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Lets do a vote

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posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 05:46 PM
To be quite Honest I have been here for quite sometime back when the old ezboard was still up and running and I never thought I would see so much as far as threads like "My President is better than yours so on so forth"

William said it best here a while ago when he said ENOUGH. I agree some of the people that have been here the longest have what I call the curse of self awareness or the ablity to see problems for what they are and not get sidelined by this right or left crap. More over I belive that it is time to do a vote. I not trying to impose some kind of regulation of speach however this problem has gone on long enough in my opinion so I have decided to see if we can get a vote to see if people really want to continue to see these kinds of threads.

If anyone else thinks I should shut up on this matter I would love to hear it from some of the old member's too.

[Edited on 17-7-2003 by falcon]

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 06:29 PM
Well, let the ridicule begin, but I for one think the crap is centering on division of people here. I'm quite sick and tired of it but hey, no matter, I can also remove myself from the above mentioned topics also.
I think alot of the threads posted dealing with what you have addressed and not adressed are attributed to mere simple 'hatred', antagonizing, poking the stick.....whatever!

I don't know if what you are saying, and rightly so, is going to amount to much. Why? Because people enjoy hate, they enjoy antagonizing, they enjoy claiming someone or something is wrong or a "lie". They feel they are doing it to "open the eyes to those who have them closed"...but that too, is a matter of opinion.

I get the sense sometimes that this forums topics are leaning more and more towards a political venture then what was truly intended for this site. But hey, again, its only my perspective and my opinion...the door of ridicule is open and shots will of coarse be taken!


[Edited on 17-7-2003 by Seekerof]

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 06:42 PM

Your first three options aren't mutually exclusive, and they point to a number of different things that could be removed, political mudslinging being just one of them.

I'm happy for the owners of the board to determine and express policy. At the moment it isn't clearly expressed, except by sweeping statements like 'ENOUGH'.

At the top right hand corner of your screen you will see a statement describing ATS as an alternative discussion forum. In fact, 'the internet's premier' one. This is not the same as some people see it, nor as it is sometimes described by the owners, a 'conspiracy' board.

The many types of posts in Chit Chat, Entertainment and Spirituality are not conspiracy-related, but they don't seem to cause problems except in the hands of a few.

Division of the US along political lines is reflected here as it is increasingly so in the streets, and all the immature mudslinging and labelling of the obvious current problem as a party political thing, reflects the different levels of maturity and understanding of ATS members.

Some of my posts about the corruption in and the conspiratorial processes of the Bush administration, which are affecting the whole world in a very negative way, are met with 'all presidents do that' and 'Clinton did that' and 'look in your own back yard'. They are not mature responses. I don't expect to see those people develop their understanding any more without effort, reading and understanding, and if I don't like what they say, I can easily ignore them.

But the issue of thoughts and non-thoughts being posted is broader than a political one. More power to people that stick to topics they enjoy discussing and leave things they don't enjoy, alone.

* As a point of clarification, I mean the actions of the Bush administration are affecting the world in a very negative way, not my posts. But if anyone in the world thinks posts at ATS have the power to affect the world in a very positive or very negative way, you are on track! *

* And to be absolutely lucent/pedantic about the further ambiguity I just introduced, I mean that the actions of the Bush administration are affecting the world in a very negative way, not affecting my posts in a very negative way *

[Edited on 18-7-2003 by MaskedAvatar]

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 08:04 PM
I like option 7.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by falcon

I never thought I would see so much as far as threads like "My President is better than yours so on so forth"

It's boring, isn't it ?

Anyway, there is ONLY one good President. Guess who is he....

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix

Anyway, there is ONLY one good President. Guess who is he....

Ronald Regan.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 08:40 PM
good idea select a few of the old timers who obviously have superior ideas on what constitutes an acceptable thread or opinion. yes superior people should decide here what is worthy of thought and what is not after all this is a premier
forum. why allow the prolitariate to spoil it, they can't think anyway and those only so much space and ATS is probably running out of it

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by AegisFang

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix

Anyway, there is ONLY one good President. Guess who is he....

Ronald Regan.

all i can say is i hope that, your answer was full of sarcasm

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 09:24 PM
Falcon is right. Washington was the greatest, then Reagan!

Washington was present when young Ronnie was christined, wasn't he?

Anyway, as much as I love politics and really get a kick out of this line of discussion, it has become a real distraction to the ATS community, which was built not to be a political debate club.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 09:30 PM
Show me a conspiracy free of politics and I will show you a fish riding a bicycle.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 09:36 PM
Conspiracy will involve the government but doesn't have to be all politics. We now have all politics with no conspiracy. Out u2u discussion, with you giving me that website, is the first conspiratorial discussion I've had in a while. That is what we are supposed to be about, not the mere sport of politics. We've gotten so sidetracked in our coffee break that we never got back to work!

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 09:37 PM
Kinda like this one:

BTW MA, send me that link in U2U also, I would be interested in reading it.


[Edited on 18-7-2003 by Seekerof]

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 10:29 PM
I figured posting somthing like this would get quite a few intersting reactions thank you for taking part in the test.


posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Show me a conspiracy free of politics and I will show you a fish riding a bicycle.

It does happen sometimes....

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 03:01 PM
Thank you, your voice here is respected, at least by me. And your actions of this thread just go to prove that all the newer members who have recently arrived, need to concider the fact that this IS A NEW board to THEM, and may not be exactly the way they want it or expect it to be.

How's it feel to want?
How does it feel to think what you want is more important than the established and ongoing changes and contributions that have been going on long before any new comers even knew about the private and soon to be HUGE community of "Fighters against Ignorance?"

This ain't the ninties anymore, welcome to the Aquarian age, the age of denying ignorance.

Instead of crying about things that you don't like, why not simply try to find a middle road, among this journey of crossroads. Being a community means makeing "comprimises", and those comprimises are what have made ATS what it is today, and what we all strive for it to be on the marrow.

I know that much of what goes on here within ATS is HIGHLY contriversial, thats what makes it so damn appealing! And the fact that everyone that is still here, happens to be here goes to show for something.

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