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Religious books.

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posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 03:09 PM
I was wondering if anyone had a list of all religions created by the few certain books. Such as the Torah, Quran, and the Bible. BAsically what I am looking for is which and how many religions are created by each one.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 10:55 PM
Well there is Christianity
Islam AND

Christianity was one at the time of the Apostles......The great schism happened in 1054 and it split into two..East and West......
These two branches of Christianity held their beliefs of the Apostles.....In Rome there was the Pope who wanted supremecy over all of Christianity and the East did not allow one leader to be the head of Christianity.....
Then there was the protestants which 'Protested' against the Roman Catholic church and it's new found teachings......they became the 'protestants' ........many more branched out of Christianity forming their Christian beliefs and new thinking ways to suit themselves.

Islam ........I have read but a Muslim would be better explaining how the Quuran came to be !

Judiusm is the Old testament (Torah?) in which they still await the Messiah to rebuild the Temple(Solomons temple) and to bring once again the Old laws of the Old testament...Im sure there are different practices in Judiusm as well...

Latter day saints(Mormans..techings of ? Smith )Born again Christians and Jehovah witnesses and many other Forms of Christianity(so they say) are all break offs of the original Christian Teachings that came from the Apostles ....

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 11:01 PM
Torah begat the Bible begat the Koran.

Ultimately you can trace Islam, Christianity and Judaism all back to the Torah.

Torah is the first five books of the the Jewish Holy Scriptues. Also known as the Pentateuch. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Numbers.

Eventually, Christ came and the 4 gospels were composed (a long with others that were not canonized). The epistles (letters, or writings) of the apostles were included, along with Revelation...and you get the New Testament, which has no religious value in Judaism or Islam for that matter. Catholicism, and the Protestant religions come from the Holy Bible (the Jewish Holy Scriptures combined with the New Testament).

Mohammed read the Holy Scriptures, decided his people needed their own book, and hence the Koran, which other than being written by men who new the Holy Scriptures, has no connection to the Jewish writings, nor the New Testament writings.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 11:25 PM
The Lords prayer is included in the Talmud and there is only one difference.

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 02:22 PM
AS a overview. It seems that the torah created much of the concepts for the now bible.. Reguarding the fact the new testament has no value in many faiths, as well as the possiblility that the bible was edited by the freemason Sir Francis Bacon. I can only come to the conclusion that the now new testament has a use in man made prophesy. By simple giving a recognized format over what was and much like what is said for Nostradamus, giving a man made prophesy to help the goal a of long standing elite group of individuals who's governing powers have rained for well over 1500 yrs. Such as the Jewish banking system. Which odds are a main in the freemason society.

posted on Jul, 19 2003 @ 12:21 AM
caincrawford there are stories about Jesus having traveled to China, Tibet, India and Egypt.

As well there are legends of him having been in the Western Hemisphere, all these accounts are separate and independent of the Biblical text.

Jesus was a real person.

And he was a very powerful mystic

[Edited on 19-7-2003 by Toltec]

posted on Jul, 19 2003 @ 12:31 PM
Toltec: I never really doughted that he wasn't real. However I never gave claimto the fact he was the son of god either.
I have heard in the past that Babarus was his brother. I believe he was older than Jesus. The vatican has keep the truth from uis for some time. The problem with the misinformation from the Vatacin is that once they release the information a long string of events will be found false. Many of these will be natural history and cultural placements. For all we know there was 1200 yrs of cannabalism between the time of christ and now. We forget that FEMA is not a constitutional organized group. They collaborate with the natural history society as well as others. The Jewish bankers and other groups can release whatever information they chose to keep control over the public. This information beinbg held will be the very thing they will use for the reconcilliation of the New World Order. It's not just enough to controll the people you must also control the past.

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 01:53 PM
The Torah is the base of all the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. While Judaism and Islam traces a bloodline back to Abraham the patriarch, the Christian branch speeks also of a spiritual one, that blood alone isn't enough to receive salvation, you must have the faith of Abraham to be called a son of Abraham, and faith alone is sufficient for Jesus. Islam is the religion of the sons of Ismael, Judaism is the religion of the sons of Isaak and I guess you can say that Christianity is the religion of the spiritual sons of Abraham.

