posted on Mar, 30 2005 @ 11:44 AM
My "feelings" are usually accurate, and most of the time those feelings play out with family members. My husband knows how odd I am and he has
first hand experiences with "i told you so" but that's why I am hestitant to say anything. He really wants to go to the wedding and if I put
doubts in his head and he doesn't go and nothing happens, he might hold a grudge against me or say I told him just to keep him home, which again I
assure is not the case.
I just don't know.........
btw just so you all know, I've kinda of stayed away from the personal predictions because I really do misinterpret things, I can admit that.
ex..over the past 5-10 years, I have had the same consistent dream which I labelled my "hurricane" dream, in which the location of my home, which i
know in the dream is inland is suddenly surrounded by water after what I interpreted as a big storm causing it and I am evacuated by helicopter and
when I go to look for my family next me in the helicopter I wake up in a panic. Well for years I have interpretted that dream as a Massive
hurricane devastating Florida's coastline, but now in retrospect and after discussion with people close to me, it seems I had describe the after
effects of the Boxing Day tsunami and the funny thing is I have NOT had this dream at all since the beginning of this year. I used to dream the same
dream at least 2-3 a month.
then I had a dream that someone on ATS wanted to hurt me, to physically do me harm, over and over again, I was plagued with this dream of someone (no
face, no name, but a male) planning how they were going to kill me. I brushed this series of dreams off as too much weed and snacks before hitting
the bed, but then the Wiese incident happened and now I wonder if that is what I dreamed about, i make no claims that it is, just found it to be odd.
The dream hasn't stopped though, and I feel there is still someone out there who is visiting the site with ill intentions in mind, whether against me
or people in general I don't know.
As for feelings, I had weeks of butterflies, knots in my stomach, etc, then my 16 year old cousin at the time, ran away from home and some how found
herself living with her crackhead father, who had once attempted to sexually fondle me. I intervened in that situation and brought her into my home
instead. Days later her dad had an overdose situation and went beserk according to his neighbors, he ended up in the hospital for a few days after
Then last year, i had this nagging feeling that something bad was going to happen and one of my aunts died.
Same feeling, my grandmother had a stroke a few days later.
Whether you choose to believe me and my feelings, is up to you, I wouldn't lie about stuff like this and I don't want any unneccessary attention so
I stopped posting my wierd dreams and feelings here because I am never sure what exactly I am seeing and if it is directly related to me or someone
else. i have also picked up on other people's issues too in the past and misinterpreted them for my own and vice versa. I only make these
connections after the fact, because I keep a dream journal.
anyways sorry for going off on a tangent there, back to this current issue, I have had no dreams, nothing specific like a plane crash or car accident,
just a bad feeling, it's not a rational feeling, which bothers me immensely.