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Racism is a goverment status

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posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 10:35 PM
Since my great ancesters came from Europe does that make me Europian American? People say they are Asian American or African American because their ancesters came from those continents but it seems racist to not allow whites to be called Europian Americans or Russians Asian Americans. If you were born in America your American lol. I see so many people call themselves other things to try to start race wars & put themselves on a pedastool but we are all Americans in America if you were born here. Job applications & trying to set youself up on a goverment server is the most racist thing in the world, they seclude every other race besides whites by their ancestors homeland. I think the goverment status of how they describe races needs a major reboot because they are really racist & are the main reason behind the only reason we still even have this conversation.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: PhantomAntics

I'm really surprised by how all of this racial stuff has really blown up in the past several years. Maybe I didn't have a clear view of what was really going on. I'm white, but until 10 years ago, I can honestly say that I didn't come from a place where that gave me any privilege. And my current privilege stems from wealth rather than race.

I grew up as a military dependent and moved around quite a bit, but I always lived on base. There were people of every race imaginable in my neighborhood and my school, and we all more or less got along. My father's friends (co-workers) were of every race imaginable. The cops messed with me just about as much as they did anyone else.

Then I had my own stint in the military. At my first duty assignment, my squadron commander, first sergeant, shop supervisor, and shift supervisor were all African-American. I worked with people of every race, and we didn't have all that many racial problems. There was the occasional white dude who didn't like being told what to do by black people, but it was rare in my experience.

It's been the same for me in my career as a researcher and medical professional. I've worked with and have had superiors of every race imaginable. 

My life experiences gave me the impression that anyone who wanted to succeed could. All of this racism and white privilege really came out of nowhere for me.

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 12:48 AM
I now claim my race as “unknown.” I do not identify as white or any other race because I do not accept culpability for any group’s historical crimes.

I have at least one grandparent who was illegitimate, in the sense of having an unknown male parent.

I have explained to authority figures that I will sue if they assigned me an incorrect race. And since the paternity of my ancestors as unknown, any specific racial designation is assigning me a race without my permission; on the advice of legal counsel, I will actively pursue attempt to miscategorise myself or my children as of an incorrect race.

Every genetic marker from my blood type to my haplogroups fit multiple races and cannot be used to designate race; since race is a political, rather than a biological, concept. Attempting to assign me a race is an inherently political act, And a form of oppression for which I will sue

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 01:26 AM
Well, as we all came out of Africa at the beginning of time, I guess we are all African (add your country here).

This racial-heritage badging is just a tool to segregate people into groups and is regressive. It's a trend that has started to happen in the UK and is thoroughly distasteful. It creates divisiveness and draws attention to division lines where none should exist, or had existed. Ultimately, these divisions are used to pigeonhole and stereotype of political ends.

UK example. "African British" is a stupid badge. Africa is a big place full of myriad nations, cultures and skin tones. People who trace their heritage back to Nigeria or Ghana are successful, more integrated and more likely to achieve, while people from, or trace heritage from, places like the Caribbean, Yemen, Somalia or the DR of Congo tend to underachieve. The difference is that one group of Africans have cultural advantages and ethics that put them at an advantage. Lesson - you should not lump Somalis with Nigerians and treat them as the same thing - just because they have a darker shade of pink for their skin colour - they have unique cultural attributes.

The same applies for different parts of Europe. A Romanian is different from a Dane etc...

My point (sorry to labour it) is that placing people into buckets is mostly unhelpful, unless you are a politician and want to create a point.

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: PhantomAntics

You should start referring to yourself as 'American-American'

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: PhantomAntics

In fact you're all Human and there's nothing more to it. We're all Humans and we share a planet called earth. It doesn't matter what shade your skin is or where you're born or live. We're all as much different as we are the same.

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 03:51 AM
American news: black man committed murder against white boy. When arrested called the police names using racial slurs.
White man committed murder against a black boy.when arrested called the police names using racial slurs.

Australian news: Man murdered a young 14 yr old boy. When arrested, was verbally abusive towards the police officer.