It's easy to forget that all three religions believe in the same deity, Elohim/YHWH/Allah/God. And it's also easy to forget that Jesus was a strict follower of the Law, but he attacked what he saw as decay within Judaism: the incorporation of new laws and regulations into the judical system layed down by Moses. These new laws were among others new Sabbath laws that Jesus meant changed the Sabbath from being a day of joy and rest to a day of hipocricy. You couldn't walk more that such and such on the Sabbath for instance and all kinds of things was concidered work on the Sabbath, even plucking a straw. The Mount of Olives for example was exactly one "Sabbath walk" away from Jerusalem. Another law the scribes had added to the Law was the law about washing your hands as a sign of cleanness. Jesus rebelled against all of these new "stones" the scribes and the priests had added to the "burden" of the Covenant after the Babylonian captivity.

Jesus was a heir to the throne of David, the united kingship of Israel and Judah (there are two nations within Israel, Israel and Judah). He was also a Rabbi (master teacher) and a prophet. There is a great chance that he atleast once in his life followed the caravanes Eastward along the Silky Route to India or even China, and we know that he walked his first steps in Egyptian exile. His preaching reflects many things that are fundamental to the great religions of the East, esp. Buddhism, and the gospel of John has much in common with the ancient mystic schools of Egypt.

How people can call themselves followers of Jesus and not follow the Law of the Torah is a mystery to me. Jesus is the Law. I guess this is because of the Pauline epistles. Paul's preaching is contrary to the preaching of Jesus and the Apostles. While Jesus and the Apostles say you shall follow the Law of Moses, Paul says the opposite. Where Peter demanded everyone to be circumcised to become a procelute, Paul said the opposite. Well I know who I trust. Allthough I'm not a good follower of the Law, I find it totally absurd and disgusting that the church isn't. Because of the lawlessness of the church I have wondered if I should convert to Judaism in order to being able to follow the Law Jesus loved so much and put over everything and to be allowed to worship in a place where I know God would enter.


posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 03:18 PM
Elohim was a serpent race. Perhapes that's why it says this is the house of bellzebub. It's the house of Lucifer.

No offense but the bible is a lot of contradiction. Afterall jesus said we are the sheep. That means Caine was a firstling. Abel killed the firstlings. Then took his mane for dominion. The bible has no exact truth in any of it. The law is of the universe not one man. That's a higharchey in it's self.

posted on Jul, 24 2003 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by cainecrawford
No offense but the bible is a lot of contradiction. Afterall jesus said we are the sheep. That means Caine was a firstling. Abel killed the firstlings. Then took his mane for dominion. The bible has no exact truth in any of it. The law is of the universe not one man. That's a higharchey in it's self.

Hehe. Ever eaten meat in your life? Did Cain ever eat meat? Did Jesus ever eat meat? God is of serpent race you say. No God leads the serpents at will too. Can't God can make himself into anything he likes? He speeks to his children through his magnificent Creation, and through his elect. As it became Man's destiny to die, because of the Adversary, also animals would have to join Man in his destiny, or do you suppose it is possible for a man to live in Greenland without meat? What knowledge would we have if we didn't?

Edit: For your last thing: No man has made the Law, one man is the Law, and the Law and the Prophets both witness of him.

Edit 2: And isn't it true that we become what we eat? And isn't it also true that life is contained within the blood? That when Cain drank the blood of Abel he sortof became Abel? Wouldn't that be correct by your understanding?

Edit 3: And isn't it true that every firstborn belongs to the Lord? And that Abel therefore didn't do anything wrong by sacrificing these sheep to the Lord? He did them a favour?


[Edited on 24-7-2003 by mikromarius]

[Edited on 24-7-2003 by mikromarius]

[Edited on 24-7-2003 by mikromarius]

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 12:07 PM
Man's destiny to die. That's rich.

Law comes from something called Juxtaposed. Man knows not a law that isn't one sided and abrupt. The law of man destroys free will. Only in the realm of the Juxtaposed is balance found. Only thoise who live in it are worthy of god. These bull# false prophet preacher and avangelist don't deserve shiot.

