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The Pandemic is just a replay of the AIDS epidemic with the same actors

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posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:33 PM
In the 60's and 70's, 80's, HIV and AIDS was the great scare. The drug that was used for AIDS was AZT. 30 years later, thousands of medical journals link it to cancer, kidney failure, immunosuppression, and a host of other side effects. A lot of AZT's side effects mimic AIDS itself, so it was difficult to tell if the person was dying from AIDS or AZT. Yet at the time, if you were HIV positive and experiencing symptoms, you were given AZT. Anyone who spoke out against it was deemed conspiracy theorists. Sounds familiar?

I even dated a female doctor who specialized in preventing HIV in African kids in Africa who admitted to me AZT is toxic and sometimes more toxic than AIDS itself, yet she still believes in it and prescribes it. The cognitive dissonance in her is unreal. I raised up the subject of tons of reputable medical journals admitting to the failure of AZT and her response was "But AIDS is worse. AZT might give you cancer in the long term, but AIDS would definitely kill you." That sounds like the typical rebuttal of pro-vax people. She said this to me despite the fact that we are living in a time when HIV has pretty much mutated to a strain where people can live with it for life without ever getting sick. And guess who was behind the AIDS epidemic? Dr. Fauci.

The government already ran this fear campaign back then. They even drummed up the war campaign and got their asses handled to them in Vietnam. You can see the same parallels with Russia.

If COVID happened in the 60's and 70's, the MRNA vaccines wouldn't be considered vaccines. They would be in the same class as AZT. People back then weren't completely brain dead. They would know if the CDC changed the meaning of vaccines. People back then were anti-government. The government literally failed to expand their agendas. And it was topped off with a defeat in Vietnam.

Now decades later, we have a new psychological war. This time, it's different. The government knew that dissenting views were a problem back then, so now they have social media censoring people. They have "fact checkers." They also have shillers all over the internet. You can see them in this forum arguing with people endlessly about vaccines, as if it's their full time jobs. No normal person with a life has that much energy. It's obvious they know that people come here for information and so they feel they need to derail as many threads as possible.

The government have the internet and mainstream media now. They have all the psychological tools to create mass psychosis. This is the same war they tried to wage on its citizens back in the 60's, 70's, and 80's but failed. From using a virus to threat of war and economic recession, it's the same play all over again. But this time, it's more sophisticated.

Remember guys, we are not "awaken" because we can see these things. It's more like the mass population is asleep. We are just normal people with working brain cells. It's not even that hard to see through the veil. To me, it's as obvious as night and day.

The EGO consciousness seeks to manipulate, divide, and conquer. This is a psychological war against the lower classes of the world by the elites.

Brace yourselves because the elites have all their pawns in order. They've spent the past 4 decades planning for this moment and covering all angles.

This is just the end of the beginning. Phase two is next. What is phase two? IMO, it's an economic reset, threat of a new war, and complete slavery of the people. We will become property of the government and will have to take their drugs to participate in society. And their drugs will have side effects that will keep the pharmaceutical industry flourishing as they will come up with the "cures."

In the future, everything will be solved with a pill. We will become a pill popping society. Your immune system will be completely outsourced to Big Pharma. Your immune system is what Big Pharma is after. After all, they know they can't replicate it. They can't replicate something that is made by God. This is yet another subtle attempt to hide God in plain sight. And they also know that the immune system is a trillion dollar business.

And most importantly, the existence of a genius immune system created by God invalidates Big Pharma and everything they strive for. And so, they have to destroy it and replace it with their paradigm of pharmacology. Pharmacology will be the new religion in the next 10 years.

edit on 26-1-2022 by donscorpio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:36 PM
I'm 62 yo and I never heard of HIV or AIDS until the 80's.

edit on 06/29/2021 by ussmidway because: Expanding my thought.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:39 PM

originally posted by: ussmidway
I'm 62 yo and I never heard of HIV until the 80's.

Sorry I work in the medical field and so I am going off on the notion that HIV was discovered in the 60s. It started making its way around the world in the 70's. And then became full blown AIDS epidemic in the U.S. in the 80's. HIV and AIDS are two different things.
edit on 26-1-2022 by donscorpio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: donscorpio

AIDS was an 80's thing.

This more resembles the swine flu crazy of 1976. Everyone freaked out and they pushed a crap vaccine. The vaccine killed more people than the swine flu did.

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: donscorpio

AIDS was an 80's thing.

This more resembles the swine flu crazy of 1976. Everyone freaked out and they pushed a crap vaccine. The vaccine killed more people than the swine flu did.

