posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 02:18 PM
The world has seemed to be hurtling down a track from which it cannot deviate, seemingly bound for Chaos, it appears impossible to stop the chain of
events which 'THEY' have finally unleashed as a weapon against our civilisation, designed to lead us to the deathly Apocalypse. But why are
'THEY' seemingly Hell-bent on delivering the people of this world to destruction?
The clue comes from considering their belief system in the proper light. In the past, I have always averred that the infamous 'THEY' are clearly
'Satanic' worshippers, intent on demonic rituals which include infant sacrifice & the deliberate torture of children. Although my beliefs in this
regard have shifted somewhat, I do believe that they still carry out such atrocities, using the inherent pain & suffering as fuel for their ultimate
purposes. Blood ritual was ordained in some deep, magical way at the beginning of time, which we cannot fully understand as humans within this
present system - because although it can be used for negative ritual, it had been ordained for annual propitiatory sacrifice for the nation of Israel,
whose entire belief system prepared the way for the Son of God, Jesus Christ – who then offered Himself up as a divine version of blood sacrifice -
once for all time, in His case – by which action He was thoroughly negating the formerly recurrent need for sacrifice on a regular basis.
I now believe that the infamous 'THEY' are in fact Gnostics, from a lineage of Gnosticism which practised on the basis of a heretical set of
practices & beliefs, alleging that their system of knowledge was superior, closer to the Truth than traditional Christianity. Their system was
deemed heretical – but because it was so diabolical (literally), it gained power & momentum amongst the rich & powerful, who revelled in the occult
forces which were conferred on the worshippers in striking ways via demonic magical ritual dressed up as 'the Light'. There were indeed true powers
behind this frequently sexualised ritual (another reason it proved popular) - ancient demons who manifested through the ceremonial hosts, volunteers
who channelled the spirits & acted as anchors for the forces which were distributed to the worshippers.
They believe that this world is an illusion, created by an inferior God (they call the true God false – whereas we know that the triune God -
Christ, Father, Spirit – reigns over all & has all authority in the Heavens & the realm of Earth). They claim that a god named 'Yaldaboath' is
actually supreme, that the 'YHWH Trinity' is somehow lesser in power & truth. This is not the case, but when the gnostic worshippers who were
drawn to the heresy began to observe & experience true occult powers flowing through the rituals worshipping this strange god, they began to believe
the deception, and thereafter everything else about their belief system was inverted - they began to believe darkness was Light, that deception was
Truth, that pain was pleasure, and indeed, that Reality was an illusion.
As Christians, we know that this world is a vale of shadows in some respects, that there is a more exalted state of being in a more glorious place, in
the World to come, the world beyond death – but this present world has been created beautiful by the true God, with the potential for much beauty,
truth & grace to flow through an understanding of the Truth concerning these things in our lives. Our duty as righteous men & women is to leave the
world a bit better than how we found it to be, when we became aware of the Truth & began working to establish our own legacy here, for our children &
their children after us. We are to be a community of right-thinking people who take on the challenges of the darkness, and work to bring light into
the dark situations we face, to deliver captives out of their prisons, to make disciples of all mankind.
Because 'THEY' strongly believe this Reality to be an illusion, they are not concerned with how bad it becomes through their evil actions, and
indeed they strive to pervert & corrupt it, generation by generation, leaving a deeper set of problems for the children of righteousness to fight
against in the next generation. Indeed, 'THEY' actively intend for this world to become a true Hell-scape, full of suffering & delusion, so that
they can trigger some sort of crossing over into the world which they believe is a Heaven for their kind. In fact, what they seek is to invert all
the ordinary righteous values of this world, known to all children by their innate consciences, codified in the Old & New Testaments. 'THEY' intend
to create an evil den of thieves, murderers, perverts & witches, delivering the children of Mankind into the hands of demons, all so they can escape
the alleged illusion they have believed in for so long. They do so to trigger the Apocalypse, such that the Christian God, the Father of all things
(incarnate with Jesus Christ the Son, present with all of us by the Holy Spirit - the Trinity is a deep mystery) – will be 'forced' (compelled) to
destroy this world, and upon this happening, they believe they will transition into their version of Paradise. Except, they will not be transferred
to any such place, and they will quickly find out how wrong they were, as has been the case for every member of their sect since the 1st Century
Before they trigger this final cataclysm, they intend to unlock various gates of darkness, including the literal gates of Hell, the Abyss, in an
effort to release the various demons which are constrained there, such that they will punish their enemies & revel with them in the new world they
believe they will be going to.
The belief system that these heretical Gnostics adhere to, is full of darkness & deception, but on its surface it could appear to be light, when
looked at in a certain way. The crooked will find a seemingly straight yet crooked path, deluding them to follow along with the insipid witches &
sorcerers who have made their home there. The 'light-bearer' is found there, and with words a-plenty the nascent believer will be deceived &
convinced of the virtuousness of their path, the alleged righteous nature of their acts & the 'godliness' of the forces which they are conveying to
the world, as they tear it down, piece by piece, over the generations, corrupting it to the point that it would be nothing but a Hell, of the true
nature of the word. And they believe that somehow they will bring about a sort of Heaven by these means.