AS for blood, Blood has a compound found naturally in it called monoatomics. This is the alchemaic part that is considered the food of the gods. Have you missed the part that said Caine was born a Man. A man knows the difference between good and evil. Thus being like Adam and the gods. Abel did not know these things.

So it was a favor to kill Caine. The firstborn of the lord. It does show gods fear for the firstborn to take his place?

The thing that was wronged by the sacrafice was the not loving you brother. Granted to have a ill word against any man makes you a murderer. But to shed blood makes you a killer. Thus the righteous were. But this goes back to free will.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by cainecrawford
Man's destiny to die. That's rich.

Well it became his destiny after he ate from the fruit of the Tree of Wisdom, didn't it?

Law comes from something called Juxtaposed. Man knows not a law that isn't one sided and abrupt. The law of man destroys free will. Only in the realm of the Juxtaposed is balance found. Only thoise who live in it are worthy of god. These bull# false prophet preacher and avangelist don't deserve shiot.

AS for blood, Blood has a compound found naturally in it called monoatomics. This is the alchemaic part that is considered the food of the gods. Have you missed the part that said Caine was born a Man. A man knows the difference between good and evil. Thus being like Adam and the gods. Abel did not know these things.

So it was a favor to kill Caine. The firstborn of the lord. It does show gods fear for the firstborn to take his place?

Cain was killed? That was more than I knew, I learned that he lived to be old and wise and died naturally, he built the first city and taught his children what God had reveiled to him, they even made swords and armors for his brothers the Sethites in the great Nephilim wars I believed. Am I right or am I wrong here? If I'm wrong, please explain. If Cain had been killed. His blood would be revenged seven times. What I meant was that Abel glorified the first born sheep in his flock by serving them as food for God. This understandings of mine may be immature, as I've only been a believer for a couple of years, and I'm still learning and young. Please explain the story of Cain and Abel as you see it. It would be very interresting to see it from your perspective, for you seem like a man of wisdom.

The thing that was wronged by the sacrafice was the not loving you brother. Granted to have a ill word against any man makes you a murderer. But to shed blood makes you a killer. Thus the righteous were. But this goes back to free will.

I think I understand. And can you please explain how Cain's sons survived the flood? I know about the Kenites whom Moses met a couple of times, and who claimed to be descendants of Cain. I believe that they survived inside the Great Pyramid which was constructed to be waterproof with it's coating of white marble. Some even say that Moses' wife (or Jethro) was a Kenite, is that true?

PS: I'm sadened that you feel how you feel about this. May God give you peace in your heart. In the Kingdom, even Lilith shall find peace and rest, you know.


posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 08:43 PM
Resurrection. Abel did kill caine in this fashion. Caine was Fire. Water puts fire out. Abel was water. But Seth came to take his place. However since he was actually took Caines place he thus created the Yen Yang. Those who must use both Mind, action with faith. Fire and water.
Besides you must look at what the bible says. Where is your brother? God all knowing would of knew this. However the flame as well as the water resides with in. If you listen to most of the musicians which are the prophets and saints of Fire. You will notice that in many they use the understanding of fire in what they speak. Like U.P.O. for instance. I want to dance in the fire with you. However at the same time Like Tool they use water. Such as Untertoe. However they have been known to use both. The musicians of the day are the true prophets such as it speaks in Revelations, they sang the songs of Moses. Moses was 7. Thus the number of the eye of god. Therefore they sang the song of.
Caine's son survided like this. The flood was a spiritual down poor. Jesus said he was anointed with the oil. Oil floats on water. Thus he keeps his fire. This is how he walked on water.

Oddly enough when I was 11 I had a vision about U.P.O.. It was around the time of the movie Spacecamp. I saw what i thought to be the lead Lucas Hass doing and interview. In the interview his name was Shawn Albro. He made the commint that he was starting a band called U.P.O.. I knew he was my son. From long ago. I asked my mother if he was Horus. She laughed and said I don't know.

The pyramid was a electric holding fasiclity. They did a article on the two chambers off of each side. If you look closely you will notice the chambers have scars in the side of it. First how did such chamers get so scarred? When they cut everything perfect. The two copper handles only support my ideal. The top of the Pyramid was said to be hit with lightning. However the truth is it sent out a bolt of energy. A message to the belt of Orion. A gathering of all knowledge.

