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#Pfizerleak, real of fake? You tell me.

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posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 08:19 AM
I couldn't find this posted anywhere on ATS. So there you go, read and let me know what you think.

This info comes from a Twitter account known as Ehden claiming that he managed to put his hands on a Pfizer Manufacturing and Supply Agreement.
The thread is more than 6 months old but still looks a bit disturbing.
The account:

I'll quote the text only from his first tweet here:



Pfizer has been extremely aggressive in trying to protect the details of their international COVID19 vaccine agreements.
Luckily, I've managed to get one.


Instead of making an enormous long thread (i would love to have time for that but..) with all the pictures and texts, I will let you read it directly from the source and the archive.
Here is the thread on Twitter:

And the thread achieved in case it goes missing. >

If anyone wants to make e detailed thread, is most welcome. As I said I don't have the time.

Additional Info:

The link with the full agreement document, he manage to acquire from Albania is saved here :
edit on 7.2.2022 by iasenko because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 08:34 AM
I want to look into this as well, that said it says it's a draft ie. we need to see a signed and approved proposal.

Not that this isn't evidence of the scumbagginess of Big Pharma but really is anybody shocked. I want to see what our governmental officials signed and authorized and at whom's direction did they say this is the only way as it's becoming clear it is not.

That said in my experience there is no better advocate to have on the absurdity of what is essentially a business contract than Israel.

gonna research this more... a cool avatar and Ive noticed you don't post much, to me that means this subject probably deserves to be scrutinized by ATS's minions.

edit on 7-2-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 09:15 AM
If this is all a hoax, our side won't be better than those who pretend there is a deadly illness going round.
Unless of course, it could have been released and then be found not real, in order to discredit our actual, real evidence.

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 09:27 AM
The video of Dr. Daniel Nagase discussing the pfizer document is being posted around. According to him a very good source for intent to do injury.

Pfizer Intent Evidence

Pfizer’s own 3 month trial results show 3% of injection victims died, and another 28% were not recovered or were left damaged from the injections. This was published on April 30th, 2021, yet so-called “officials” continued to push the mandates, vaxxports, and even the injecting of children. This is blatantly criminal. At least 31% of injection victims are seriously damaged, with 3% dead!
edit on 2 7 2022 by BelleEpoque because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: BelleEpoque

Good to see this updated vid from Dr. Naganese you posted.

He spoke out in November 2021 about it. Maybe the sleepy heads will wakeup now.

Daniel Naganese speaks out - November 2021

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 09:55 AM
With this info being out there for 6 months now...
Isn't that time enough for Pfizer AND the US Government to refute it, or at least try to refute it?

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 10:35 AM
Refute? Do they even acknowledge it?

Crazy world we live in.

a reply to: butcherguy

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 10:38 AM
Any time there's a claim of "many deaths", you should be able to find angry/distraught families publicly looking for answers.

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I wondered about this and have to say that this isn't always the case. Most sheeple who lose someone believe the BS from the doctors they are given. The few that are outraged and try to make a fuss on social media, are deleted and cancelled and certainly don't make it into any papers, local or otherwise.
Not all of them know that there is media they can contact who are on their side.
A lot of these people never had to deal with anything like this and often believe they are alone which intimidates a lot of them.
There are so many factors that we don't hear masses complaining.

If however this whole thing turns and there will be public places they can vent their anger and they see others doing the same, an avalanche will follow. I believe that.

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Hello, have we met?
What media platforms are they allowed to complain on?

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: iasenko
So far I've just read his most recently tweet and what I got out of it was that doctor Rahav had been called names like Hitler and Mengele for some time now yet only recently did she sit down with a stack of papers that brought to her attention the cases of myocarditis and says “I agree that this is a phenomenon that cannot be ignored, and I think that it is linked somehow to the vaccine.”

This is a huge red flag... she is described as "Director of the Infectious Diseases Unit @ Sheba Hospital, Prof. Galia Rahav" so this doctor is in a high influential position and is only now reading these papers! This info came came out in canada through the Toronto Sun from an Ontario Health report published Sept. 3 2021, so there were serious warnings from government level health authorities around the world and she only addresses it now. Is researching not what these top doctors should be doing? Or are they more being trained to follow orders? She looks into it almost six months later!

This is an updated summary of the earlier published version...

Ontario Public Health Myocarditis

Now she states "We identified a phenomenon of #omicron recoveries who deteriorate to hospitalization w/serious condition after ~10 days, w/various medical problems, not necessarily related to lungs." I don't know what official agency first posted this but it's out there and we've been talking about this on ats for ages. High level doctors should be on top of the most available data at all times. It's their job. It's what they get paid for.

Ok, rant over. I'll go read the pfizer papers. Thanks for posting these.

edit on 7-2-2022 by igloo because: bad link

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Any time there's a claim of "many deaths", you should be able to find angry/distraught families publicly looking for answers.

I'm still censored on facebook from early november 2020 for asking (among friends only) if anyone thinks the pandemic was overblown in the media and if there may be repercussions for the younger generations. I had teens leaving the house at the time and was concerned for their futures as life as we knew it stopped, including jobs and schooling.

I had the usual unfriendings and claims of "you want me and my granny dead" but what surprised me (doh!) was that anything I posted afterward wasn't seen by anyone, even my kids. No only that, but I didn't see much else that friends posted. In time I came to realize that I was only allowed to see posts by four others who are like minded. So ideological groups are being corralled. You aren't entirely cut off so you don't notice at first. When it got down to four it was painfully obvious but too late.

