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Could 2022 be the year for truths to be revealed? Be careful what’s wished for

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posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:33 AM
So we have probably all heard and or probably read the PDF book “Alien Races Book” (ARB)

Source: Russian Secret Alien Races Book

It’s been around for some time now, many years in fact. Some read it as a joke, some as part truths and part fallacy’s, some as written in stone truth.

It’s got some good pictures whether hoaxed or possibly not. Some of the writing? Well that’s up to the reader I suppose.

Now to get to the point…..ARB was last updated on the whole, In content in 2011, except for the very last page which was added 2013.

I have come across a peculiar and odd references in the ARB. Below are 3 references to this year of 2022! The context which may be a glimmer of doom if I read it right. I’m just amazed that 2022 is mentioned in a book that was first written in 1946 or 1947 with updates until 2013.

It’s strange……to me…..could it be making a prediction of sorts to whatever may be happening this year 2022?

Didn’t the “UAP” general public flap start in 2017 when the NYT broke out with the UAP videos and stories?

Notice 2017 is also mentioned…..

You may have to read other pages of the PDF 90+ page book on either side of the pages shown below for better context. There are no page numbers in the book itself.

Any thoughts?

edit on 27-1-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

It’s got some good pictures whether hoaxed or possibly not. Some of the writing? Well that’s up to the reader I suppose.

The essential thing is whether something is true or false, regardless of the reader's views on the matter under discussion.

Didn’t the “UAP” general public flap start in 2017 when the NYT broke out with the UAP videos and stories?

No, it didn't. Even the acronym UAP was already in use decades ago. And most likey the intent here is to classify them as meteorologic phenomena, while the most common acronym UFO was termed dangerous as it clearly refers to 'physical objects', that is, real things. Terming them UAPs is just another step to divert the public away from scrutinizing the skies in search of objects which are clearly military in nature. Better to have people thinking about demons, angels, and interdimensional beings, which was (and is) Mr. Vallee's role. I do prefer the UAP strategy because renaming the entire phenomena puts the narrative under military control. That's the use of myths, anyway: to control the narrative.

Anything about "alien races" has to do with the usual human logic of trying to classify imaginary beings, a tradition that was already in place during the Middle Ages with their bestiaries and compendiums of beasts (most of which, by the way, resemble today's aliens).

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Any thoughts?

Only suicidal ones

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:51 AM
The hate of humanity is a good explanation to Fermi's paradox. That would make this book more of a scientific piece then the fiction it portraits to us.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 03:28 AM

edit on 1/27/22 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I knew that "alien" looked familiar. They stole that pic from here. They updated the book in 2013 and this was an episode from 2010.

This is the still they cropped it from. If they are going to fake pictures, I'm going to call the rest fake too.

edit on 27-1-2022 by DAVID64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

"Black will become white, and yellow will become red". Is a quote from that book.

I took time to actually read the book I did find it weird they referenced this year.. time will tell. Although the ships were of interest as I saw one several months back. Added more mystery to it.

Overall I rate it a 4, fun stolen pics. Poor writing and typos, but it did make me wonder why priests wear robes XD.

edit on 27-1-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 04:03 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I knew that "alien" looked familiar. They stole that pic from here. They updated the book in 2013 and this was an episode from 2010.

This is the still they cropped it from. If they are going to fake pictures, I'm going to call the rest fake too.

Yes………of course that and other pictures you, we, and everyone has probably been seen elsewhere and used in the ARB……

It’s explained in a couple of pages at the beginning of the book…..

BTW…….there’s other sources elsewhere to read the ARB online or download the entire PDF book….using the title for the search words.

edit on 27-1-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

....and that makes me even more skeptical.

"We're going to admit right up front we faked the pictures, so we look honest and you'll believe the rest of it "

I've been interested in Science Fiction/space travel/UFOs since I was very young and after almost 50 years of hoaxers, con men, attention seekers and those who are just plain bats**t crazy, I've become extremely jaded.

I'll believe the aliens are coming when I see them land.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

You might be better off looking closer to home for your first sightings or ' guaranteed' news of real evidence .

