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Majority of Canadians disagree with 'freedom convoy' on vaccine mandates and lockdowns

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posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 02:17 PM
This article shows how the fake mainstream news media outlets like the so called "The Conversation" despite the 2016 election the fake news media outlets still rely heavily on the fake public opinion surveys.

The same fake opinion polls where they claimed that the Canadian public was split into whatever or not Canadians who are un vaccinated should be taxed.
Despite those fake opinion polls not mentioning to those who were polled. That such taxes agaisnt Canadians would not even happen in Canada, which is why such a idea was dropped hard by Quebec.

The so called majority of Canadians is nothing more than a bias opinion survey based on party affiliation. Most likely most who Canadians disagree with 'freedom convoy' on vaccine mandates and lockdowns are likely the supporters and hardcore supporters of Justin Trudeau and liberal party.

Much of these so called "Opinion polls" is based whatever the fake mainstream news media current reflection is currently on. Lets further look on what they claim that the so called majority of Canadians say in the bais poll yet again.

This is the same majority that were in favor of mandates, lockdowns, passports and were split whatever or not to punish the un vaccinated by taxing.
The same majority still believe in the lockdowns and mandates again only relfecting back on whatever the media and "experts", polticans had being demanding.

Majority of Canadians disagree with 'freedom convoy' on vaccine mandates and lockdowns

The first claim.

Our findings indicate that a majority of Canadians support most of the measures that have been employed by federal and provincial governments aimed at preventing the transmission of COVID-19. In most cases support has remained relatively stable since the beginning of the pandemic.

In this statement they repeated the lie that these measures were meant to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 yet covid cases and hospitalizations in Ontario had being growing and mostly on the vaccinated side.

These measures clearly dont work anymore if the vaccinated are also getting infected and are able to spread and transmit the virus so why the need and push for more measures?

According to the below statement with a chart, they showed that just 2,339 responders to the poll agreed to everything that everything and everyone should be taking the vaccine and there should be mandates on everything?

Who are these 2,339 responders to these polls?
Canada has a population of 14 Million people. And they used a poll sampling of just 2,000+

There is even broad-based support for a vaccine mandate for all non-exempt adults over the age of 18, with 70 per cent of Canadians indicating that they back the measure to some extent. That support begins to decline slightly when it comes to opinions on mandatory vaccines for teenagers and adolescents. It drops precipitously to just under 50 per cent for children under the age of five.

Notice how fake, rigged the poll is when they supposedly asked the so called Canadians who agree to everything on the poll. When they were asked about the vaccine passport.

A majority of Canadians agree with the requirement to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 in order to undertake certain activities. We observed that an estimated four out of every five Canadians supports vaccine passports for air or cruise ship travel. Support tapers off ever-so-slightly for proof of vaccination in venues such as movie theatres, restaurants and gyms.

When asked to push for in store passports. 50% were split.

Did they just asked 2,000 liberal supporters who still believe in the fairy tale lockdowns that little impact on covid? passports that havent prevent a transmission?

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 02:21 PM
Just like what Aus is currently doing.

NPC:We must be obey.......
Vaccinated Canadians who get COVID-19 can get booster 3 months after positive test: NACI | FULL
edit on 4-2-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 02:29 PM
If you pick and choose the people you want for a poll, you can make it say anything you want it to say. That is common practice in political polling. It is also used to sell products, find an area where many people like Miracle whip over Hellmans Mayo and you can say the majority of people like Miracle whip vs Hellmans...yet in some areas most people use Hellmans.

These are sales deception practices, people often choose things that other locals think are appropriate. So whole areas believe the same. They can target a certain area for a poll. I evaluate everything myself most times, sure I do take input from others, especially on price, but the only person's opinion that I consider as important and pertinent is my wife. My kids and grandkids get brainwashed yet since they want to fit into society...yet they often do not do the right thing for them because everything is connected to relativity. Just because a bunch of people believe movie critics does not mean the movie is something I think is good, in fact, if a movie critic says it is good, we usually blow it off as poor quality.

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Manipulated or not, public opinion has rarely been a good measuring stick where civil Rights and liberties are concerned. Many of the world's governments will find history looking back at them with the same judgement as we currently have for governments that embraced apartheid, separate but equal, and internment of other races.

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 02:56 PM
I'm thinking it matters not what pollsters say. The pissed off group in Ottawa right now, seems where the focus should be. There are a couple of them, and if they don't have someone speak to them soon, they may go from pissed off, to mildly angry. I don't know for sure, but I don't think you want a mildly angry Canadian coming at you bro.

Why is JT such a giant douche bag that he can't even bring himself to send out a lackey to talk to them? Is this how you lead a country? I've not had that job, so I don't know, but from here, it sure looks like he's doing it wrong.

