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New CDC study states natural immunity was superior to vaccines for protection from Delta

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posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Everything I post is a fact with sources. You choose which sources you accept and won't accept based on whether they contradict you.

posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I already posted several. Prophylactic ivermectin was associated with a 33% reduction in hospitalizations, one dose of Ivermectin in the hospital was associated with reduced dyspnea, reduced hospital days, and better outcomes. Those were double blind studies.

posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

I already posted several. Prophylactic ivermectin was associated with a 33% reduction in hospitalizations, one dose of Ivermectin in the hospital was associated with reduced dyspnea, reduced hospital days, and better outcomes. Those were double blind studies.

I'm not sure how to double blind people going or not to the hospital outside of a massive study were everyone caught it the same day. The 6 I posted were people just going to the hospital and typically ivermectin was 1 or 2 days less stay with one dose, and the studies were posted about Nov/Dec. When was your studies posted?

COVID is funny in you typically think you are getting better and either you do or it goes south real fast at about day 8 so finding a reduction in going to the hospital would be hard to accomplish in a clinical trial.

My main point wasn't whether ivermectin works or not it was more about when did we truly know to the point doctors/hospitals would see it as a viable extra treatment to use or prescribe.

Now outside of all that we can both agree the left went crazy over it because Trump originally suggested it could help. We have tons of negative posts on ATS alone that mixed it with suggestions that Trump said people should drink bleach or other nonsense, and that alone greatly delayed any data to see if it actually helped. What also didn't help was the flood of BS on alt social media suggesting it was a wonder drug and so the two sides have been banging their heads together over something that should have been just an easy event where both sides should have just said hmmm lets see.
edit on 3-2-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

Being open minded includes a willingness to do your own research you know... ever heard of a search engine?

I actually do a massive amount of it and that is why I'm not a fanboy when alt social media or mainstream media push something and people go full retard over. I have always said that natural immunity is great, but the problem is the high risk group really can't afford to roll the dice without the vaccine. I don't think people under 40 and healthy need to get it and under 21 really should not unless they have serious health conditions and pushing it to 5 or lower I think is really stupid.

I say this knowing the vaccines help those that really need it, but there are some rare chances for adverse affects in younger people. So that group should just get the virus and move on. So, how do you find my view? Is it extreme?

posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
I actually do a massive amount of it

So how hard is it to type BSOD into a search box?

I have always said that natural immunity is great, but the problem is the high risk group really can't afford to roll the dice without the vaccine.

You would be 100% wrong.

All they need to do is boost their immune system with the things known to work very well: zinc+C+d3+quercitin+NAC+magnesium etc, maybe keep some ivermectin on hand (and know how much they would need to take if they started having any symptoms) - but, if it were me or a loved one, I'd have the numbers of at least 2 if not 3 different practitioners on hand that will do high dose IV vit C, and that will do so on an emergency basis - just be sure to call them before it is life threatening (ie, just when you start getting uncomfortable). We even have some here in Atlanta that will come to you to give them. And don't mess around with the dose - go straight to a 100g dose. This will knock pretty much anything out cold with just one session, but if I were old and/or sickly, would likely do 3 or 4 sessions (one every few days) to be sure.

That would work much, much better than the jab, and with none of the side effects.

And you would be that much healthier to boot. Then I'd start doing everything I could to start getting healthy and eliminating my co-morbidities (if I had any).


I don't think people under 40 and healthy need to get it and under 21 really should not unless they have serious health conditions and pushing it to 5 or lower I think is really stupid.

I say this knowing the vaccines help those that really need it,

Just because you keep repeating this doesn't make it true. It isn't true. You have simply chosen to ignore the massive evidence that says otherwise because to be honest with yourself would create so much sognitive dissonance that your brain would BlueScreen.

So, how do you find my view? Is it extreme?

Extreme? Lol, no... just pathetic.

posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

So how hard is it to type BSOD into a search box?

Such a strange use of an acronym...

All they need to do is boost their immune system with the things known to work very well: zinc+C+d3+quercitin+NAC+magnesium etc, maybe keep some ivermectin on hand (and know how much they would need to take if they started having any symptoms)

All they need to do.... lol just hear your self talk sometime.

Just because you keep repeating this doesn't make it true. It isn't true. You have simply chosen to ignore the massive evidence that says otherwise because to be honest with yourself would create so much sognitive dissonance that your brain would BlueScreen.

It is not massive... You accept anything posted and so that is what you run with. I look at the evidence have kept up with it this whole time.

Extreme? Lol, no... just pathetic.

Whatever, have fun....

edit on 3-2-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
a reply to: tanstaafl

"So how hard is it to type BSOD into a search box?"

Such a strange use of an acronym...

Strange? It's only been used for over 20 years, ever since Windows NT 4 (or earlier).

All they need to do.... lol just hear your self talk sometime.

No need, I say what I mean and mean what I say, and speak with intention.

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

Strange? It's only been used for over 20 years, ever since Windows NT 4 (or earlier).

So "BSOD inside your brain" is a common quote for 20 years who

No need, I say what I mean and mean what I say, and speak with intention.

I do believe you mean what you say, but 99%+ of the population isn't going to take your concoction of 10 different things, and you act like it is common mainstream, it is not, and 99%+ of the population don't give a rats ass if it works or not.

edit on 4-2-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
a reply to: tanstaafl

So "BSOD inside your brain" is a common quote for 20 years who

So, you're incapable of rational thought... who

99%+ of the population isn't going to take your concoction of 10 different things,

That is their problem.

