originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Ravenwatcher
The national insurance/social security numbers we are issued when registered at birth pretty much make us a commodity to be bought sold and traded
just like any other.
Dang you already beat me to it haha but please allow me to expand on this.
First and foremost, lets clear one important thing up before I even continue. The constitution DOES-NOT, I repeat, DOES-NOT, define your rights. A
constitution is nothing more than a piece of paper that lists rights you ALREADY have. This was specifically said in the constitution, "we are born
with in-alienable rights, endowed to us by OUR CREATOR", not a piece of paper, or a proclamation of government. The constitution is theoretically
nothing more than really old toilet paper that if anything, gives boundaries to our sovereignty as a race. Rights are not given to us by anyone, nor
can they be taken away by anyone. The most anyone can do with a right, is choose to exercise it or not.
*please don't let me lose you on the follow up*
This conversation has been enshrined by Jordan Maxwell countless times on the internet.
There is admiralty law and civil law. Admiral Law, defined by Investopedia:
Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, is a body of laws, conventions, and treaties that govern private maritime business and other nautical
matters, such as shipping or offenses occurring on open water. International rules, governing the use of the oceans and seas, are known as the Law of
the Sea.
And here we go with the word magic, a perversion of the English language. Again, these laws *don't* apply to you, but they've convinced you that you
do and made "someone" sign your life away. These are banker and merchant terms.
Likewise, a boat would dock in a foreign port for import or export of products. When a product is taken off of a ship and brought into a foreign land,
that nation takes custody of the product and accounts for it with a certificate. That certificate marks the birth date of that product in the custody
of the nation.
Why is it supposedly required to have a certificate of birth in the first place...I mean, you're alive, right? Because I know a guy who can get you a
birth certificate for $100 flat.
As defined in the Barrons Dictionary of Banking Terms:
certificate: certificate paper establishing an ownership claim
...Owned? Owned by...whom? No one "owns" you, not even your mother...Rights aren't endowed on you later in your life, they're always there. By that
definition, anyone with a birth certificate is defined as "owned".
Jordan Maxwell aside, what backs the US dollar? Oil? We barely had enough to sustain ourselves, we couldn't back a currency on it, it's a finite
resource. Gold? It's already been stolen. No, the dollar is backed by debt, specifically YOUR head...and also the fact that we have a lot of powerful
guns and bad-ass bulldogs sent straight from Satans legions (semper fi).
People are used as collateral with other nations because we're bankrupt, we have ziltch, nothing, nada. 1933 the United States declared bankruptcy.
Emergency Banking Act of 1933
The Emergency Banking Act was a federal law passed in 1933. Signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (D) on March 9, 1933, the act granted
the president, the comptroller of the currency, and the secretary of the treasury broader regulatory authority over the nation's banking system.
According to the Federal Reserve, the act was intended to restore faith in the banking system.
Leading up to 1933, over 5000 banks closed in 3 years and unemployment was at 25%. During which time, FDR closed all banks for I believe 6 or 7 days,
which we call the "Bank Holiday" in history. Then he called congress into emergency session to pass the legislation. The bill gave the federal
government authority to audit all bank records, determine which banks were fit to reopen, and provide capital (from loans given by the federal
reserve, with you as collateral because everyone is broke).
Healthy banks were reopened, and others closed according to FDR. But back to the crisis, during that time, the money supply dropped by nearly 1/3rd by
early 1933...not withstanding all the stimulus from the reconstruction finance corporation or the lowering of interest rates by the New York Fed, it
didn't matter, people were hoarding cash. Banks when they borrow money from the fed or the reconstruction finance corp, they just use it to shore up
their reserves, they weren't actually spending or investing it. All of this culminated in FDR's attempt to restore confidence in the public with this
bill by combating the psychology of depression and decline.
Highlighted from FDR's inauguration speech:
"Its time to put people to work"
Furthermore he stated in his speech:
I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis: broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency......treating
the task as we would treat the emergency of a war....
Comparing it with the moral equivalence of war. A wartime president. And what do wartime presidents do? Expand their power. Just look at Lincoln who
preceded him. Things he could exercise now that he would have never exercised in peace. Hence why Herbert Hoover didn't have this "last instrument"
available to him, because it's not...
And so the war on bull# starts.