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: network dude

I recall some Presidents coming out to talk to protestors....or at least addressing them outdoors on television.

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 03:03 PM
Type this URL into your browser"

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 03:08 PM
Polls are a funny thing, they can poll 10 people and called 100% of polled, that is how it works, that is why I can not longer trust the polls.

Plus they tend to manipulate the data, calling a "majority" or "must people", well I have never been polled officially soo I am not in the majority, I guess.

The media are masters at using the right wording when it comes to polls to push for a desirable outcome to benefit who is paying for the poll.

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 04:12 PM
The whole point of freedom is that it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks or wants to do, so who cares what the majority of Canadians think. You have the FREEDOM to do what you think is best, and everyone else has the FREEDOM to do what they think is best.

Freedom is always the answer.

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 04:44 PM
The poll is most likely a bit skewed simply due to the people polled, but it wouldn't shock me at all if the majority of Canadians did support Trudeau and his mandates, after all they recently chose to re-elect him despite knowing what a petty tyrant he was. This is why I fear what our future will become, because so many people are servile fools who want the nanny state to take care of them.
edit on 4/2/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Some simple facts about Canada...

All organized media in Canada is "state subsidized" or in real terms propaganda.
Government IS without a doubt, public sector organized crime.
All of our politicians are paid off puppets.
Trudeau did not win any elections, they were all rigged.
At this point a minimum of 93% of Canadians would like to see Trudeau and all the liberals plus the NDP in jail or hanged.
Canadians are polite, we are so polite we haven't killed the twatwaffle or its minions.

Any more facts out there?

Cheers - Dave

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: vNex92

Some simple facts about Canada...

All organized media in Canada is "state subsidized" or in real terms propaganda.
Government IS without a doubt, public sector organized crime.
All of our politicians are paid off puppets.
Trudeau did not win any elections, they were all rigged.
At this point a minimum of 93% of Canadians would like to see Trudeau and all the liberals plus the NDP in jail or hanged.
Canadians are polite, we are so polite we haven't killed the twatwaffle or its minions.

Any more facts out there?

Cheers - Dave

Replace Trudeau with Biden and "polite" with "comfortable and Chicken#" and everything you just said 100% applies to Americans.

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 05:01 PM
Of course the people in Ottawa are annoyed, this has completely disrupted their cozy way of life. Unfortunately the sheeple of the cities only support blm riots. I don't understand them at all. I also don't think they care at all about other people's freedoms at all. Right now the trucks are disrupting the cities. If the trucks were protesting in the middle of nowhere the city people would be complaining about the empty shelves. Either way truckers bad, government good to these people.

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: network dude
I'm thinking it matters not what pollsters say. The pissed off group in Ottawa right now, seems where the focus should be. There are a couple of them, and if they don't have someone speak to them soon, they may go from pissed off, to mildly angry. I don't know for sure, but I don't think you want a mildly angry Canadian coming at you bro.

Why is JT such a giant douche bag that he can't even bring himself to send out a lackey to talk to them? Is this how you lead a country? I've not had that job, so I don't know, but from here, it sure looks like he's doing it wrong.

The Mayor Jim Watson is just as bad as Trudeau, both of them sitting and hiding and waiting, hoping and, praying for something bad to happen. My concern is that it may be between a protestor and a citizen if nothing is addressed.

Bunker Cowards. Both of them.

edit on 4-2-2022 by alphacenturi because: no reason

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
The poll is most likely a bit skewed simply due to the people polled, but it wouldn't shock me at all if the majority of Canadians did support Trudeau and his mandates, after all they recently chose to re-elect him despite knowing what a petty tyrant he was. This is why I fear what our future will become, because so many people are servile fools who want the nanny state to take care of them.

He only got 5.5 million votes.

The majority don't support him. This poll is skewed heavily in favor of his faithful bootlickers.

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
...after all they recently chose to re-elect him

You sure about that? You don't see that their elections are just as if not more manipulated than our own?

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: vNex92
They got the patty Hearst syndrome, aiming a loaded weapon at the innocent, on behalf of their kidnappers.

They won't realize being kidnapped until after being released.
Which is what they are prolonging, obviously.

posted on Feb, 5 2022 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
The poll is most likely a bit skewed simply due to the people polled, but it wouldn't shock me at all if the majority of Canadians did support Trudeau and his mandates, after all they recently chose to re-elect him despite knowing what a petty tyrant he was. This is why I fear what our future will become, because so many people are servile fools who want the nanny state to take care of them.

He only got 5.5 million votes.

The majority don't support him. This poll is skewed heavily in favor of his faithful bootlickers.

Will CBC cover this?

Elections Canada says more than 200,000 mail-in ballots sent to voters in the last federal election were not counted, 

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