Which country is more likely to have racism in their culture compared to the other? Which one creates a larger divide in society?

To care how much melanin one person has in their skin compared to another is racism. Telling the news like that and caring about it and reporting about it, is ridiculous. How shallow. It helps create and keep that divide.

Treat people as individuals. Not by the colour of their skin, or their culture, or a group of people, or their beliefs. But by the content of their character.

edit on 13-2-2022 by DaRAGE because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-2-2022 by DaRAGE because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-2-2022 by DaRAGE because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: PhantomAntics

Don't ask the Chinese... they are what I was told here in Australia, as ABC..

Australian Born Chinese.

No national ties to this land, all about the place they call home.

And that, dear people, is multiculturalism..... Bleh.

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: tamusan

30-40 years ago, I said it.

It's now come to fruition.

No one to blame but the apathetic lazy crowd who just sat back and expected the best...

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: Daalder

Fact is, we don't share it.

We take. Always have. And unless you are prepared to protect your little slice if this planet, you will be ousted.

And forgotten, lest history books tell stories of you.

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 05:36 AM
Earth is earth, water is water, fire is fire, air is air. Combinations of those things make the life here there and everywhere... disgruntled with the amount of those combinations reaps a reward of more disgruntlement.

Such disgruntlement is often used as an excuse and named any various names like a new disease for others to latch onto as if it is a mothers lactating nipple... there's nothing to feed on with words.

If one watches a skilled person just by watching and no speaking no explaining etc. they over the time of simply watching can learn the same skill.

So how speech?

Speech would divide the person from their labor and distract from what they are accomplishing just to make more noises than the work being accomplished. Over time such a "practice" of opening one's mouth and trying to explain one's work has become a cacophony of impracticality and a waste of resources, time, and effort.

Sleeping, eating and the removal of waste and protecting oneself from the elements one cannot control like water from the sky, winds from all directions, fire from lightning, and earth that may fall from higher or sink from air being trapped in the lower. People lived in caves because it was already settled as in "caved" in.

The silly thing is; is when discriminating other life forms as better than any other is when sickness really starts to occur like this life form I am not as a professor of stupid I am an expert and leave all these empty nonsense words on it... and see who "bites" in some peoples reason of uch a ration it is no different as a prayer or an excuse... well, they differentiated instead of let it remain whole and as it was.

Undoing that is what people expect not being the cause of that; why should any others be held responsible or put into bondage for that?

Words in and of themselves do not exist... saying some words is like spraying venom or poison and that is why such people do it... I don't want this type of whatever in my cave so I'm going to spray poison all ver it to keep it and those that like them out. That's the thought held and the teaching and of course it is not really fit to eat or live in such a manner, and remain at any sort of peace for long.

Craving and desire is a slower poison to those that want to break that peace like yeah see I look this way smell this way and talk this way but when not around that camp I'm secretly in "love" with what you all dont like or want.

All of the above is the current underlying narrative that has existed since the head by the way of ears became a bowl of feces from the mouths of others.

People attached to the "form" of another the idea or concept of some "status" of another is pittible as that was hammered in as a "lack" that supposedly has to be "fulfilled" by that other, that "role" is the mother no one can ever take that role and no one should ever play that role, the same as father... "father" for most of all life is not important as their "seed" is all over the place the female one egg out one replaces it and carries them all along... and one seed one egg is all it takes...

Attached to that sensation is unwise as it is limiting... curiosity and questions is what destroys one's unique paradise.

Like the religious think the words "god" "devil" etc have power so they spread them all over their walls and yell them outside of the cave, the same way with ANY other nonsense.

The allegory that Plato gave was just such a lesson; to those that wanted the lesson... after there were no more students? Plato when back to being no one known as "Plato" Jung called such understandings "Arch types" as in once one understands ____ there is no need to understand ____ being on the same level as ____ so then both can simply leave each other in respect and go back about their business without disturbance.

There are many____ lessons NOT worth the time and or effort; and ignorance settles the score on that in the blink of an eye. Armies are formed in and out of those caves... and not content with the heavens and hells they've created in those two caves want to keep dragging anything and everyone back and forth between them.

