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Israel Covid Cases Passed 1 Million Despite Fourth Dose.

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posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 02:39 AM
Since the pandemic had begun in Israel.
Israel had not seen the highest cases of covid since the start of the pandemic and not soon after covid vaccination rollout and despite 4th doses being 100% effective.

Israel had now seen a million cases of covid despite vaccination and fourth dose despite being a nearly fully vaccinated nation with a vaccine passport system.

1 in 20 Israelis infected, yet experts optimistic Omicron won’t defeat hospitals

If there’s an unexpected setback and those currently carrying the virus buck the patterns of Omicron seen until now, leaving more than the tiniest proportion ending up in serious condition, it could put an impossible strain on hospitals. If they follow this variant’s patterns as anticipated, and almost all make a smooth recovery, doctors are expected to face several hard weeks, but without feeling overwhelmed.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 02:41 AM
In Canada and Aus they keep pushing the vaccination as a way out of the pandemic their politicians and MSM are ignoring the growing covid cases in fully vaccinated nations despite having passport and mandates in place.

Quebec's govt is using the bigger carrot to force the un vaccinated getting their vaxs that dont prevent transmissions.
edit on 25-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 02:57 AM
I can't speak for canada, but here in Australia, the last part of what you quoted seems to be how we're now approaching things:

" If they follow this variant’s patterns as anticipated, and almost all make a smooth recovery, doctors are expected to face several hard weeks, but without feeling overwhelmed."

We seem to have peaked for cases in 2 of our most populous states, hospitals overwhelmed due to staff having to isolate. Some surgeries and things like IVF are on hold because of this. To me it Feels like we're on the home stretch now.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 03:01 AM
Japan over 100000 cases in 2 days. What the hell is going on?

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 03:17 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
Japan over 100000 cases in 2 days. What the hell is going on?

I thought that Japan was agaisnt everyone being vaxed? something is going on with these vaxs.
edit on 25-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: homerJ

I would assume most of the cases are from the fully vaxed, your MSM cant blame Novak or other un vaxed for so many cases happening like this.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 03:29 AM
Literally everyone I know who has caught Covid is double vaxxed. I don't know anyone unvaxxed who's caught it.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 09:22 AM
The research I read said that the vaccines and natural antibody immunity from a previous infection of a different strain is not very effective against this virus.

What the articles omitted to say that are being pushed on us is that Innate immunity is still effective against this variant. Innate immunity can be stimulated by previous infections even though antibody immunity goes down. Why would you want antibodies against early versions of a disease in your blood if they cannot target a new variant? The vaccine does to some point stimulate the innate immune system, but so does having a cold you caught from someone else when you were out and about...which wasn't happening during lockdowns.

I can't say it wasn't happening, because lots of people around here got colds during the last two years. Remember, the symptoms of an infection is what we notice, those symptoms usually come from our immune response and not from the virus itself. How many of those mild colds were actually covid infections? A fever and loss of taste are not always present in a covid infection, some people also do not show any signs of a cold...some people just sneeze for a few days with a cold virus in their body.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

I agree with you that what we have seen may not be due to Covid at all.

But they can't have it both ways, and that is the issue here.

The can't claim the sky is falling and everyone has to get the vaccine to save the world, one moment.

Then say it is not so bad and people are just getting the normal mild seasonal flu the next.

As my Mother always said.

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 09:45 AM
Getting the VAST MAJORITY of people in advanced nations vaccinated is priority #1, because:

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 10:49 AM
Politically Pathetic 🪀

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
Japan over 100000 cases in 2 days. What the hell is going on?

So 0.08% of the population?.. OMG!

If Japan kept those numbers steady (50000 new cases a day), after a month there would have been 1.2% of the country infected... granted infections dont follow a linear growth.

originally posted by: vNex92
I thought that Japan was agaisnt everyone being vaxed? something is going on with these vaxs.

Wait, so your surprised a country that wasnt heavily into doing the vaxx has a surge of infections? yet you then blame the vaxx for the surge in a country that is supposedly against the vaxx... what?

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

For a vax that gets you 10 weeks of protection according to data and for three boosters? these passports haven't done anything to prevent anything so far.
edit on 25-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: vNex92

And if no one had been vaccinated there might be 10 million cases.

You can't prove that this statement is wrong.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 06:16 PM
I guess Israel does not get it, or they are forcing their own people to the biggest experiment in history that will make nazi germany a walk in the park, is despicable what they are doing to the people.

Maybe if they stop experimenting on the people covid will go away.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

You can't prove that this statement is wrong.

In other words you are defending the vaccination and vaccine passports? which so far haven't done anything like they were told by officials?
Remember? to prevent to transmission, infection? that is the whole point of getting vaccinated.
edit on 25-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Yeah, Israeli scientists already have said that Green Passes are useless, the boosters don't stop the spread.

Governments need to stop being idiots.

If you really want to slow this crap down simply HALT international travel. Why lockdown entire nations when the spread is coming from jackasses who keep delivering to everyone else across the globe.

Stay the hell in your own country for awhile or stay in isolation for 21 days like they are doing in Hong Kong. Why inconvenience a whole nation, inconvenience the dumb #hit international travelers.


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