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Boots In Coutts - A Report From The Western Front

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posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
You people really do take the biscuit. Truckers demonstrations? Now think just who organised this mass truck fest. Ooopps, yes the truckers union. But the majority on ATS are always posting "the truckers union are destroying the economy because they are in the pockets of the PTB" "the trucker union is communist", bad truckers this, bad truckers that.
Now there are doing something that you like all is forgiven, they're good now. BS, BS, BS.

The union has nothing to do with the protest.

Do some research before you blab nonsense on peoples threads.

+4 more 
posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: crayzeed

You people really do take the biscuit. Truckers demonstrations? Now think just who organised this mass truck fest. Ooopps, yes the truckers union.

Trucker's Union? You mean the Teamsters?

Dude, I drove OTR for 8 years. Never once had any dealing with the Teamsters. I can't speak for Canada, but in the US very, very, VERY few truckers have any kind of union, much less the Teamsters; OOIDA (Owner-Operator Independent Driver Association) is the closest we have, and they're not even close to an actual union. Trucking companies get to pick which state they incorporate in, and guess what? They rarely pick a state which is not "right to work."

As for who organized it... let me tell you a little story. Remember a while back when some fool killed those Amish girls? Well, it just so happens that around the time of their funeral, the news reported that Westboro Baptist Church was planning on demonstrating at their funeral. I just so happened to be sitting in a truck stop in York, PA. Several of us heard that report and we organized our own little "protest" sitting right there in the restaurant. A few drivers went to their truck and got on the CB/cell phone, and the next thing you knew we had 50 trucks ready to go. That demonstration was not going to happen at those funerals.

No union needed or wanted.

Of course, Westboro backed down.

You obviously have never even seen the inside of a truck; you obviously have no idea how things work out on the road. Try to educate yourself before before you go looking for your lost biscuits. We ain't got 'em.

But the majority on ATS are always posting "the truckers union are destroying the economy because they are in the pockets of the PTB" "the trucker union is communist", bad truckers this, bad truckers that.

I've been here and active since 2007... lurked for a few years before that. 15+ years. I have yet to hear complaints about the "truckers' union." Unions in general, maybe, but as I said, most truckers don't belong to a union!

As for "truckers bad," I get more insults from my username than I ever got from being a trucker (and I have never made a secret of that fact). I AM a trucker! It's not something one can ever stop being... there is no such thing as an "ex-trucker"... only retired truckers. Diesel fumes do that... once in the bloodstream, they don't come out.

So you're demonstrably lying/exaggerating on that point, and completely and utterly ignorant on your first point... what's your game, Bub? Come around to stir the crap a bit. did we?

Now there are doing something that you like all is forgiven, they're good now. BS, BS, BS.

Freedom has always been a good thing IMO.

I completely support the Freedom Convoy. If I was still on the road, there's a good chance I would be right there with them. My thanks to LoneCloudHoppere2, NorthOfStuff, and MykeNukem for keeping us updated with truth... you guys keep posting and stay safe!

Something in the back of my head keeps telling me this is gonna take a turn for the worst, real soon, real fast, and real bad. Hopefully it's a tick bite.


edit on 2/8/2022 by TheRedneck because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I can’t wait until the biker’s union gets involved once things warm up!

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 01:23 PM
Word out of Milk River is that the RCMP has set up another roadblock north of the one that I was at on the weekend.

The protestors are now squeezed between the north and south RCMP roadblocks.

The plan is to remobilize and move north of both.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: NorthOfStuff


That looks awesome. You guys must be freezing out there, I know the wind is brutal out there. I didn't realize you had such a long drive there. Ouch.

Coutts, BEACHHEAD!!!!

I like how it's mixed with the horses too, so cool.

Stay Strong and Free Brother!!!!

Watch out for 'Castro's little bastard', hahahahahaha

I'll be waiting for the next update.

The horses are hilarious.

The ranchers and farmers show up at the Milk River Blockade with horse trailers.

They pull into the centre median like the rest of us, unload their horses, then ride past the RCMP in the ditch and head to Coutts.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: crayzeed

You people really do take the biscuit. Truckers demonstrations? Now think just who organised this mass truck fest. Ooopps, yes the truckers union.

Trucker's Union? You mean the Teamsters?

