulation agenda? Open question. Here you can write freely what you think of it.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: zandra
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit
All correct, but I need only one to refuse the jab:
Mrna long term effects are unknown (to us)
I really consider the depopulation agenda.
Multiple choice:
1) do you think there are too many people on earth? Yes/No
2) do you think there could be too many people on earth ? Y/N
- in 10 years? Y/N
- in 50 tears? Y/N
- in 100 years? Y/N
If you answered one time yes, go to question 3
If you anwered always No: take your pills.
3) do you think the covid jab could be on the depopulation agenda? Open question. Here you can write freely what you think of it.

I think profit drives everything, depopulation is just collateral damage the elites welcome up until there aren't enough peasants and they actually have to pick up a plow or shovel. The Bill Gates quote that you can't get population control without vaccination is a real thing. People trust doctors and is far cheaper than say, getting everyone flying cars and letting 20% die in crashes. Too visible. Better to push sh*tty shots where symptoms are vague and plausible deniability maintained.

Having said that, every time you see or hear about carbon capture, we're all made of carbon. Plants need co2 to live and grow. Trees capture carbon for free with no work and no technology needed. The elites don't believe there are too many people, they believe there are too many poor people they can't profit from. That's always been the root of eugenics and racism.

posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 02:58 PM
These guys can get #ed

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I'm going to coin the term before someone famous does it first.


This is proof that our government is fascist, but do their very best to hide it.
There is no difference between our system and the Oligarchs of Russia. Ours are just richer and better resourced.

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