It was your stereotypical Hollywood version of a military briefing.
"Attention", commanded a stern voice from the from of the room, "This is Hypership Lorentz - Omicron Variant. It is a United States
built star cruiser capable of 99.9998 percent the speed of light. It uses projected mass propulsion. For the last 45 years our R and D has developed
artificial mass projection.. Through a concentrated laser beam mass will be created in front of the craft to pull it exponentially towards the speed
of light.
"Your mission is a 100 year one. You have been asked to leave your lives behind and never return to the world you know. You will be put into a
medically induced artificial coma and fed intravenously. You will be kept in such stasis for the required 62 days.
"You will be using the effects of time dilation. To a stationary observer your 100 year journey appears to take 57208 years. Hence in 100 years
on earth going nearly the speed of light will only age you 62 days.
"Your mission is to travel to and make contact with the your Space Force counterparts in 100 years. As of now you are scheduled to never return.
Once you ascend to your operational orbit the autoprogram will engage and you will go to sleep. We have no clue what you will awaken to and may luck
be with you. God speed."
The ship commander awoke to the sound of his own digital heartbeat. It took him a few seconds to realize what was happening. He wasn't expecting
to regain his cognition so quickly. As trained he got a the radio to contact earth and initiate the remaining pods to "wake up" protocol. As
he took the captain seat he noticed out the windscreen they were being flanked by another more massive ship.
As soon as he put on the headset he heard, "This is The New Calizonevado Starship Equality, please Identify yourself."
The commander was confused. Drawing on training he replied "Command, This is Colonel Peter Thompson, US Space Force Hypership Lorentz, come
There was a long pause. "Please ready your crew and wait for instructions. That is all."
At this point other crewmembers were coming to and becoming aware of the situation. Like the commander, all came to relatively quickly and put on the
game face.
The silence broke again. "The following are geographic coordinates for your landing location. Take her any act that deviates from this direction
will be considered an act of hostility. Please proceed as directed. ".
As the Navigator put in the coordinates to the reentry program she recognized them. " This is Edwards", she said. "We are landing like
the old space shuttle at Edwards."
And that's where the similarity to their world ended.
Upon arrival in the high desert the second officer noticed the flag on the hanger first. "Holy $#%@, what $#$%in' flag is
that?" He pointed out that the paint on the roof of one hanger was what looked like a combination of multiple state flags. Part
California, part Arizona, part; Neveda, New Mexico, and Colorado. The vehicles on the tarmac had the appearance of future as well. A black budhet from
hell. Some of them with the strange flag insignia and others distinctly Chinese.
As the craft pulled into the directed hanger the tone changed to confrontation. As they exist their craft soldiers held guard as a figure in a hazmat
suit walked up to them, "Ni Hao, will you please follow us?"
"What's going on, why are we not being told anything?", said one Technician.
"Will you please follow Us?" Repeated the authoritative figure in the Hazmat suit.
They were brought silently into briefing room and asked to take a seat. A somewhat mystifying full circle journey. Briefing room to briefing room.
"Good day. At 1340 Zulu an unidentified ship appeared in high earth orbit. It seemed to decelerate out of nowhere and fall into stable
orbit. After 6 hours of trying to hail the ships occupants by broadwave radio we sent a patrol ship to investigate. You are the ship we investigated.
At this point you will be put into confinement and quarantine. You are now POW's of New Calizonevado. That is all we will say for now."
A dark pit of the stomach feeling came over everyone. At this point the Colonel noticed a map on the wall which he stared at bewildered until being
forced towards his unfortunate internment.
Even more disconcerting was the slogan emblazoned on the wall next to other propaganda posters.
One people, One Voice. One New Calizonevado.
The awful dystopia he came back to crystallized at that point. "Why couldn't one of the
other new counties ships have found us?"
The END.
edit on 13-2-2022 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)