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300 million year old pot found in coal

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posted on Feb, 17 2022 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: Akragon

the question i have has there been an isotopic ratio done one this as the carbon date would show how old the coal is

also if it was just iron why didn't it rust and disappear.

it would have had to have been buried in moments in some natural disaster where plants and tress and what not buried it.

it would be interesting to see what it was made out of

the hammer that was in the stone is interesting as the handle is turning to coal and the metal has a good amount of fluorine in it and that is not something we even make and would be WAY outside the realms of a home hoaxer

i have always had a soft spot of OOPA's and i think the human race is much much older than we know, there are know global catastrophes that could cause a civilization not matter how advanced to slip back in to just surving and the knowledge would be lost.

humans are a species with amnesia

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 01:35 AM

originally posted by: noscopebacon
a reply to: Akragon

the question i have has there been an isotopic ratio done one this as the carbon date would show how old the coal is

also if it was just iron why didn't it rust and disappear.

it would have had to have been buried in moments in some natural disaster where plants and tress and what not buried it.

it would be interesting to see what it was made out of

the hammer that was in the stone is interesting as the handle is turning to coal and the metal has a good amount of fluorine in it and that is not something we even make and would be WAY outside the realms of a home hoaxer

i have always had a soft spot of OOPA's and i think the human race is much much older than we know, there are know global catastrophes that could cause a civilization not matter how advanced to slip back in to just surving and the knowledge would be lost.

humans are a species with amnesia

i would assume it didn't rust because theres no oxygen when something is embedded in coal...

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 05:10 AM

originally posted by: cooperton
I never mentioned snowfall, I was referring to ice accumulation.

And where does the ice come from?

And where does it end up? Just one iceberg can contain decades of "ice accumulation"

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Akragon

water runes thru coal and can be very acidic more than air can 'rust'/oxidize iron.

and if you look at coal there are pockets of methane and air that's why mines used to explode was the gasses in the coal.

like i said i believe in OOPA(out of place artifacts) but they need a good custody chain and testing to show what they are made out of because if they are a strange alloy or something not 'normal'.

i 110% believe humans and earth in general has a very interesting history that has been lost to time.

posted on Feb, 18 2022 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: Akragon

So it did not start off on the ground and have the coal form around it over time, instead it started off embedded in coal? I agree, which is proof it's newly embedded.

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