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Why an Omicron infection alone might not offer the immune boost you'd expect

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posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 03:54 AM
When i see articles like these popping up in the feed and on other platforms. There are a few explanations they are running desperate and are in desperation.

They arent really doing a good job on promoting these covid vaccines and boosters as the Canadian data from the province of Ontario is suggesting there is now more vaccinated in the hostpial and more vaxed in the ICU.

The CBC had being promoting covid vaccination heavily. According to this CBC article the best way of preventing covid is not by getting covid Omicron infection.

The best way to prevent a Omicron infection is through vaccinating. The same and the same as they did with it with the second wave. The interesting part of the article it shows how desperate they are into convincing you the reader into it. They ignore that vaccinated are getting infected and getting sick.
No they still blame and urge un vaccinated to get vaccinated.

They ignore that the Canadian clown prime minster had being triple vaccinated and despite being triple vaccinated supposedly he still positive for it.

They arent doing a good trying to promote/sell the C19Vaxs/Boosters.

Why an Omicron infection alone might not offer the immune boost you'd expect

The first lie that they had written in the article already lie about the vaxed and unvaxed when both can get seriously infected and hospitalized

Why are they not mentioning in the article how the vaccinated and boosted individuals are being hospitalized and in some vaccinated countries deaths are rising?

Vaccines, meanwhile, offer a "fantastic background for immunity to build up if you have a breakthrough infection," she added.

immunity from the vaxs and boosters for how long? the article doesn't share the data.

Repeating the Government/Bill Gate status Que nonsense lie that vaccinating our way out of the pandemic.

w our bodies handle infections, vaccines will continue providing a way out of this pandemic — but that requires people actually getting the shots.

The article ignored how the vaxed are getting infected and boosted as well. While at the same time they are trying heavily onto promoting it as a way out of this pandemic.

edit on 6-2-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 04:08 AM
The Mainstream News Media is trying its hardest onto convincing people and those vaccinated onto getting their boosters.

The same media that told us after the first shot it would be done then came the second and they said the same thing you would only two doses.

They arent doing a good job at promoting the vaccines nor the boosters.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: vNex92

Your argument is based on a misunderstanding of some of the basic principles of statistics: what happens to an individual is not the same as what happens to a population.

The vaccination disrupts transmission and flattens the curve. It disrupts it because an individual is less likely to catch it and spread it.

It's like seat belts. Seat belts reduce the number of deaths on the road but people wearing one can still die in a traffic accident.

The ratio of vaccinated / boosted / unvaccinated in hospital can also be simplified beyond understanding. The straight numbers do not weight the proportion of vaccinated people in the general population or the reason why they might have been vaccinated.

The data is overwhelmingly in favour of vaccination. Only three kinds of people don't see that: people who make money out denying it, people who are let ideology blind them to the evidence, and people who don't understand maths.

A Coors to a case of Courvoisier that almost all the reactions to this post will fall into the last two categories.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: Whodathunkdatcheese

The vaccination disrupts transmission
Really is that so? then how come there are more vaccinated being hospitalized? if the vaccine supposed disrupt the transmission.

You wouldn't need a third, nor fourth booster dose. That shows these vaxs and boosters dont protect you long as the media claimed previously.

The vaccination disrupts transmission and flattens the curve

I haven't heard that "flatten the curve" in a long while. Until you brought it up.
Asking you for how long it will flatten the the curve till the next decade with endless boosters?

The data is overwhelmingly in favour of vaccination

That's because the data can be manipulated to push their narrative how great it works.

edit on 6-2-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 04:45 AM

The data is overwhelmingly in favour of vaccination. Only three kinds of people don't see that: people who make money out denying it, people who are let ideology blind them to the evidence, and people who don't understand maths.

There are 4 kinds of people. The last group is the one I, and many others here, are in: What I observe personally with my own eyes.

This week, 3 vaccinated people came back to work after having covid and 2 vaccinated went out. I have not gotten covid... I'm unvaxed.

So? What now brown cow?