Antarctica is the favoured location for that type of scenario and you can endlessly chat whether that will include visitors from Orion coming out of Stasis , Preadamites , Dracos, Hybrids or Uncle Tom and his Angelic backing choir . Or all of them plus others .

But one certainty is that you will get no full CIA Disclosure as long as they can get you to swallow their periodic releases of fake pictures and phoney Navy UAP interceptions .imho

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

....and that makes me even more skeptical.

"We're going to admit right up front we faked the pictures, so we look honest and you'll believe the rest of it "

I've been interested in Science Fiction/space travel/UFOs since I was very young and after almost 50 years of hoaxers, con men, attention seekers and those who are just plain bats**t crazy, I've become extremely jaded.

I'll believe the aliens are coming when I see them land.

While your emphasis is on the pictures…….and that’s ok….

My emphasis in the OP, is on the dates…..and how it’s strange that 2017, and especially 2022 (repeated 3 times) is used as a predictor of some type of events in the Aliens and UFO’s sense, to be written in a book that was written since 1946+ and sporadically updated, as more information was gained, up until 2013.

In 2017, the general public and world learn of AATIP and the change in designation from UFO to UAP’s in which the U.S. Government admits are not theirs. A soft Disclosure so to speak, but a disclosure nevertheless.

We are now in the first month of 2022….with the rest of 2022 yet to be played out. Anything and many things will happen….par for the course of any year in history somewhere in the world.

To narrow down what is written in the 3 pages in the OP…

Perhaps the “predictions”, as I am stating to possibly be real, perhaps this year 2022, will be the year of full Disclosure by us humans or the Aliens themselves, to the general public and the world.

Like a previous posting of someone, which was stated…….” I took time to actually read the book I did find it weird they referenced this year.. time will tell.”….

Time indeed will tell……..

If true, that some major event concerning Aliens and or UFO’s/UAP’s actually happens that wakes up every common human on this planet…..then hopefully it’s not a doom and gloom Malevolent realization as predicted, but instead a Benevolent realization…..from the prediction …..”UNLESS YOU ALL CHANGE…”

Perhaps these predicted dates are merely coincidental……perhaps they should be treated as the predictions of Nostradamus……

Once again time, in this case…..the year 2022…..will tell either way.

UPDATE……found one more referenced to 2017 below. Could this be a reference to increasing UAP (interpreted from planes) Swarms? or just many more individual UAP’s (interpreted from planes.) ….Think of it as you will.

edit on 27-1-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1


Change what? DNA? .... the jab? .... Makes me wonder....

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Ophiuchus1


Change what? DNA? .... the jab? .... Makes me wonder....

Predictions are subjective until they are actually fulfilled.

It could be that full visible Disclosure won’t happen, but instead, Aliens, whomever they may be….will be doing some Major influencing behind the scenes of the world stage.

Look at what’s happening to our species even now………most news these days is bad news. In fact, a lot of humanity think good news is boring. They would opt to see tragic headlines, then someone helping a little old lady cross the street.

I take your questioning as rhetorical, since there is no clear answer….just…what if’s.

Like you, I wonder as well…..

I stay vigilant to protect myself and my own. In the end, if there is one…my vigilance may prove to be futile. My wish, my goal is…I want to cease to exist from natural causes due to old aging.


posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 05:52 PM
Hey, my tinnitus started in 2017 - does it mention that?

Well, let’s hope that we’re still here to bump this thread in 2023 and have a laugh about it.

Love these threads, btw. Whether or not I believe them they certainly tickle the imagination and that’s never time wasted.

edit on 27-1-2022 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: McGinty

Good news is it will stop in 2022

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 06:24 AM
The thing about books like this one is that aliens are what an average human would imagine aliens to be like. There is nothing extraterrestrial in it that could only possibly come from external source. Everything in the book is within the reach of an average persons imagination. The aliens are just slightly different humanoids, only less diverse and have human issues.

But don't worry, there is one thing you can be sure of in life and that is that after 2022 is over, someone will come up with a new date. The end of the world predictions have been showing up around every 50 years for the last 2000 years without a break, so I am sure the same thing will go on for alien disclosure.

