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5 Phoenix police officers shot as active barricade situation ongoing

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posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 08:11 AM

Five Phoenix police officers have been shot Friday during a barricade situation inside a house in the Arizona city, which is still ongoing, according to investigators.

Phoenix Police Chief Jeri Williams said the officers were responding to a shooting at a home near 51st Avenue and Lower Buckeye Road. When one officer approached to help, the suspect opened fire, striking him multiple times, Williams said.

Then when a baby in the home was placed in a carrier outside, more officers were targeted, police say.

"As officers went to bring that baby to safety, the suspect continued to shoot, firing and striking four other officers," Williams said. "At that time our officers returned fire. The suspect then barricaded himself in the home and right now our special assignment unit is taking the lead on this scene."

Special Assignment Unit.
Huh, that's a funny way to say Social Worker.

Where's all the folks who were saying Social Workers should handle these situation ? I mean, why send the cops at all. There was a report of a shooting, so weren't they supposed to send one of them to check it out and solve it ? Talk the person down, get them to surrender their weapon and then give them milk and cookies, maybe even a hug ?
Jail time ? Psshht.
They just need a little love and understanding.

Are there any current or former Social Workers here and if so, I have a question....

Would YOU walk into that ?

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 08:17 AM
OMG so sad.

Phoenix is the devils playground, you have to be one brave warrior to want to be a police officer there!

Land of tweakers, heads found in dumpsters on the daily!

Sick to my stomach reading this. Perhaps we can find a use for robots after all!

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

And now the questions of why the name of the perp hasn't been released.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 08:31 AM
Back off and call in an airstrike.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Are there any current or former Social Workers here and if so, I have a question....

Would YOU walk into that ?

I'm not a social worker, but I have a friend who is. I can tell you she would not walk into that situation, and would tell her boss to frack off if told to do so.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: DAVID64
This is mental, they use their (OR ANY) baby as shield and to lure in officers to then shoot at them, did I understand that correct?

About your question: No way of course, this is something for police / SWAT.

Social workers however, not everyone is like that and at least here, the target audience is juveniles and very young adults on the street. Not everyone of those goes down the "lovely love u" route. It works best I heard when the people respect you and for criminals that means you need a tough street worker.

We have them here, when I was homeless in Berlin I met only tough ones. Males mostly though. They are not like "100% the law" but let 5 be even number (as we say) often. They don't mind petty crimes (like scavenging in super market trash for still packaged food that they need to throw out, but it's theft by law. Even stealing trash.

They would not scold you about it. They know that this is the least problems these people have. And having someone to talk to you, when you are down on the floor is worth a lot. It happens quickly. Once you don't have a home to sleep and a propper place to wash yourself and clothes, you degrade fast, people pick it up and down the spiral goes.

True though, this might be a different class of social workers, not the kind you may have in mind or in your country, with the cashmere pullover, turtle neck and clipped lawn and 50s image of a lawful citizen.

edit on 11.2.2022 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Police say the truckers in Canada are keeping kids in the cab with them as human shields.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

The baby is reported to be safe, all of the officers shot are recovering, and a woman shot is critical... prayers up for her.

So thank Heaven that this wasn't so much worse!

But WTH are you talking about social workers for??? When did anyone suggest that social workers should be sent to respond to a shooting call, as this was?

Phoenix Police Chief Jeri Williams said the officers were responding to a shooting at a home near 51st Avenue and Lower Buckeye Road. When one officer approached to help, the suspect opened fire, striking him multiple times, Williams said.

Social workers may very well be quite practical and effective when a call is received for a non-violent wellness check, perhaps even when someone with a known disorder is acting out in a disturbing way, but not necessarily a dangerous or threatening way, and such a response is appropriate and proper.

That's not what happened here. No one would recommend sending a social worker to respond to an active shooter.

Is the reality not bad enough for you? You certainly don't seem at all concerned about the very real devastation of the victims and their loved ones. You sure don't seem concerned about a helpless and defenseless baby being shot at right along with the officers trying to rescue the baby. Gotta make crap up to stir the pot a little more? Are you disappointed it wasn't worse so you could dance on their graves as well???

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

This guy needs to be taken down, not talked down.

One of my kids lived in Phoenix; it's huge, with a large criminal element. Being close to the border seems to have made it a main distribution center for narcotics; a large portion of the 'dealer' busts here in Idaho are coming from there.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Yeah, we all know this isn't the case.

Funny what it implies, right? About what would happen if the kids were not there.

Freudian slips?

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Please, save your outrage. Glad the baby and officers are ok, but no one but the psycho who did this put them in danger. The scumbag used the baby as a shield, hoping the cops wouldn't shoot back with it sitting on the porch.

Did you see, anywhere in the OP that I wished harm on the officers or did you just come up with that out of your own head ?
and finally, please claim ignorance of the defund the police movement and their ideas of social workers and community safety commissions could handle gun crime better.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

I am thinking the baby was used as bait. One sick fluck. Needs to be put down like a rabid dog.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

This is obviously somebody who doesn't keep to with current events and the socio-political oozing from the rectums of progressives.

Yeah, proposals for social workers replacing police Isa real thing. I won't even bother to give you evidence here. It's easy to find.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Boadicea

Please, save your outrage.

No, thank you. I will be outraged when and where I see fit.

Glad the baby and officers are ok, but no one but the psycho who did this put them in danger.

