posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 08:28 AM
I was never really into time. Even as a child, I didn't care for it. Its so demanding.
“Its time to do this. Its time to do that. We don't have time for that, but we have time for this.”
“Why don't we have time for this when we have time for all the other stuff?”
“Because we don't have that much time. We're running out of time.”
“No, we aren't.”
“Our time is almost up.”
“No, it isn't. There is always more of it right around the corner. If you wait for it, it will get here. We never run out of it.”
“I don't have time to explain this. One more question and you get a time-out...”
It wasn't time saying we didn't have time to go to the movies. It was my parents. They just blamed it on time. I grew up learning to hate time.
There was never enough of it for me or the things I wanted to do. Everybody else had time, and their stuff took forever. But not me. I was always out
of time and drowning in it at the same time. There is always time, or, time is always there. We live in it, pass through it, deal with it constantly.
Fickle bastard, time.
It seemed like time was always ignoring me. I decided to ignore it right back. I stopped paying attention to it altogether. Life suddenly got so much
easier. Well, in most ways. I could do what I wanted when I wanted and I didn't have to worry. That fell apart when I wanted to watch television but
my shows weren't on. Time outsmarted me that time, or, that time outsmarted me. I was never sure which was correct.
I liked television. I realized that time and I were going to have to learn to get along or my television watching days were pretty much over, unless I
liked that weird 'you can paint like me' guy. He always seemed to be on. How did he have so much time? Why couldn't he share some of his time with
Speed Racer?
Can you share your time? If I give time to someone else what do I do in the mean time?
My clock isn't set right. If I want to know the time I have to subtract 1 hour and 15 minutes from whatever the clock says. Everyone says my clock is
wrong. No, it isn't. You just have to know how to read it. It keeps time perfectly. I don't know where it keeps it though. Its not a big clock. Time
must not take up a lot of space. But time is everywhere. Everywhere is a really big place. Space and time must have worked out some kind of deal or
something. Clever.
So now I have space and time. But I don't really have either one. I think maybe they have me...
The End...?