Dude, I drove OTR for 8 years. Never once had any dealing with the Teamsters. I can't speak for Canada, but in the US very, very, VERY few truckers have any kind of union, much less the Teamsters; OOIDA (Owner-Operator Independent Driver Association) is the closest we have, and they're not even close to an actual union. Trucking companies get to pick which state they incorporate in, and guess what? They rarely pick a state which is not "right to work."

As for who organized it... let me tell you a little story. Remember a while back when some fool killed those Amish girls? Well, it just so happens that around the time of their funeral, the news reported that Westboro Baptist Church was planning on demonstrating at their funeral. I just so happened to be sitting in a truck stop in York, PA. Several of us heard that report and we organized our own little "protest" sitting right there in the restaurant. A few drivers went to their truck and got on the CB/cell phone, and the next thing you knew we had 50 trucks ready to go. That demonstration was not going to happen at those funerals.

No union needed or wanted.

Of course, Westboro backed down.

You obviously have never even seen the inside of a truck; you obviously have no idea how things work out on the road. Try to educate yourself before before you go looking for your lost biscuits. We ain't got 'em.

But the majority on ATS are always posting "the truckers union are destroying the economy because they are in the pockets of the PTB" "the trucker union is communist", bad truckers this, bad truckers that.

I've been here and active since 2007... lurked for a few years before that. 15+ years. I have yet to hear complaints about the "truckers' union." Unions in general, maybe, but as I said, most truckers don't belong to a union!

As for "truckers bad," I get more insults from my username than I ever got from being a trucker (and I have never made a secret of that fact). I AM a trucker! It's not something one can ever stop being... there is no such thing as an "ex-trucker"... only retired truckers. Diesel fumes do that... once in the bloodstream, they don't come out.

So you're demonstrably lying/exaggerating on that point, and completely and utterly ignorant on your first point... what's your game, Bub? Come around to stir the crap a bit. did we?

Now there are doing something that you like all is forgiven, they're good now. BS, BS, BS.

Freedom has always been a good thing IMO.

I completely support the Freedom Convoy. If I was still on the road, there's a good chance I would be right there with them. My thanks to LoneCloudHoppere2, NorthOfStuff, and MykeNukem for keeping us updated with truth... you guys keep posting and stay safe!

Something in the back of my head keeps telling me this is gonna take a turn for the worst, real soon, real fast, and real bad. Hopefully it's a tick bite.


Appreciate that Red,

The majority of us here in Ottawa and Coutts and elsewhere coming out to say our piece are rednecks.

The working class are speaking and Trudeau is quaking in his boots.

Gotta love it.

Stay strong and free brother.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: NorthOfStuff


That looks awesome. You guys must be freezing out there, I know the wind is brutal out there. I didn't realize you had such a long drive there. Ouch.

Coutts, BEACHHEAD!!!!

I like how it's mixed with the horses too, so cool.

Stay Strong and Free Brother!!!!

Watch out for 'Castro's little bastard', hahahahahaha

I'll be waiting for the next update.

The horses are hilarious.

The ranchers and farmers show up at the Milk River Blockade with horse trailers.

They pull into the centre median like the rest of us, unload their horses, then ride past the RCMP in the ditch and head to Coutts.

They've arrived!!!

We've got horses from Alberta too!!!


Go, Coutts!!!!

Heehee, I love the farmers.

Ps - note the mother and baby in the lower right, bunch of racist terrorists....

edit on 2/8/2022 by MykeNukem because: they came for the truckers and I wasn't a trucker...

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: MykeNukem

Appreciate that Red,

Myke, I appreciate you. You're the guy with the boots on the ground, stomping around in that crappy white rain, ticking off the man. Please keep on keeping us updated, and know there's an awful lot of us rednecks down here who are with you in spirit.

Stay strong and free brother.

Strong... no choice. I don't know how to be weak.

Safe... nah, never been one for "safe." Not something rednecks are known for. You, however, need to stay safe. It's folks like you that are letting this thing gain steam. The MSM would have everyone believing you're a bunch of hoodlums if they had their way. It only gets harder from here, too.

You stay safe and strong, my friend. Shiny side up.


posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:17 AM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: NorthOfStuff


That looks awesome. You guys must be freezing out there, I know the wind is brutal out there. I didn't realize you had such a long drive there. Ouch.

Coutts, BEACHHEAD!!!!

I like how it's mixed with the horses too, so cool.

Stay Strong and Free Brother!!!!

Watch out for 'Castro's little bastard', hahahahahaha

I'll be waiting for the next update.

The horses are hilarious.