I never said otherwise. But his bad behavior does not excuse other bad behavior. Everyone owns their own words and deeds.

The scumbag used the baby as a shield, hoping the cops wouldn't shoot back with it sitting on the porch.

The SOB didn't use the baby as a shield... he used it as bait! It was when the officers tried to rescue the baby that he shot at them AND the baby.

Did you see, anywhere in the OP that I wished harm on the officers or did you just come up with that out of your own head ?[/quote

I sure as hell did NOT see any concern expressed by you for any of the victims, including the officers.

and finally, please claim ignorance of the defund the police movement and their ideas of social workers and community safety commissions could handle gun crime better.

I didn't claim ignorance to anything, and in fact, to the contrary, I actually clarified and expanded on the appropriate and proper role for social workers that you introduced into the equation and grossly misrepresented.

The actual facts are bad enough. Social workers have nothing to do with it. "Defund the Police" might. If that's the case you wanted to make, then that's the case you should have made.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 11:55 AM
Obviously the OP isn't really talking about the SAU being Social Workers, at least I would hope not, but is rather trying to make a very specific point and TBH I agree with that point .

In this case though SAU is actually the equivalent of SWAT so it makes sense why the SAU handled this specific scenario.

"Special Assignments Unit


​More commonly known as “SWAT." Those assigned to this unit serve search warrants and handle barricade situations. In addition to use of special tactics, they have specialized negotiators assigned to the unit. "

edit on 11-2-2022 by opethPA because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: Boadicea

This is obviously somebody who doesn't keep to with current events and the socio-political oozing from the rectums of progressives.


Yeah, proposals for social workers replacing police Isa real thing. I won't even bother to give you evidence here. It's easy to find.

Nope. Rather, proposals AND policies for supplementing police with social workers is a real thing. It's not either police or social workers, it's both. It has been very successful for communities which have adopted it, and even the police have been pleased with the results. Social workers accompany law enforcement on particular calls when and where appropriate, NOT replace law enforcement.

And responding to a shooting is NOT one of those calls.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Ahem ...

Activists push to disband Minneapolis police in upcoming vote

House Democrat Who Co-Sponsored Bill to Replace Police with Social Workers Carjacked at Gunpoint

The Growing Movement to Use Social Workers Instead of Police


I realize that these are not on highly censored thought-controlled progressive approved outlets like CNN or YouTube, and you may still choose to deny uncomfortable and inconvenient facts in preference to "your truth," but there it is.

An uninformed populace is its own worst enemy.
edit on 2022 2 11 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: incoserv

HA! Crickets ...

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Second reply, I get it was just a comment and not your opinion (I think at least). I remembered something.

When I was a little kid, it's one of my earliest memories, my parents went to demonstrations with us. Rain, snow, mud did not matter. It's not a lot I can remember, just key moments. A makeshift tribune, lot's of mud and people in colorful wind/rain breakers. They demonstrated against a poison-garbage-dumb that the government wanted to build near our town. They already had removed the top earth, because I know the place how it looks today, they refilled what they removed.

I remember different places and days where I was sitting on my father's shoulders. Now enough about the circumstances, what I also remember is that there were angry people there also, screaming at my father and others. That we are not supposed to be here. I can remember one woman scream at him and her hateful look upwards to me, as I looked down on her. I remember my mother explaining to us children that we are not at fault for the mad people. Because I asked that and thought I or we kids are doing something wrong so these people come here.

Should have kicked her in the face simply from what I know today, really. These were counter demonstrators probably, but I can not be sure because I can't ask my parents. Can you believe that anyone with a sane mind would protest against a protest that is against establish a poison-garbage-dumb? I don't.

So the gist of this is, I did not die and we were in the pouring rain for hours, day for day. Yes of course we also were warming ourselves up in little wagons with these shop fire places, cast iron and tall and high. Was more than a week because we kids were sometimes in kindergarten too. People were freaking out about children being present back then just like today.

Maybe that's why I subconsciously never wasted a thought about how it could be bad for the children there involved. Not saying it is, but you know, can't exclude it of course. Just one thing, it's also their future. And that's why children are taken to such peaceful demonstrations. Because it's about their future, so people see it.

Enduring a little bit of that "hardship" can be put upon the children. I put it in brackets because like I said, past until now unimportant memory so it could not have been that bad. Not saying it was okay but my Grandparents already worked on the fields as children and walked kilometers through snow in winter to get to school. And back also. And they survived, lived a long an healthy life.

Some people are so histrionic these days, completely brainwashed. I remember helping out in my parents shop as soon as I could walk and talk and I remember, although much less than today probably, mostly woman asking stuff bewildered like if I need to do that. And one time I said, only one time, and I learned from it, I said yes. But I was not meaning it like forced, more like, we're a family and I can fill that shelf, so I do it. The reason why I said yes only one time and from then on always said things like "because it's fun" or "I am bored anyway" was that the second I said that, she raised her voice and said "Das ist ja KINDERARBEIT!" "But this is CHILD LABOR".

*rolls eyes*
edit on 11.2.2022 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 01:32 AM

originally posted by: Tarzan the apeman.
a reply to: DAVID64

I am thinking the baby was used as bait. One sick fluck. Needs to be put down like a rabid dog.

he was the father and the woman died.

he's dead. 9 cops total hurt. 2 dead and baby is fine

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