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Fairfax Schools Tell Children Of Military Members That They Have ‘Privilege’

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posted on Jan, 29 2022 @ 10:26 PM
Of course, these days it can be said that things like this card are a racial profile of every single white kid.

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 07:12 AM
The only privilege I see is a bunch of teachers not getting their faces pounded in for trying to brainwash our children. It’s coming though, just a matter of time.

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Some of these boxes aside from the military one are stupid. Look at involved in extracurricular activities. So poor kids can't get involved in extracurricular activities? Why not? I taught in a poor inner city school and those activities existed. If a kid didn't want to get involved, then that's on them, and no one was cutting kids out, either.

Able-Bodied? I've gone through life with migraines. They went chronic on me. Arguably, I have not been able-bodied for a long, long time, but it didn't stop me from being a high achiever and earning a spot on my high school's Wall of Fame and competing at a Power 5 college athletically. There is an entire Olympics dedicated to people who don't let their bodies get in the way of achievement.

Male? Statistically speaking, being male (any type of male) is a disadvantage these days. No one talks about it, but it's there in the numbers for anyone who cares to look.

Both my parents were married, went to college and graduated, etc., supposedly, this puts you on the success train, and yet I grew up poor in a cliquish town with a high average median income relative to the area. Nothing about my childhood was "privileged". I very obviously came from the wrong side of the tracks where the rest of the kids were concerned. I surely was not feeling privilege through all those years of being told I was "ugly and my momma was dressing me funny".

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