The ranchers and farmers show up at the Milk River Blockade with horse trailers.

They pull into the centre median like the rest of us, unload their horses, then ride past the RCMP in the ditch and head to Coutts.

I saw pictures of Tariq Elnaga - Candidate for the Maverick Party in my riding in the horse convoy. I voted PPC but he sure has made an impression.
Awesome job you guys

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
You people really do take the biscuit. Truckers demonstrations? Now think just who organised this mass truck fest. Ooopps, yes the truckers union. But the majority on ATS are always posting "the truckers union are destroying the economy because they are in the pockets of the PTB" "the trucker union is communist", bad truckers this, bad truckers that.
Now there are doing something that you like all is forgiven, they're good now. BS, BS, BS.

Lmao. Literally NONE OF THIS is true....


edit on 2/9/2022 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Something in the back of my head keeps telling me this is gonna take a turn for the worst, real soon, real fast, and real bad. Hopefully it's a tick bite.

You too huh???? Yeah I'm not liking it and I'm very very rarely wrong......

And I feel either way it's going to illicit a violent reaction

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 06:08 AM
I hope these truckers and the middle class get the support the deserve. There is great distain for the middle class among the upper class.
And a big rule of theirs is not to cave into such movements. The upper class will take the fight no a whole new level

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

I think the choice of location is much better than Ottawa. At least for now. This area is harder for provocateurs to subvert. Hard to start a riot with no buildings.

Some of the replies in here mention disruptions in shipping, etc... They do have a point. Some of the country will side with the government on those issues, which could be divisive for the people.
It would be a good idea to craft messaging to adress those issues, just to ease the concerns.

One question to anyone in the area, where is internet service coming from, and is it vulnerable to being blocked?
If it is vulnerable, pay attention to what towers/internet sources you are connecting to, so that you will know if its been changed (like what happens with stinger trucks).

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Macenroe82

I hope one result of the protests is that Castro's Little Bastard is forced to resign, along with the rest of the bastards who have supported him.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: TheRedneck

Something in the back of my head keeps telling me this is gonna take a turn for the worst, real soon, real fast, and real bad. Hopefully it's a tick bite.

You too huh???? Yeah I'm not liking it and I'm very very rarely wrong......

And I feel either way it's going to illicit a violent reaction

Violence is the only hammer in the authorities tool box.

We know they'll resort to that.

I'm as prepared as I can be. I can't be more specific, unfortunately.

Now hop on that horse and start a Convoy

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

My nephew was in Ottawa since the start, had to come back for family reason, but he was going around giving fuel to the truckers. He has a 1000 gallons tank in the back of his pickup truck. That was much appreciated.
edit on -06:0034xx34America/Chicago by Pixxie because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 01:22 PM
All lanes are blocked again at Coutts.

The Truckers weren’t impressed with Kenny’s announcement and partial lifting of measures that should never have been implemented in the first place.

There’s more needed here than just the lifting of restrictions. The whole political system needs a face lift.

This can’t be allowed to happen again.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
I seriously can't wait for the whole country to be up in arms about food shortages and goods not delivered because of a shortage of lorries and lorry drivers. You'll hear more from me then.

It is unwise to # on the people who move goods for you so you dont have go go to the distribution warehouses & manufacturers yourself.

That is called "biting the hand that feeds", since they ARE your link in the chain between civilized living, and roughing it.

I'd say wisely mind your mouth before you shove your foot in it, but I see you're an eager beaver, and went for it. Carry on, ya sadist.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: TheRedneck

Something in the back of my head keeps telling me this is gonna take a turn for the worst, real soon, real fast, and real bad. Hopefully it's a tick bite.

You too huh???? Yeah I'm not liking it and I'm very very rarely wrong......

And I feel either way it's going to illicit a violent reaction

Unfortunately I believe that you are both probably correct.

In Ottawa they are talking about going after the protesters children.

If this thing turns violent the government will be to blame but the media will spin it.

Going after their fuel is theft.

Going after the children is kidnapping and all hell will break loose. Which is exactly what all of the low life sh!t for brains Liberals in Parliament want.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 04:37 PM
Here are a few more pictures, some taken from video.

More horses getting ready to head into Coutts from the Milk River Blockade.

Racist sign.

South Asian people that obviously missed Trudeau's memo.

A horse with a message.

Another view of the camp at the south end near the RCMP roadblock.

Klaus got a special mention.

Where is Trudeau?

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