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Japan's Kowa says ivermectin showed 'antiviral effect' against Omicron in research!

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posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: daboxfan
I for one can tell you I took the actual horse paste( and I got the monoclonal antibodies immediately- another treatment they have sequestered and its not readily available anymore)... Got rid of the RONA all by myself. Felt bad for a few days and no side effects. My wife also... we got it at the same time and did the same treatment.I actually have my blood tested on a regular basis and no changes. we both came through the illness rather quickly and we don't wear masks and go about our lives pretty much normally. I go to the gym 4-5 times per week and eat healthy. My kids have both had it and they were sick for a day maybe. No treatment or medicine was given. Good luck with the MRNA vaccine that has had NO CLINICAL STUDIES outside of the people selling it. AND they are fighting to keep their results hidden for the next 75 years... tell me why they deserve any delay in the release of information at all? That gives me pause right there. Ivermectin BTW, if you are not listening to the fear porn spoon fed to zombies all day.... HAS HAD BILLIONS OF DOSES WORDLWIDE AND HAS BEEN USED FOR ABOUT 30 YEARS. It was NEVER deemed dangerous until people started using it to combat the virus. BTW #2... BILLIONS of doses freely used by MEXICO, INDIA and many other countries for the last 2 years to specifically combat the coronavirus with excellent results.... also please go to FLCCC protocol. A group of American medical doctors that treat coronavirus and publish the results on their own. The treatment plans are based upon THOUSAND AND THOUSANDS of treated patients and change as they gather more data.... BOOM- just like you are supposed to do... you can argue the " horse paste" is different from the pills. Symantics. Ivermectin, by the pure volume of use, is pretty safe and effective. If you care to look... there is also plenty of data to support this. The CDC is still telling people to wear masks even though that has BEEN DEEMED ineffective in any laboratory test( at least the masks we are all wearing) maybe you should wear a level 3 virus suit with an oxygen tank. NO THANKS. I'll keep on living what life I have left thank you!

a reply to: andy06shake

Would like to applaud ever single word written, thank you for sharing your story. It is vital that people understand that Ivermectin is saving lives. Happy that you and your family are doing well and are a testament to the reality that Ivermectin works!

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 11:55 AM
If the jab didn’t elicit an immune response in you it wasn’t a vaccine. Use your definitions and your grey matter.

a reply to: andy06shake

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

The vaccine does elicit an immune response though. The problem is that immune response leads to a defense against a virus that no longer exists. The new variants have mutations where the antibodies attach making them unable to function.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

vaccine does elicit an immune response

That wasnt the promise that Bill Gates said about these mRNA vaxs. He said himself in a interview last year in a number of times these vaxs if you get vaxed you will be able prevent yourself and protect your loved ones from being infected.

Why are you deflecting by claiming that the vaxs elicit an immune response?
edit on 31-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: network dude.

its an antiparasitic.

Ahh! Now I see why you hate the stuff.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 12:16 PM
It didn’t even make Andrew’s arm sore.

Hardly an immune response....

a reply to: OccamsRazor04

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

vaccine does elicit an immune response

That wasnt the promise that Bill Gates said about these mRNA vaxs. He said himself in a interview last year in a number of times these vaxs if you get vaxed you will be able prevent yourself and protect your loved ones from being infected.

Why are you deflecting by claiming that the vaxs elicit an immune response?

A vaccine is any substance that elicits an immune response.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
Its the research that suggests to be of any use Ivermectin would need to be consumed at dangerous levels.

Like i suggest their is a difference between laboratory conditions and real world applications.

This? This is your understanding, yet you've been running your yap all over the place on these issues? Does CNN have a forum where the ignorant can hang out and eschew research & due diligence together? Pat themselves on the back for avoiding knowledge maybe or sit around all day thinking up insulting slogans to slur the self-determinant and hide their ignorance behind?

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: network dude

My understanding is just fine ta very much.

Good luck with the horse paste all the same.

That's a government site. The same government that's in chaoots with big pharma

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Someone posted it's not a vax because it doesn't elicit an immune response. I responded it does. Your post is pure nonsense and why do I care what Bill Gates said?

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

The sore arm is not from the immune response, it's usually from the needle going into the muscle. I bet it did make his arm sore, how sore is usually from the RN's technique.

Just want to understand, when someone has an asymptomatic case of covid they have no antibodies because no immune response happened? Is that your argument?

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 01:36 PM
No. My argument was a definition of a vaccine.

Andrew said he had no ill effects besides a sore arm.

Considering everyone I know who takes a flu shot gets a reaction from their immune system and taking Andrew’s testimony at face value, I surmise that whatever was injected into Andrew was not a vaccine.

a reply to: OccamsRazor04

edit on 31-1-2022 by Dalamax because: Extrapolating

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

not speaking for anyone else, but I had heard that once you get the shot (or shots) you would feel a bit bad for a day maybe, and that was the body responding to the "vaccine", and producing the antibodies needed to fight off the infection. I fix computers and networks, so I don't claim to know anything about sick folk. But that is what some who claim to know have said.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

vaccine does elicit an immune response

That wasnt the promise that Bill Gates said about these mRNA vaxs. He said himself in a interview last year in a number of times these vaxs if you get vaxed you will be able prevent yourself and protect your loved ones from being infected.

Why are you deflecting by claiming that the vaxs elicit an immune response?

A vaccine is any substance that elicits an immune response.

So Zinc is a Vaccine ?
So Vitamin C is a Vaccine ?
So Vitamin D is a Vaccine ?

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: elementalgrove

I am indeed, same as im aware Ivermectin is not safe to use where the treatment of COVID 19 in humans is concerned.

And im not the only person that subscribes to said fact.

I don't understand what is your Problem with Ivermectin ? It's been successfully used numerous times in the past to Treat other SARS Viruses .

It's just an Anti Viral / Anti parasitic pill that's all , Don't worry it's not going to replace your precious mRNA Vaccines .

India used it
Japan Used it
and Plenty of people in the USA have used it successfully just relax mate , the Left does not need you to back them up anymore .

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

I get the flu vaccine every year as I am mandated, I never get any symptoms.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: network dude

As an RN who constantly has to take vaccines and give them, it can be a crapshoot as to whether or not you get symptoms. I am double vaxxed and had no symptoms on either one other than a slightly sore arm, my wife got hers from the same vial I got mine and she felt like total crap both times for day or two.
edit on 31-1-2022 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: Dalamax

I get the flu vaccine every year as I am mandated, I never get any symptoms.

you always feel 100% right after the shot? That's interesting. I've actually felt bad and seen others feel bad after the shot.
Maybe it's something wrong with my immune system. it's why I don't take flu shots anymore. I risk a chance at feeling bad, vs, knowing I'm going to feel bad. Someone should do a study on that.

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: network dude

As an RN who constantly has to take vaccines and give them, it can be a crapshoot as to whether or not you get symptoms. I am double vaxxed and had no symptoms on either one other than a slightly sore arm, my wife got hers from the same vial I got mine and she felt like total crap both times for day or two.

OK, so I'm not crazy. That's a good thing. have they ever did any studies as to why some have different reactions?

posted on Jan, 31 2022 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: andy06shake

horse paste

Doesn't say a lot for your argument that you are reduced to calling it that.

Just says he is an Avid viewer of CNN and MSNBC.

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