You willing to add personal observation to that list or is what people are experiencing with their own eyes not relevant.

Remember though... science is all about observation so....any scientific data or conclusions presented in any research is done so by observing what takes place.

Anyhow..if I'm going to be put in a will be one I choose to be in, not one that someone else sets aside for me.

edit on 6-2-2022 by blend57 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 05:34 AM
I didn't read the entire thread, sorry I'm tired and extremely lazy.

The vaccines stimulate for the largest part B cells and whatever comes out of those #ers. While barely stimulating T cells, the kinda of anti-gens that T-cells carry are actually the one that stops transmission.
Since the vaccines suck in doing that, it is obvious that they will still spread and be infectious, much more than what the media likes us to believe.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: blend57

The data is overwhelmingly in favour of vaccination. Only three kinds of people don't see that: people who make money out denying it, people who are let ideology blind them to the evidence, and people who don't understand maths.

There are 4 kinds of people. The last group is the one I, and many others here, are in: What I observe personally with my own eyes.

This week, 3 vaccinated people came back to work after having covid and 2 vaccinated went out. I have not gotten covid... I'm unvaxed.

So? What now brown cow?

You willing to add personal observation to that list or is what people are experiencing with their own eyes not relevant.

Remember though... science is all about observation so....any scientific data or conclusions presented in any research is done so by observing what takes place.

Anyhow..if I'm going to be put in a will be one I choose to be in, not one that someone else sets aside for me.


Yes, personal experience is powerfully convincing. I believe there is a fifth type of person, the ones that have realized that the "official narrative", everything they've been saying, is a cover-up and lie. Those are the ones that refuse to believe anything now due to the constant lies and deceptions over the last two years.
edit on 6-2-2022 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Corrections

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: blend57

Here is my personal experience, my little lad(9) had COVID 19 couple of weeks ago, tested positive on both antigen and PCR send off tests.

He's fine now, sorehead and low temperature(32.1c!) were his only symptoms, and he's obviously unvaccinated given his age.

Now both myself and partner are triple vaccinated and my daughter(15) received her first vaccination.

We did not get COVID 19, tested ourselves daily because we were obviously isolating down to government advice.

So im wondering if indeed the vaccines are offering up a modicum of protection where transmission is concerned given the fact that none of the rest of the family contracted the disease from our son and its not like we were not in contact with him everyday for the better part of a fortnight.

Just an observation.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck

originally posted by: blend57

The data is overwhelmingly in favour of vaccination. Only three kinds of people don't see that: people who make money out denying it, people who are let ideology blind them to the evidence, and people who don't understand maths.

There are 4 kinds of people. The last group is the one I, and many others here, are in: What I observe personally with my own eyes.

This week, 3 vaccinated people came back to work after having covid and 2 vaccinated went out. I have not gotten covid... I'm unvaxed.

So? What now brown cow?

You willing to add personal observation to that list or is what people are experiencing with their own eyes not relevant.

Remember though... science is all about observation so....any scientific data or conclusions presented in any research is done so by observing what takes place.

Anyhow..if I'm going to be put in a will be one I choose to be in, not one that someone else sets aside for me.


Yes, personal experience is powerfully convincing. I believe there is a fifth type of person, the ones that have realized that the "official narrative", everything they've been saying, is a cover-up and lie. Those are the ones that refuse to believe anything now due to the constant lies and deceptions over the last two years.

Well, fool me once shame on them. Fool me twice, then shame is on me for being a fool. I will not let my trust level ever get to where my parents where when Cronkite looked them in the eye and told them lie after lie on JKF assassination and many other things. It started for the Cabal in earnest in Dealey Plaza on a November day in 1963.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck

originally posted by: blend57

The data is overwhelmingly in favour of vaccination. Only three kinds of people don't see that: people who make money out denying it, people who are let ideology blind them to the evidence, and people who don't understand maths.

There are 4 kinds of people. The last group is the one I, and many others here, are in: What I observe personally with my own eyes.