Everything on the human body below the "navel" is a sewer; Saying such a thing is my "gift" to Plato.

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 06:58 AM
i was wondering about what happened tp all the WASPS? remember them?

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: Daalder
a reply to: PhantomAntics

In fact you're all Human and there's nothing more to it. We're all Humans and we share a planet called earth. It doesn't matter what shade your skin is or where you're born or live. We're all as much different as we are the same.

This is always what the cultural destroyers say.
This argument is the sort of rubbish those invading foreign lands with a view to take over always use.
Some religions,cultures and ethnicities are not compatible with each other regardless of being human.
Just look to London,a foreign country within the UK.
Crime ridden,drug infested and in the last 30 years changed beyond recognition due to African and Asian immigration.Get here then you have the right to bring your family including cousins(also known as husband's or wife's) to the average of 10 family members.
The cultural enrichers have brought their habits with them,be it drug habits,sexual habits including rape of children and the habit of stabbing each other to death.
But now they are here they call themselves British or worse still English,you know Anglesh- Angle like,like the Angles.
All great for doing away with the nation state to achieve a nice one world government.

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 10:45 AM
CRT is alot like playing an MMO or RPG, you wouldn't pick an Orc to be a mage or priest, and Elf to be an
argo tank.

Plus no body would play with you an you will be out casted worse then that of a Noob, but a Nub. The shame that will be on you by players that have bed pans for non medical reasons
edit on 13-2-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: sarahvital

Some of them "sting" a flower on a tree the tree reacts and sends a cell that cell forms a fruit that looks like the guilty ass of the one that stung it AKA "The Wasp."

Snakes may have a "forked" tongue but on;y omnivore and herbivore teeth are required to eat the fruit once fallen... if the teeth have fallen out then the patience for it to over ripen... Whether the elderly or babies fight in toothless chagrin with each other over who eats first? Is none of my business.

Birds have a fickle "heart"... There was one masturbating in a tree using one of it's branches to scratch "the itch" outside of my dwelling this morning that sounded like a baby monkey. Whether it was to communicate to snakes burrowed and balled up together deep in the ground like pornoghraphy at the trees root? I cannot say.

A snake asks birds to keep whispering quieter and quieter as ANY thing that can fit in their mouth is a BIRD.

Snake and Bird are best thought of as two caves; like a caterpillar and a pupa... in allegory.

But the wasps are happy to sting a tree into different "fruits" if an ignorant fool doesn't place a "name" on it. I used to gather fruit when I was younger and none of the wasps or hornets ever bothered me as they were eating/drinking on the fallen fruits of whatever wasp family lost it's ass to bear seed too it.

Along came a "spider" it is sort of the same as wasp but it's sting produces something else as far as "tree" is concerned.

Arthropods are just animated or living trees and their seeds in my opinion.

It's a worthwhile study; but it's not really something other than direct knowledge should experience... so consider the above a "primer" and paint me out of it.

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 02:08 PM
It sounds like you are using the word “culture” in an effort to justify your own ignorance. It’s a melting pot, move past your cultural bias.

originally posted by: glen200376

originally posted by: Daalder
a reply to: PhantomAntics

In fact you're all Human and there's nothing more to it. We're all Humans and we share a planet called earth. It doesn't matter what shade your skin is or where you're born or live. We're all as much different as we are the same.

This is always what the cultural destroyers say.
This argument is the sort of rubbish those invading foreign lands with a view to take over always use.
Some religions,cultures and ethnicities are not compatible with each other regardless of being human.
Just look to London,a foreign country within the UK.
Crime ridden,drug infested and in the last 30 years changed beyond recognition due to African and Asian immigration.Get here then you have the right to bring your family including cousins(also known as husband's or wife's) to the average of 10 family members.
The cultural enrichers have brought their habits with them,be it drug habits,sexual habits including rape of children and the habit of stabbing each other to death.
But now they are here they call themselves British or worse still English,you know Anglesh- Angle like,like the Angles.
All great for doing away with the nation state to achieve a nice one world government.

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