Aids actually started in the 70's. 80's was when it reached paranoia level. But HIV had been circulating around since the 60's.
edit on 26-1-2022 by donscorpio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2022 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: donscorpio

The dif between the real aids pandemic anf coup flu is that grief was in the air and caring for the sick and dying was a full time job for years on end. I have yet to meet anyone who's been endangered by the flu 2.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 12:14 AM

This article above pretty much sums it up. Shady clinical trial data. Dr. Fauci pushing for FDA approval. The stock of the AZT maker rising 9000%. The drug showing that it actually accelerates AIDS symptoms rather than slowing it down.

"The scientific facts about AZT and AIDS are indeed astonishing. Most ironically, the drug has been found to accelerate the very process it was said to prevent: the loss of T-4 cells."

Here are some more quotes:

"“Undeniably, AZT kills T-4 cells [white blood cells vital to the immune system],” says Bialy. “No one can argue with that. AZT is a chain-terminating nucleotide, which means that it stops DNA replication. It seeks out any cell that is engaged in DNA replication and kills it. The place where most of this replication is taking place is in the bone marrow. That’s why the most common and severe side effect of the drug is bone marrow toxicity. That is why they [patients] need blood transfusions.”

AZT has been aggressively and repeatedly marketed as a drug that prolongs survival in AIDS patients because it stops the HIV virus from replicating and spreading to healthy cells. But, says Bialy: “There is no good evidence that HIV actively replicates in a person with AIDS, and if there isn’t much HIV replication to stop, it’s mostly killing healthy cells.”"

"The toxic effects of AZT, particularly bone marrow suppression and anemia, are so severe that up to 50 percent of all AIDS and ARC patients cannot tolerate it and have to be taken off it. In the approval letter that Burroughs Wellcome sent to the FDA, all of 50 additional side effects of AZT, aside from the most common ones, were listed. These included: loss of mental acuity, muscle spasms, rectal bleeding, and tremors."

From the aggressive marketing, to stock prices sky rocketing, to Dr. Fauci's endorsement, to the FDA being shady, to other cures being supressed, to the drug making AIDS WORSE, the parallels between AZT and the covid vax are almost comical.
edit on 27-1-2022 by donscorpio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 03:28 AM

edit on 1/27/22 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 03:41 AM
Ronald Reagan wouldn't even mention AIDS for a great long while.

It was considered a "dirty gay" disease.

It was ignored and that's why it spread.

The AIDS epidemic and Covid are so different that comparing the two seems silly.

And before AZT, if you got HIV you died, and you died usually, a terrible death. AZT prolonged lives. At the time, it was a MIRACLE.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: donscorpio

Not even close. The kind of fascism we're seeing around the world is unprecedented.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 07:45 AM
There are parallels but they’re not nearly the same. HIV is much much harder to catch and stays in certain groups. The larger society is not affected.

There was definitely a fear campaign in the 80s about HIV like Covid but Covid can strike anyone and HIV cannot. Furthermore, the vaccines are being offered and mandated to everyone, including children-heterosexual, gay, whatever. AZT was probably unknown by most people in society during the 80s.

There are parallels for sure-but it isn’t a replay. If this happened in the 60s-70s, there would not be as much opposition as there is now (you’re saying there would have been more opposition). The internet has allowed people to exchange ideas much more than before. The fact they have to try so hard, harder than anytime in history, is because of the opposition. This would not have happened in the 70s. Maybe some hippies would oppose, but not large segments of society.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: donscorpio

originally posted by: ussmidway
I'm 62 yo and I never heard of HIV until the 80's.

Sorry I work in the medical field and so I am going off on the notion that HIV was discovered in the 60s. It started making its way around the world in the 70's. And then became full blown AIDS epidemic in the U.S. in the 80's. HIV and AIDS are two different things.

The Timeline reflects the history of the domestic HIV/AIDS epidemic from the first reported cases in 1981 to the present

The HIV virus was first isolated by Dr Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Dr Luc Montagnier in 1983 at the Institut Pasteur.

Your timeline of the discovery of AIDS was a bit off. While it MAY have been known to the medical community earlier, it wasn't a 'scare tactic' until it was announced publicly in 1981.
edit on 40000001010America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: eta

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 02:40 PM
A lot of the search for the origins of HIV/AIDS and first cases come from blood samples that were stored for other purposes and subsequently tested for HIV in the 1980's and possibly a bit later. The earliest positive test taken from a batch of Malaria samples suggests HIV was already going around Kinshasa (although still rare) in 1959.

The first positive test from stored samples in the US was likely in 1969.
There may have been other symptomatic cases of AIDS, but no bloody samples remained in the 1980's.