Also, if I were to talk like the radical leftist wingnuts, I'd say, if they are unwilling to do what is necessary to maintain their health, then they should have to pay a massive insurance premium, or be denied healthcare when they get really sick - but, I'm not like that.

and you act like it is common mainstream, it is not,

Actually, yes, it is, and there is an extraordinary amount of evidence in the literature backing it up.

I can't help it if some people only listen to big pharma when it comes to their health.

and 99%+ of the population don't give a rats ass if it works or not.

And again, that is their problem, not mine.

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
So, you're incapable of rational thought... who

Now you are just being rude, keyboard warrior just got to love them.

Also, if I were to talk like the radical leftist wingnuts, I'd say, if they are unwilling to do what is necessary to maintain their health, then they should have to pay a massive insurance premium, or be denied healthcare when they get really sick - but, I'm not like that.

I'm talking reality. America and so many other places are just not healthy. Will not follow what you suggest and work hard on killing themselves with diet, drugs etc... You are extreme in your thinking as in what you believe you see as the only way, miracle cure au naturel, and so much of what people push in that area is total crap, so it tales a good amount of effort to weed through what isn't. You also see anything else are bad, will kill you, its all a lie, and that is also not true in all this.

I'm in the middle, I understand the strength and weaknesses of a vaccine, who should get it and who should not, I understand what you suggest help bolster the immune system, but is not a miracle cure, and so much of what people preach is BS. You also look at all this from the perspective that the world has easy access to your au naturel cures, and it doesn't.

And again, that is their problem, not mine.

Well then you do you...

edit on 6-2-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
a reply to: tanstaafl

Now you are just being rude,

If the shoe fits, is it rude to point it out?

keyboard warrior just got to love them.

Yes, you are... but no, I don't...

I'm talking reality.

No, you're not, because reality is, people are directly responsible for the state of their own health, poor or otherwise.

America and so many other places are just not healthy.

Nonsensical comment. I'm a native American, and I'm extremely healthy, as are many others I know.

Will not follow what you suggest and work hard on killing themselves with diet, drugs etc.

Yes... people reap what they sow. True justice in action.

You are extreme in your thinking

Yes, being an advocate for personal responsibility and accountability is considered extreme to some people (like yourself). I get it.

I'm in the middle,

What is it the bible says about those who are 'in the middle' (aka 'lukewarm')?

I understand the strength and weaknesses of a vaccine,

No, you know only what you have been told by those who have ulterior motives. What you apparently don't understand is the difference between believing propaganda from propagandists and forming your own opinions derived from rational, independent thought.
edit on 6-2-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2022 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

If the shoe fits, is it rude to point it out?

No you are just being rude...People do that when they have little facts to support their side. There are fallacies based what you do, look them up sometime.

No, you're not, because reality is, people are directly responsible for the state of their own health, poor or otherwise.

What is your point... My point is the vaccine is best for many even if your way is better... understand now?

Nonsensical comment. I'm a native American, and I'm extremely healthy, as are many others I know.

"American Indians of all ages and both sexes have a high prevalence of obesity. The high prevalence of diabetes mellitus in American Indians shows the adverse effects that obesity has in these communities. Obesity has become a major health problem in American Indians only in the past 1–2 generations and is believed to be associated with the relative abundance of high-fat foods and the rapid change from active to sedentary lifestyles."

Look it up sometime...

No, you know only what you have been told by those who have ulterior motives. What you apparently don't understand is the difference between believing propaganda from propagandists and forming your own opinions derived from rational, independent thought.

That is rich coming from you and following what you say...

Have a nice Sunday, no need to reply as this conversion is getting boring since you really add nothing to it but parroting the same thing over and over. You would make a great libtard with your grandiose view of yourself.

edit on 6-2-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
a reply to: tanstaafl

"If the shoe fits, is it rude to point it out?"

No you are just being rude...People do that when they have little facts to support their side. There are fallacies based what you do, look them up sometime.

Rotflmao! It is amazing how some people believe that just repeating lies make them true.

My point is the vaccine is best for many even if your way is better... understand now?

I understand that that is your belief.

Do you understand that just because you believe fake news doesn't make the news true?

"Nonsensical comment. I'm a native American, and I'm extremely healthy, as are many others I know."

"American Indians of all ages and both sexes have a high prevalence of obesity. The high prevalence of diabetes mellitus in American Indians shows the adverse effects that obesity has in these communities. Obesity has become a major health problem in American Indians only in the past 1–2 generations and is believed to be associated with the relative abundance of high-fat foods and the rapid change from active to sedentary lifestyles."

Look it up sometime...

I didn't claim to be an 'American Indian', so not sure why you posted that - just more nonsense to try to deflect from your extraordinary amount of cognitive dissonance I guess...

no need to reply as this conversion is getting boring

And yet you keep replying... just can't help yourself... rotflmao

posted on Feb, 7 2022 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

I didn't claim to be an 'American Indian', so not sure why you posted that - just more nonsense to try to deflect from your extraordinary amount of cognitive dissonance I guess...

Last one since we got off the path, I'm just curious as to what your statement "I'm a native American" means then...

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