They've already booked 2026 as the apocalypse based on some book from 2000 and 2028 based on some book from 2015. Only sky is the limit when it comes to prophecies because everyone can write one.

You can find a reason to wait for something your entire life if you like to spend your life waiting for something.
edit on 28-1-2022 by iknowyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: iknowyou
You can find a reason to wait for something your entire life if you like to spend your life waiting for something.

How true…..Especially when religion is involved.

To me, The Holy Trinity are technically Aliens…..The Father (God), The Son (Jesus Christ), and The Holy Spirit (Bodiless Being). The Second Coming is indeed a …“reason to wait for something my entire life”….

I sometimes imagine that in The Second Coming, Jesus Christ will return in a Armada of Extraterrestrial spacecraft.

We all know that numerically and symbolically….the number 3 (as in The Holy Trinity), has some sort of meaning throughout time…..and for some, it’s a key to solving mysteries.

Of course “trinity” meaning 3 and used in mathematical symbology can represent a Triangle having 3 sides. It was once posted by someone….”any three objects in the sky will always form some sort of a triangle…unless they are in a straight line”….

I made quite an observation for myself recently….that there may be a connection when using the Triangle in UFO lore…..

In addition to what’s described as flying solid Triangular craft in the skies……or 3 independent lighted Orbs….there is use of a Triangles (or form of) symbolism I believe to be used by Aliens as identifiers for themselves and their races, and or groups.

Below I have put together where a triangular-ish shape has been used from different sources. Perhaps there are more…somewhere to be found. I used the 3 sided (3 angles) Triangle approach over the 4 sided Pyramid approach…in my thinking.

My Triangle approach may also be all wrong, in which case the main element of the symbols from the four sources, actually represent a Pyramid. (There are witnessed purported craft in the shape of a Pyramid).

Is it just coincidence? Or, are all denoting a connection, a pattern of separate entities, but united under a single universal alliance?

Here is the triangular/ pyramid representing Vulcan… Spock’s home planet from Star Trek. It is said that Gene Roddenberry was influenced by Aliens/UFO’s in his concepts. Also, the Star Trek uniform insignias are triangular-ish / pyramid-ish in shape….(The Federation Of Planets…is an alliance of sorts).

Another triangular pyramid shape…most on the planet are aware of…..perhaps it was of Free Mason contribution…..but originally of Alien influence….. The All Seeing Eye actually could represent the Aliens surveillance of Earth….the Pyramid could represent the universal alliance. Notice what I have red arrowed….could there be hidden alien symbols or alien characters hidden in this darkened perspective side of the pyramid? Look closely. Perhaps they are not just highlights of the stones drawn.

edit on 28-1-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 10:46 AM
Im starting to have a hard time believing that aliens from other worlds come here in secret maybe one or 2 races would have that mentality . How would they know to hide from us I think they would just show up in the sky land take their samples determine if its worth staying or what they could use the planet for a rest stop maybe ?

As for all the sighting well it's possible those are aquatic and have been here the entire time and probably cant survive out of the water long .

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1
Adding……..Not to forget the reality of using a triangular shape for

edit on 28-1-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2022 @ 08:28 PM
A thought occurred to me…..

What if the Ukrainian situation is, or will be, the catalyst for Aliens to reveal themselves in some manner?

It is known amongst UFOLOGY that UFO’s are observers of wars.

With the advances of technology and newer type weapons, something may get out of hand enough for Full Disclosure to happen over what might eventually be the battlefield. New human made exotic weapons have not yet been battlefield tested I presume….

Maybe they will halt any war by their mere presence. It’s the 2022 prediction manifesting.

If I was into UFOLOGY while living in a possible war zone….. aside from how I would be thinking to survive a war…. I’d be scanning the skies in the direction of the Russian forces building up. I’d be using whatever devices available to video the skies. How often do UFO’s appear on video….only after you notice them in review of the vids taken? It happens a lot. If your lucky, you’ll notice the craft while your recording.

Any ATS member’s in the Ukrainian and Russian border areas?

Look to the skies my friends ….. look to the skies. Kindly post anything unusual in the skies.

edit on 28-1-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

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