posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 06:36 PM
Trying to figure out how some plants developed a taste for flesh... how many plants are there that trap and consume live prey? *shudder*
Seriously! I've contacted one botonist after another, with no result!
But as for plants developing into intelligence?
1. Communication - We have forests that warn other trees about attacking catepillars.
2. Muscle structure - We have seen plants move and adjust themselves for the light.
3. Survival instincts - Regular grass becomes more and more poisonous / distateful the more it is cut or eaten.
4. Circulatory/Respiration - Trees bleed, they breathe.
If any of those examples don't defines life, then what does? Granted, this is about INTELLIGENT or SENTIENT plant life, so...
What defines intelligence? Would an advanced alien race consider us an intelligent organism, or just one that acts within its environment? I like
the Matrix definition of humans... only viruses spread and consume everything in its environment. By that, we ARE viruses.
A tree can live for many many years. Some trees are 3000 years old. Perhaps the way they live is so different from our own that we cannot see them
or hear them, to know that they are alive. Perhaps they have learned to live within the world instead of having to change its own view.
(as a side note... crystals can grow, and they have a heart beat... are they alive?)
Does this answer the assigned question? Probably not... but until someone can explain to me flesh eating plants, that's all you are going to