They say that Moses was Ahknaton? You can find out from there. I forget how to spell her name. However this does me one problem. Ahknaton lived to be in his 70's. His city only lasted for 50 yrs and he was 26 when he came to king. Moses was said to have come along 400 after Ahknaton. Plus Michelangelo's sculpture doesn't look like Akhnaton. I don't know how they get it but that's what the experts say. I think there full of if. Akhnaton might have been one of Abrahams decendants but it was Moses.

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by cainecrawford
Resurrection. Abel did kill caine in this fashion.

Well if Abel killed individuals by sacrificing the firstborn among his sheep, Cain killed whole families by sacrificing the first grain of his crop. See? God saw what Cain and Abel did, and he found the ways of Cain unrightious and the ways of Abel rightious. For God will judge every one of us individually. By our own actions and thoughts we will be judged, he will not judge the children for the sins of their fathers. God promices redemtion for those who have suffered the consequences of their fathers' sins, as long as they don't continue in their fathers' footsteps and become even worse than their ancestors. When a rightious man turns away from all his rightiousness and commits sins he can't live by his former rightiousness. And when a sinner turns away from his sin and repents to live a life in rightiousness, his former sins shall not kill him.


posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 06:22 PM
Well dude you forget this. That the center of the symbol of life is the hexagram. Which is the mark of the beast. This is the seed (as is your natural talent, as above so below.). Therfore the unrighteous are bad fruit. This is why caine was not honored by god.Cause it grieved him at his heart. Abel killed the bad fruit. Trying to kill of the first season of the tree and the tree itself, to keep it from ever producing anymore fruit. Just remember we are all bad fruit. Abel was also found righteous because of the monatomic count. Which blood has a rich supply of. Just go to the blood donors. The plasma taken is the monoatomics of the body. We are under the blood god. Monoatomics is considered the food of the gods. Another is that fruit doesn't contain nearly what blood does. Afterall it takes 16 pounds of vegitation to equal 1 pound of meat in protien.

[Edited on 30-7-2003 by cainecrawford]

[Edited on 30-7-2003 by cainecrawford]

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by cainecrawford
Well dude you forget this. That the center of the symbol of life is the hexagram. Which is the mark of the beast. This is the seed (as is your natural talent, as above so below.). Therfore the unrighteous are bad fruit. This is why caine was not honored by god.Cause it grieved him at his heart. Abel killed the bad fruit.

Are you saying that Abel carried forth an animal with a limp or a strange horn before God? He took out the best among his animals and gave them as food for God so to speek. It's written that God loved the smell. To me it all looks like Cain slew Abel out of envy to begin with. God seemed to care more for Abels offering parties than Cain's rituals. He felt contempt I'm sure. So he slew his brother with a stone in blind anger.


posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 12:14 PM
Are you saying that Abel carried forth an animal with a limp or a strange horn before God? He took out the best among his animals and gave them as food for God so to speek. It's written that God loved the smell. To me it all looks like Cain slew Abel out of envy to begin with. God seemed to care more for Abels offering parties than Cain's rituals. He felt contempt I'm sure. So he slew his brother with a stone in blind anger.


That's exactly what I'm saying. The first born was the black sheep. Besides Caine was killed with a pick. Like a spike in the brain. Abel was righteous. The righteous are killers as they are murders. However anyone can be a murder for that is one who doesn't love there brother. However you can be a murder and not a killer.

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 01:58 PM
These are all reasons why I don't support animal sacrifices. People understand it differently. Just like me and statues of gods and humans in churches.... It makes me angry and sick. Makes me wanna destroy them, but then again, I can't, for it would mean the end of the world. The Church thinks they're really smart perhaps, but "smart" is the last thing that comes to my mind when I think about them. "Hateful" and "speculative" I would say comes to mind before "smart". However they may be stupid of course

A sacrifice for the Lord is a broken heart. Share your bread and your wine, be good and love everyone around you. Treat your next man as you want to be treated yourself. This is a thing I tell myself at times and try to live by.


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