I quote here from John Iliffe's The African AIDS Epidemic: A History (Ohio University Press: 2006):

The earliest convincing evidence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (Aids) was gathered in 1959 amidst the collapse of European colonial rule in Africa. In January 1959 rioters briefly seized control of the African townships of Leopold ville, the capital of the Belgian Congo, shocking its rulers into frantic decolonisation. In the same year an American researcher studying malaria took blood specimens from patients in the city. When testing procedures for HIV became available during the mid 1980s, 672 of his frozen specimens from different parts of equatorial Africa were tested. Only one proved positive. It came from an unnamed African man in Leopoldville, now renamed Kinshasa. The test was confirmed by the Western Blot technique - generally considered the most reliable method - and by different procedures in three other laboratories. Although nothing of this kind can be absolutely certain, there are strong grounds to believe that HIV existed at Kinshasa in 1959 and that it was rare. One importance of the Kinshasa case is to establish a date by which HIV existed, but in itself the case does not imply that the Aids epidemic began in western equatorial Africa. If that unnamed African had been the first person ever infected with HIV, it would have been an incredible coincidence. Once Aids was recognised as a medical condition early in the 1980s, researchers found several early accounts of patients whose recorded symptoms had resembled it. Luc Montagnier, whose laboratory first identified HIV, thought that the earliest case had been an American man who died in 1952 after suffering fever, malaise, and especially the Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia that afflicted later American Aids patients, but no blood had been stored for later testing and the symptoms demonstrated only suppression of the immune system, for which there could have been reasons other than HIV. The same was true of a Japanese Canadian who died in 1958 and a Haitian American in 1959. More convincing was the case of a fifteen-year-old, sexually active American youth who died in 1969 with multiple symptoms including an aggressive form of Kaposi's sarcoma, a tumour common in later Aids patients.

(Iliffe 2006: page 3. Page 4 mentions that the youth's blood sample indeed tested positive.)
See also:
On Gaetan Dugas, a gay French Canadian flight attendant who was once labelled "Patient Zero" for bringing HIV to North America, although this is now dismissed.

On AZT: the initial doses were often incorrect and experimental (and there was also black market trafficking, sometimes by well-meaning activists), but it soon became apparent that a single ARV was only temporarily effective until the virus rebounded and found its way around it.
Since the advent of triple ARV therapy in 1996, HIV is however now a manageable condition (although not a cure, and they do have side-effects).

Significantly unlike HIV, Covid is airborne, and the incubation periods and death rates are totally different.
An additional tragedy in sub-Saharan African HIV/AIDS epidemics was that it killed the sexually active, fit young adult population, and it cared little for "co-morbidities", thus leaving huge amounts of orphans, and households run by children and senior citizens.
Except in very rare cases of resistance you had 6-12 years of survival, many of the hemophiliacs and others infected with tainted blood, usually even less.
Although there are now tentative but increasing cases of survivors without ARVs in parts of Africa, suggesting that the virus may slowly be becoming less virulent, or more humans are adapting to it.
However, once acquired and you don't seek treatment, and have your CD4 count and viral load monitored (even if you're asymptomatic for the moment), I wouldn't like to be in your shoes.
edit on 27-1-2022 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 07:59 PM
The medical system (big pharma, whatever you want to call it) does cast a longer shadow over HIV/AIDS than I once thought.
I mean even Rock Hudson and Liberace, they maybe not got HIV due to sex at all (their long-term partners at the time remained uninfected).
Some are saying now, it's because of the surgeries they had, and the untested blood in the 1980's.

So I won't say HIV escaped out of a lab (as I currently would say about Covid-19).
Maybe HIV has been here since the stone-age, just a very local disease in the tropics.
The way it spread globally, sure, we can blame modern transport and the sexual revolution.
But I think it's no accident when HIV spread, was when certain medical interventions and practices spread.
And then in some places improperly applied, under ramshackle conditions.
edit on 27-1-2022 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Ronald Reagan wouldn't even mention AIDS for a great long while.

It was considered a "dirty gay" disease.

It was ignored and that's why it spread.

The AIDS epidemic and Covid are so different that comparing the two seems silly.

And before AZT, if you got HIV you died, and you died usually, a terrible death. AZT prolonged lives. At the time, it was a MIRACLE.

where i was in the later 70's i didn't hear much of aids. i was in p town for 2 years. it seemed to be imported from new yorks underground scene.

hiv came up in the middle 80's. if i remember right.

i'll ask again, did fauci kill Freddy mercury with his poison potions?

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: donscorpio

The Pandemic is just a replay of the AIDS epidemic with the same actors

Wrong, the whole world didn't go Bat Sh@@ crazy and shut down and threaten to put people in concentration camps for disobeying the puppet masters for not getting jabbed when AIDS hit.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

Not yet, but an HIV vaccine is constantly pending.
Will it be mandated?
You decide.

