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Myocarditis/Heart Inflammation Gaining As a Top Reported Adverse Reaction

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posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: Cloudbuster

Hey, thanks a lot.
I’m good now. But it lasted for a month, starting a day after I got my 2nd poke.
It was constant for a week with the heart zaps, is best as I can describe it.
Then it slowly started to fade.
I’m just scared my company is going to make a booster mandatory.
I don’t want to go through that again.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

You rationalize the harms caused by the shots, whether cardiac or neurological.

Nowhere do you mention the benefit gained by taking the shot.

Have you done a risk-benefit analysis in this regard?

LTC Teresa Long USA has done such a risk-benefit analysis, and concluded that the risks far outweigh any possible benefits.

I'm going with her analysis.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: Cloudbuster

Hey, thanks a lot.
I’m good now. But it lasted for a month, starting a day after I got my 2nd poke.
It was constant for a week with the heart zaps, is best as I can describe it.
Then it slowly started to fade.
I’m just scared my company is going to make a booster mandatory.
I don’t want to go through that again.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: Moelson

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: vNex92

75,105,874 doses administered in Canada. 1600+ cases of myocarditis. 0.0021 of a percent of doses have a reaction that is serious, but thankfully, not usually fatal due to modern anti-inflammatory treatments.

Myocarditis and how to think about it… like a cardiologist - Science Based Medicine

How dangerous is myocarditis? The truth about the scary-sounding condition. - Popular Science

Ever hear of a nondisclosure agreement? I know of three personally who were handed stacks before results were given, my grandmother being one, while on life support after her second dose, healthy for 83yrs, within 36hrs post dose, sepsis, then kidney failure, heart arythmia then full blown life support 12hrs later. Before my aunt, who has power of attorney could arrive, she had the signed papers next to her bed. A colleagues father was given one to sign after a series of heart attacks after his first dose. A good friend's coworker developed a brain aneurysm within 5 days of her first dose, successful operation but allegedly no aftercare or discharge without signing a one inch stack of papers. Purely anecdotal and obviously the whole point of an NDA but.....still don't know a single person who's been on their death bed from covid and I work at a site of 2500ppl from all over Canada, anyone who has a story to share, has a story coinciding with the vaccine, not covid itself. "Shrugs"

Would signing an NDA stop the cases you mention from being included in the adverse reaction databases?

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: chr0naut

You rationalize the harms caused by the shots, whether cardiac or neurological.

Nowhere do you mention the benefit gained by taking the shot.

Have you done a risk-benefit analysis in this regard?

LTC Teresa Long USA has done such a risk-benefit analysis, and concluded that the risks far outweigh any possible benefits.

I'm going with her analysis.

COVID-19 Dashboard
by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)

Take a look at the ratio of weekly deaths per number of weekly cases from prior to the vaccines in every country, and compare that to the number of weekly deaths per number of weekly cases after vaccination reached about 50% of each population. In each case, despite there being nearly a doubling in the number of cases, there has been a halving in the number of deaths in a weekly period.

There's your benefits - 400% improvement.

Then look at the number of doses administered, versus the numbers of severe adverse reactions recorded. Use whatever vaccine adverse reaction database you want. Use them all, added together if you must. I'll go on the Canadian numbers referenced in this post.

There's your risks - 0.0021% risk (although this is just for the condition of myocarditis, mortality risk is likely to be lower).

edit on 21/1/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

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