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Advances in technology requires more and more trust in Government

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posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: mcsnacks77

I think you may find that the first recorded evidence of abortion is from the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus in 1550 BCE and not University of Washington.

Abortions are a woman's choice and fact of life.

No point bringing something in to the world that you cannot or refuse to take care of.

Nothing racist about abortions just practicality as unfortunate as the case may be.

You understand that socialism is not the same as communism right?

The main difference being under communism property and economic resources are owned and controlled by the state where as under socialism everyone has an equal share in the economic resources which are allocated by a ""democratically-elected government"".

Anyhow the "Socialist Party of the United States of America" or SPUSA has been around since 1973, what your going on about is POTUS Dwight D Eisenhower criminalising membership of ""communist organizations"" back in 1954.
edit on 30-1-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: mcsnacks77

Show me this "force-field"?

The key to knowledge is learning, study and experimentation.

And the only tool we have available that will allow us to understand but a fraction of life the universe and reality we experience is science.

As to evolution well thats all about organisms adaption to their environment with traits/mutations that help them survive and reproduce thus said traits are passed along to their offspring.

edit on 30-1-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2022 @ 04:19 PM
I mean, it all really depends on what tech you are talking about.

The same technology can also enable a significantly reduced (or eliminated) need for trust in the government, or really any centralized structures at all.

Everybody talks about how automation and robotics will be used by massive corporations, governments, and NGOs to "rule the world." But, far too few talk about how all of the same stuff can be deployed at a household level with no connection to central authorities whatsoever.

The foundation of which can literally be built today, here and now, with 100 sqft of aquaponics (yields ~1lb of protein a day), solar/wind/hydro (its advantage isnt being "green," but in providing individual autonomy & self-sufficiency), and modern manufacturing methods like 3d printer/CNC combos.

Hell, we even have printers that print houses now using the surrounding earth. Which also creates a convenient spot for possible further aquaponics beyond the systems in controlled environments.

Whenever the topic comes up, even in your private thinking.. take a second and ponder how the same tech might be used by you individually instead of giving everyones power of agency to some corrupt central system of subjugation.

We are determining the future of humanity with these tools. Will they be solely under the purview of oligarchies? Or will we use the same tools to build a society and paradigm that has removed historic points of leverage, coercion, and control?

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