This week, 3 vaccinated people came back to work after having covid and 2 vaccinated went out. I have not gotten covid... I'm unvaxed.

So? What now brown cow?

You willing to add personal observation to that list or is what people are experiencing with their own eyes not relevant.

Remember though... science is all about observation so....any scientific data or conclusions presented in any research is done so by observing what takes place.

Anyhow..if I'm going to be put in a will be one I choose to be in, not one that someone else sets aside for me.


Yes, personal experience is powerfully convincing. I believe there is a fifth type of person, the ones that have realized that the "official narrative", everything they've been saying, is a cover-up and lie. Those are the ones that refuse to believe anything now due to the constant lies and deceptions over the last two years.

Well, fool me once shame on them. Fool me twice, then shame is on me for being a fool. I will not let my trust level ever get to where my parents where when Cronkite looked them in the eye and told them lie after lie on JKF assassination and many other things. It started for the Cabal in earnest in Dealey Plaza on a November day in 1963.

Yes, the lies and deceptions have been going on forever, certainly long before I was born. Maybe back then there were enough real investigative reporters around that regular folks thought they could trust the news reports and the "experts" they used.

I've gone from having a highly critical news filter to completely hating the MSM in the past two years. I only watch the local news for weather reports now, and I find that questionable as well.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Whodathunkdatcheese

I think you are going off of previous data that has since changed. Omicron, the new variant, is different enough that both the vaccine and natural immunity from previous strains seem to not help. Since it's a less aggressive strain, the deaths are way down from the previous strains that were more aggressive.

couple that, with the waning efficacy of the vaccines, and you have what we see today. Vaccines are largely pointless, and looking for prophylactic treatments would be the smartest way forward, knowing that some form of Covid will likely be with us for a long time.

Does that make you post suspect "misinformation"?

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 11:19 AM
I didn't have the omicron yet, just most likely the Alpha and then the Delta...based on timing and circulating versions of the virus. So will I have immunity to the Omicron? Oh gee, other than the putrid taste in my mouth from those two incidents, they weren't bad at all...the omicron is supposed to be milder yet.

I am sorry, but I am not anymore scared of this virus than I am of other viruses, any of which can kill a person experiencing a reduced immune state. I try to avoid things that disrupt our immune system from working properly, including some highly prepared foods and certain chemicals in oils like only%20used%20food%20preservative,in%20high-throughput%20in-vitro%20toxicology%20testing%20and%20animal%20tests.

Remember, in that article to be proper science...they include the word "may" because some people have less problem breaking down that chemistry, I think it is about fifty percent or so of the population that excessive amounts of that can cause immune system problems.

I am not afraid of that chemical either, it is just one of many that are approved to be used in foods that are not appropriate to be consuming.

So the only people I know that died from Covid died because of their other conditions, having covid sure did not help, but I am one of the younger baby boomers, there are a real lot of old people on the chopping block and that is one reason that people are dying, their immune systems are old. We have a real high population of old people now.

If I die, I die, these years over the mid sixties are not the most exciting years anyway, when you start to look at going to the doctors office or getting tests as a social event, that is embarrassing. I am ordering antibody tests this week, getting the ten pack for seventy five bucks...or maybe even the other companies twenty pack for a hundred sixty. Haven't made up my mind yet, I am interested in testing those that are actually vaccinated who did not get the virus too, I think it would be fun to check to see who gets immunity and who doesn't...maybe the twenty pack would give me more things to investigate.

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: Whodathunkdatcheese

I think you are going off of previous data that has since changed. Omicron, the new variant, is different enough that both the vaccine and natural immunity from previous strains seem to not help. Since it's a less aggressive strain, the deaths are way down from the previous strains that were more aggressive.

couple that, with the waning efficacy of the vaccines, and you have what we see today. Vaccines are largely pointless, and looking for prophylactic treatments would be the smartest way forward, knowing that some form of Covid will likely be with us for a long time.

Does that make you post suspect "misinformation"?

SHHHH you're RUINING our Pfizer stock!


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