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: halfoldman

Let's hope not ...
The future Jerry Springer show (for example):

"My daughters all got the HIV-vaccine, and now they all have AIDS".

About as much trust as we've got in their product at the moment.
edit on 27-1-2022 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 10:36 PM
Imagine: "Yeah, use our HIV-vaccine".

The small-print.
There, if you fold it out on page 4 of side-effects it says:
"This HIV-vaccine should always be used in combination with a condom".
edit on 27-1-2022 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2022 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: donscorpio

The Pandemic is just a replay of the AIDS epidemic with the same actors

Wrong, the whole world didn't go Bat Sh@@ crazy and shut down and threaten to put people in concentration camps for disobeying the puppet masters for not getting jabbed when AIDS hit.

The parallels I was referring to are the vaccine and AZT. Consider the following:

AZT failed clinical trials. It was highly toxic and was shelved because of that. It was basically a failed chemo cancer drug. Chemo kills all healthy cells.

It got rebranded and passed by the FDA due to political pressure. Fauci was part of the pressure.

All dissenting information regarding the toxicity and ineffectiveness of AZT was suppressed.

Studies showed that AZT did the exact OPPOSITE of what it was intended to do. It actually killed healthy T4 cells, something that AIDS does as well. But this is expected because AZT is chemo. A failed chemo drug.

The FDA approval caused 300 other promising drug trials to be halted because all the funding went to studying AZT. It's almost as if the medical community can't have more than 1 solution to the problem. Sounds familiar? The government acts as if the vaccine is the ONLY solution and alternatives are suppressed. The government, Big Pharma, and medical industry are all on the same page on this.

AZT's stock price climbed 9000%.

After awhile, many AIDS symptoms were interchangeable with AZT. But AIDS and AZT killed T4 cells. Many patients died from AZT but they were labeled as AIDS deaths. Combined with administering the toxic failed chemo drug that was AZT, AIDS became even MORE of an epidemic. The medical community suddenly had a multi-billion dollar business on their hands thanks to HIV and a drug that doesn't work and actually makes patients worse.

Now let's look at Covid. I believe that MONEY is the reason why Covid exists. Just like with AZT. Money and the greed for it is what makes the world go round.

2021 was the biggest transfer of wealth in human history. Billionaires/elites/politicians doubled and quadrupled their net worth. More money was printed in the last two years than any time in history. And the majority of that was funneled into the elites' pockets. They basically bankrupted the entire world.

Every country is in on it because the elites have planted themselves into every position of power across the globe. They control all media as well.

In order for them to pull this off, they first had to unleash a virus and scare people.

Then once there was mass panic, they went ahead and shut down small to medium sized businesses. But big corporations like McDonalds and Walmart could remain open. Because science.

Now that everyone is bankrupt, the government dangles in front of you stimulus money. Because everyone is struggling financially, people did not think 1 year ahead (and factor in record inflation and rising prices) and begged for the stimulus package. Nobody bothered to read the stimulus package and all of its provisions.

A lot of those provisions had to do with taking away more of your freedoms, being able to monitor your bank account and financial transactions, taxing your capital gains, freezing financial transactions the government deems suspicious, being able to sentence you to 10 years in prison if you were found to stream without paying for a service, etc. And not to mention billions of dollars to soothe the rich. The list goes on. People were desperate for that $1500 check so they didn't bother reading the fine print.

In order to pull off the enormous transfer of wealth, there had to be shutdowns and restrictions. It's all theater, evidenced by politicians partying without masks in large groups. They were celebrating the fact that they pulled off the greatest heist in human history. They were having fancy dinnners, buying themselves new Ferraris, etc. Meanwhile, small and medium sized businesses were going extinct.

As for the vaccine, it's going the same way as AZT. They will milk it out for as long as possible. The medical industry have no desire to fast track this thing and come up with a cure once and for all. The business is too good. Not only do you have Covid, but you have an entire alphabet of variants. And with that, potential vaccines that target different variations every year. Just like the flu shot. And it will probably work 50% of the time, along with having potential serious side effects.

When I say this is just a "replay" of the AIDS epidemic, what I mean is that the government, Big Pharma, and medical industry never let a good illness go to waste. They will milk it for all its worth. Shady clinical trials, suppression of alternative cures, and political and financial gain are all part of what you call "medicine and science."

The vaccine is an old replay of AZT. They got away with it 30 years ago, And they are getting away with it again. The pandemic is a new one. They realize now how many brain dead sheep there are in society that they can scare to death. Another virus will be on the way. Just like how another war always seems to be on the horizon. And each and every time, trillions of dollars are made by the elites.

All the bloodshed. All the deaths. All the pain and misery. All in the name of greed.

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