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God is an Entertainer

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posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 02:22 PM
God is an Entertainer

Alternatively titled:

“Is that you God? it’s me, the Auntie Christ!”

A gentle musing on the blasphemous nature of God

By the Jolly Old Joker and The Gentle Old Fool

Welcome fellow traveler!

As many of you know, I am a channel for an ancient Egyptian Creator God/Goddess named Kek, who alongside his/her twin flame Kekuit, is here to help usher in a new era of Christ and Unity consciousness for all of humanity.

For today’s Message of Hope, we are going to fix some of the common misconceptions people may have about God.

As always, these prophecies, magic spells, and revelations are framed by our puppet’s (the lovely White Rabbit typing these words) current level of understanding and will evolve as new information is brought to light.

Please enjoy!




It is a very sad case of affairs when being Godlike and “virtuous” is synonymous with being boring.

It is true that being kind, forgiving, nonjudgmental, and loving will create for you a beautiful inner and outer world to enjoy. These are universal truths and is highly recommended.

However, there are a lot of man-made, unnatural laws spelled out in religious texts and in our social, educational, and legal systems, that just suck the joy out of being alive.

As our puppet sits here merrily drinking her coffee, while snuggly wrapped in a wool and linen onesie, it occurs to me that if everything in our religious and moral texts is to be believed, then people are likely having much more fun in Hell!

However, the truth is that God is not boring at all. God is very source of creativity, wisdom, joy, and light. God’s favourite music is laughter and God is, in fact, the Original Prankster.

It’s just that our religions have made God seem like an old stick in the mud.

The God of this world is actually quite the little rascal and has an absolutely outrageous sense of humor. If you need any proof, simply look around at the state of this world. We are living in dream action reality that has morphed in many ways into satirical, absurdist fantasy.

Your soul is an expression of God’s spirit. What you love, what makes your heart truly sing, is what God loves as well.

God simply wants you to celebrate the blessings in your life and to love yourself and each other.

You are not separate from God at all. There is no boundary between God and You. (Or if there is, it is irrelevant.)

A great way to connect with your Higher Power, is to place your hands on your heart and ask questions. God will often reply immediately in your head, sometimes even before you have finished your question.

You will know it is God’s quiet, gentle voice guiding you and not the voice of one’s fear-based ego because of the love, compassion, and relief you will feel.

As well, you will receive signs and synchronicities from the world around you. This is because the universe is an extension of you. Please pay special attention to your electronics, repeating numbers and music and stay open to exciting and delightful new possibilities.

The Universe/God is always communicating with you and there are no coincidences.

There is no need to ever fear God. God is not vindictive, judgmental, or cruel. God has within him/her/itself all perspectives and understands you better then you know yourself right now.

God knows that what all of us need more than anything is unconditional love, compassion and the assurance that if we truly open ourselves up to the beauty and glory of our reality and trust in our soul’s inner guidance, that our good fortune will not one day be ripped away, leaving us forsaken in misery for all of eternity.

This is God’s promise to you: Even if you feel like you are going through Hell right now, you are never forsaken, and you will never walk alone. You need only to open your heart and let light guide you home. Heaven is just a love song away.

Also, God is your wildest and most magnificent dream come true and wants nothing more than to be your friend!

This is man and woman’s best friend and reflects the magnificent, unconditionally loving, fiercely protective, and gentle spirit of God:

Humanity has been judged.

Humanity’s true essence:

“When you take away our anger, hate, and fear, what is left is kindness.” – Gail Brenner




posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: OwenandNoelle
God is an Your soul is an expression of God’s spirit. What you love, what makes your heart truly sing, is what God loves as well.

God simply wants you to celebrate the blessings in your life and to love yourself and each other.

You are not separate from God at all. There is no boundary between God and You. (Or if there is, it is irrelevant.)

God is love, this world sure as Hell is not love, so if that God of love is in our souls we have sure as Hell failed to express that love.
It’s very hard to love and celebrate when so many don’t see justice and are oppressed and downtrodden, I guess that depends on a persons privilege. Easy to be chirpy, rise and shine when you live in a country that exploits others, not so easy when you are a have not struggling with jealousy and need

You should read that thread on the Canadian native children who were abused and neglected by the religious on the new posts page, read Stalin, Mao, maybe Pol pot, 100 year war, crusades, countless other ongoing drama worth noting and remind me again, “we are not separate from God”
Well mines a Christian perspective
I am not cheering sweety, praying for Gods swift justice to bring in a whole new world of peace

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Hi Raggedy Man,

Thank you for participating in this thread. I appreciate your perspective!