So applied to anyone desperately trying to share that they were vaccine injured or had a loved one die, the censorship is at an all time level of cruelty. I've been following the growth of groups on facebook and twitter that tried to document these adverse reactions and as soon as they gained a few hundred people they were removed. It must be absolutely devastating for those people. Many have gone to telegram but lots of people only know of the main social media platforms.

Another problem is that as soon as an adverse reaction starts to be reported the mainstream media is stating that covid is causing yet another symptom. Now covid seems to cause every symptom under the sun. This is also part of why many people who suffer an adverse reaction can be told it's covid and they won't look deeper. They'll never know there are growing numbers of healthy people suddenly losing their health.

My distant relative, 54, was healthy then in under four months developed cancer in the intestines and just died last week. It would be insensitive to ask if he was vaccinated but knowing them I can guess he was. They will put it down to fate. I will always wonder.

As to estimating how many claims there are, no tally can be accurate if people are being banned, corralled or large groups shut down. This is actually why I've spent countless hours daily fighting this censorship. I'm not bringing anything new or of value in but we need to push to be heard or free speech goes down the drain permanently.

It's so frustrating.

edit on 7-2-2022 by igloo because: forgot a word

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: iasenko

One of the graphics posted shows that the poster had a black text box with all the resize editing handles placed, so the person who posted this on Twitter is the one that redacted the specific content. That was the first indicator that something didn't sit right. So, I dug a little deeper.

They could have been covering their own tracks, or protecting someone involved, but the person posting is Ehden Biber, who is a Canadian Information Security consultant currently living in Ottawa and a member of a right-wing private organization that has published social media propaganda campaigns previously.

The Twitter poster, said they previously worked for Merck, Sharp & Dohme (EMEA) for 7 years, and they post their picture as their Twitter avatar,. They admitted that part of document is from Albania (by way of an Albanian Media company) and other parts are from separate Brazilian documents (what they posted was not actually a single document/contract despite being presented as such).

So, the guy worked/works for a competitor company. Is associated with a right-wing social media misinformation source. Is using multiple unverifiable publicly visible documents as sources, and is misrepresenting the various pieces as a single contract, and has digitally manipulated the document to imply that it is some sort of deep dark leaked government secret, when the document sources were on publicly accessible servers (of media companies, no less).

So, I can't take this as being legit. Perhaps if he hadn't done so many manipulative things, and had just published a complete document or documents un-redacted, I might have given it more credence.

edit on 7/2/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 04:07 PM
A little update seems that the guy has found another contract, this time officially validated on the Brasilian gov. website.
Here is the tweet >

I tried to download the file, but now it requires user credentials to be able to download. I don't know how legit this is but everyone can try it and see.

I understand chr0naut concerns about the guy and partly agree, but I would like to dig a bit more when I had the time into this.

There are two different files, the one in the OP, from the GoGo link is the whole Albanian draft contract, it was used in the Twitter thread with "corrections" to fit the Twitter terms I guess, that's why he posted the whole thing at the end of the thread.

The second file, signed by Mr. Roberto Ferreira Dias seems to be the digitally signed contract which I have no access to from the website but I see that it's available if you have the right credentials. I don't know how legit this is but my sense is that there's some hidden truth behind all that.

The Twitter guy has has a telegram group so everyone can ask him questions.
If you guys want, you can invite him here and make a discussion.

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 04:16 PM
All this talk of the medical pharmaceutical industrial complex
Just a friendly Flashback...
The World is likely sicker than it has been in 100 years
Imagine that 100 years
Coincidences Abound

edit on 272022 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 06:32 PM
If the Pharma company sent these results to the agencies regulating them, it is the fault of the agencies for not acting, not Pfizer. I am not by any means trying to protect Pfizer, just stating the blame is with the FDA or CDC and NIH for not acting properly on this information. A lot of people including the Pharma companies are wrapped up in continuous evolving lies, one lie necessitates another, Ad Hominum techniques are the weapons of those governing agencies. Focus on the small amount of incidents of Johnson and Moderna, not Pfizer where all the heads of the governing agencies have their money invested along with many of the congressmen.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: iasenko
A little update seems that the guy has found another contract, this time officially validated on the Brasilian gov. website.
Here is the tweet >

I tried to download the file, but now it requires user credentials to be able to download. I don't know how legit this is but everyone can try it and see.

I understand chr0naut concerns about the guy and partly agree, but I would like to dig a bit more when I had the time into this.

There are two different files, the one in the OP, from the GoGo link is the whole Albanian draft contract, it was used in the Twitter thread with "corrections" to fit the Twitter terms I guess, that's why he posted the whole thing at the end of the thread.

The second file, signed by Mr. Roberto Ferreira Dias seems to be the digitally signed contract which I have no access to from the website but I see that it's available if you have the right credentials. I don't know how legit this is but my sense is that there's some hidden truth behind all that.

The Twitter guy has has a telegram group so everyone can ask him questions.
If you guys want, you can invite him here and make a discussion.

This one guy has 'discovered' multiple 'secret' contracts that no-one in the world seems to be able to. Just one after the other! He is fairly incredible, eh?

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 04:23 AM
a reply to: iasenko

Haven't read through it... Is there anything in it that you wouldn't see in a normal document?

Big pharma agreement are usually very tight and very secret, even for things like shampoo or acne pills. Lots of language about limiting liability too.

You'd expect to see all kinds of waivers and confidentiality clauses, it's mostly because society has become so letigious.


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