I am 72 and I thought ok my retirement years were going to be quiet, peaceful and good; I was wrong...I saved quite a few children in my past from
predators...along the way I made some serious enemies; And they are messing with my life. trying to mess with my good reputation. making me out to be
someone I am not.
I am a Heaven person, a caring person, so going through this is very difficult...I have realized that the only way I'll survive is to be alone in my
apartment for the rest of my life until I die and go home to Heaven.
The people of destruction hate me and are try their best to destroy me. They've got money and a lot of it...I don't. All I can do is pray and hope
that I survive until I enter Heaven.
Who did you piss off? Was it the church? How did you save children from predators specifically? What do you mean that you will be alone for the
rest of your life?
Please have a seat, tell your story. I'm listening.
Nothing wrong with flying solo , it can be hard at times and your thoughts can become your worst enemy but once you get these issues under control it
can be pretty peacefull.
I hated living alone shortly after leaving the nest , but now at 35 i kinda enjoy being single , with a steady income i have really nothing to worry
I'm sorry you're having such a tough time. Surely you have neighbors you can chat with or have coffee with? How about church fellowship? Senior
groups? Surely these thugs can't be everywhere...
Not sure what befell you, but I was watching Prof. Sam Vaknin the other day, and loneliness is currently an epidemic.
Or perhaps rather a social trend, that effects people from a young age these days.
He tracks shrinking friendship circles in Western society since the 1980's, and nowadays you're lucky to have 1 real friend while still being fairly
In fact, people are rationalizing loneliness and weaponizing it, claiming it is a new "lifestyle choice".
For me a way out was exercise and training with people, which in SA is advisable anyway unless you want to be a constant crime victim.
But yeah, if you've been the target of powerful narcissists and sociopaths, their smear campaigns can turn entire communities against you.
If this was the case with you, my advice is start watching some vids on those topics on YouTube.
There are people more expert than me who offer even free therapy and advice.
But you're on ATS, which is a start, and I find a much healthier space than the social media (Facebook et. al.) "metaverse".
edit on 27-1-2022
by halfoldman because: (no reason given)
Update: I just got in the mail a total 100% letter of rejection. Emotionally.... it is painful. Yes I know I am not everyones cup of tea...so to
speak....but gee well I am an alcoholic I tried to make amends but nothing worked; I gave it my best shot and frankly they don't care.
So my letters are over...at least my (Higher Power) knows I gave it my best shot. What now? Honestly I don't know.
I am ready to pass away and enter Heaven...trouble is I keep getting people who want me to leave sooner than Heaven wants me to; it is horrible, I
hate Seattle, it is a horrible town.
I'm sorry to hear you are still having a challenging time.
Perhaps leave Seattle, I've read that the areas one lives can influence the energy we attract or put out into the universe. You may not even have to
move very far. Nobody knows when their time will come, though I feel you owe it to yourself to have & enjoy some peace in the meantime.
edit on 3-12-2022 by dffrntkndfnml because: grammar and spelling