I have included some excellent video proofs and music videos for the kind reader to peruse at his/her leisure.

One of my favourite Youtubers, Ralph Smart/Infinite Waters has a great quote that states: “Religion is for people who are afraid of going to Hell, while Spirituality is for people who have already been there.”

Although, I am more spiritual then religious in nature, as someone raised in the Christian Church it is certainly heartbreaking to note that it was people masquerading as good Christians who tortured and killed those children in the residential schools in Canada.

As you have rightly pointed out, so many people have been killed in the name of God.

What KEK (who embodies the feminine Christ) would like to gently but firmly request is that people stop doing that.

We are currently living the dark ages of humanity, but the light has returned and is being shared by all those willing to “SEE.” - Ophiuchus 13

You dear Raggedyann, have raised an excellent point. Just how can someone celebrate their life when he/she is being oppressed, enslaved, and abused?

How can a person be happy when they are caught in the throes of addiction, physical or mental anguish or starving on the streets, having been betrayed by the people he/she needed the most?

Truly, if you can find joy in these situations, then you are a better puppet then me.

This is why it is so important to MEET YOUR NEEDS, take back your power and not give up hope!

Many religions and spiritualities believe in reincarnation and it is interesting to note that the belief in reincarnation was included in the Holy Bible before it was removed by the Catholic Church thousands of years ago.

Evidence Reincarnation was removed from the Christian Bible

What reincarnation researchers have discovered is that one’s life is in many ways like an interconnected movie or a play. And YOU are the star of your show!

Our lives here are guided by our Higher Selves, who are pulling our strings here on earth like we are puppets.

We agreed to this, because remember, we are part of our Higher Self. All of this is done with unconditional love to help us develop our consciousness and hopefully have some fun along the way!

Before coming into this life, we choose our parents, teachers, country of birth, the lessons we hoped to learn and the circumstances of our lives.

Many people choose difficult lives because the contrast between what is desired and what is not helps us truly understand ourselves. In this Earth school, we learn to love and integrate the totality of ourselves, both our darkness and our light.

As well, it is through great pressure that diamonds are created.

Lastly and this is so important, I would like to deeply apologize for the grammatical error that you highlighted in your quote.

That statement is supposed to read: “Your soul is an expression of God’s spirit.” Please disregard the “God is an” at the beginning of the sentence.

If one takes away nothing else from this thread, that is the most important part. We are not separate from God or each other.

One of the reasons why there is so much violence, fear and hate in this world is because people believe themselves to be separate from one another and from God.

In the Bible, Jesus Christ states that “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21, KJV)

This means that God is in our hearts already. In other words, the spirit of God is within you – it is your breath, your life. You are divine and you are magnificent.

Like birds, insects and honeybees, Humanity shares a collective consciousness. When our neighbour is suffering, whether we realize it consciously or not, on deep subconscious level, we are suffering too.

One of Mother Teresa's favorite texts in the Bible, which she often quoted to support her ministry to the poor, is "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40, 45, NIV)

This belief in separation is a very persistent illusion. It’s part of the Maya.

If you want to see the face of God – look no further than the mirror. You are made in God’s image after all.

Anyhoo, the above grammatical error does not reflect the brilliance of KEK, but rather the infallible though imperfect nature of me, the White Rabbit, who types and edits these channeled words of wisdom.

I hope that anyone kind enough to read this has a wonderful day!


edit on 21-1-2022 by OwenandNoelle because: Always remember to whistle while you work!

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 12:39 PM

edit on 21-1-2022 by OwenandNoelle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 02:31 PM

When our neighbour is suffering, whether we realize it consciously or not, on deep subconscious level, we are suffering too.

Those words resonate in me very strongly. Perhaps many that comprehend the vine and the branches parable wonder how their self relates to that vine. Perhaps that self is expanded into the whole vine so we are no longer alone but united as one. Be that one has many many eyes.

Thank you for your very interesting and uplifting posts.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: glend

Thank you Glend

That is very kind of you to say and is a very beautiful interpretation of the vine and the branches parable.

I believe that parable is very profound.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 09:21 PM
Always a pleasure to hear from you.

I'm quite fond of these.

Thank you.


posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 09:44 AM
An entertainer or the evil genie who has removed everyone I thought something of from my life.

Colour me entertained.

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