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How we are behaving differently towards others in public

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posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: Caver78
Shot-free but I have no problems wearing a disposable mask.
Lets face it. I'm saving a ton of $$ on make-up (grins!) Just me, but people visually tuning me out cause I mask AND wear nitrile gloves is fabulous!!! I don't want to be noticed, I like being invisible.

For those who think gloves are overkill, it's flu season, kids in stores are little snot-volcano's, I don't know where everyones been or their personal level of hygiene. I'm a smoker. Guaranteed the first available second I can slap a cig in my face I'm going too however the only germs on my hands better be my own!!!

For fun just stand at your local self-serve gas station & count all the customers wearing masks but using their hands to use the pump keypad then bare handed grab the gas pump nozzle.'s like a devils brew of dna & crud.

People here are 50/50 still wearing masks but usually only store employee's & myself are gloved up.

Almost forgot.
how we're treating others differently.
Since the side effect of masks is you lose the ability to hear or speak with one on, people are chin-bibbing but adding extra distance when interaction is necessary.

I respect people's choices, but when I feel that I'm being stared at and judged (probably for being un-masked) I started zoning maskers out. Oh well. I anyway have social anxiety so this added level of self-consciousness is not helping, but still I refuse to wear a mask as they don't work and are used as a control/submissive mechanism.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Actually the use-by-date is often quite meaningless. Just today I ate sliced cheese that 'expired' in November.
It tastes/smelled perfectly fine , & I'm not dead yet

November of what year?

The items reported were well over 12 months past the suggested dated for use.

By the way. I was in the military. Almost everything we were supplied was past the expiration date. And I too am still alive.

I still would suggest people be a little more cautious and check the dates, because in both cases reported to me, the items were rancid.

Just November 2021. I know plenty of people who would have thrown that cheese out.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 10:29 PM
When everyone is masked up I act differently, I can't recognize them and they cannot recognize me most times either.

If someone wants to wear a mask so they do not get sick when there are bugs around, there should not be any bias towards them. If someone does not have a mask, there should not be any bias towards them either. I wear a mask sometimes, other times I don't. Lately when I am out in a crowded grocery store I wear a mask...even though I already had the virus and recovered and have natural immunity. I get mucous coughs if I have dairy, and I will wear a mask at those times or eat a grapefruit before going out to keep the mucous and coughing down so I do not freak people out.

We need to work together, not pick sides. The masks they said would protect us, the cloth masks did diddly crap and the N95s are expensive and they are not foolproof, I have a beard, they don't stop much with a beard. But it makes people feel better if you have a mask on, so we use the cloth masks. I might have to get my four free n95s from the government, they work really good if I am spray painting something or sanding the paint on the cars or tractor or other stuff I fix up around here..

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

"Wearing a mask to make others feel better" is part of what keeps the plandemic going , it gives it more momentum.
If we stop complying they (the 'elites') will have to stop pushing.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 11:23 PM

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: rickymouse

"Wearing a mask to make others feel better" is part of what keeps the plandemic going , it gives it more momentum.
If we stop complying they (the 'elites') will have to stop pushing.

It is better to wear a mask than take the vaccine since natural immunity is better.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

I live in a covid narrative toeing city here in vegas what with all our corrupt liberal for the mayor...she seems decent. But for the life of me I just haven't cared for at least the last year. I only mask if asked politely...I won't argue with some persone who is likely forced to enforce it or its their job. Really though I just don't pay any attention to other people like that. Stare don't stare talk under your breath...basically anything but outright be impolite and I would never know or care if I did.

If more people carried that outlook I promise the world would be a happier place.

Sorry for the edit...but you are always being judged/sized up by everyone around you...always...its human nature. I'd rather see it and know it then not and be oblivious.

edit on 19-1-2022 by RickyD because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-1-2022 by RickyD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:18 AM
They did it to us in 3 stages, I call it the 3d's.

#1 Dehumanize: Take away every smile, smirk, grin and pout.

#2 Divide: Turn anyone against everyone over petty party beliefs using derision.

#3 Denial: No truth, no true Journalism. No Justice. Lies upon lies.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:00 AM
Here in Toronto wearing a mask is a widespread demand. Me? I do it to simply get through the moment. Two years in I am still amazed at the number of people I see wearing a mask, alone, while driving a car (a bubble). More than half of the people I see walking the street have on a mask. A year ago most young people didn't wear one. Today its all of them. The power of the wall mounted and hand held idiot boxes astounds me.

The vaccines don't work.

The sidewalks and paved public parking lots however do work, where discarded masks are concerned.

I live in a land of brilliant idiots.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

Personally, I think the attitude change toward others in public due to covid is just an extension of something which was already happening long before covid.

Example - When I was a kid back in the late 60's to mid 70's everyone knew every other neighbor on your block / subdivision / complex, etc. All the kids knew each other, and so did all the adults. Adults got together with their neighbors and played bridge, or had BBQ's, or whatever.

Ten to fifteen years ago all that began to change. Now, today, most people don't even know their next-door neighbor, let alone some neighbor who lives down the street. People have grown self-absorbed and selfish, and they live in their own little bubble worlds. Covid didn't start this trend, there were many other factors long before covid that started it.

It's a lack of trust of anyone anymore, and I fault the MSM for a large part of this. We have allowed the MSM to destroy our society, and I'm on a crusade to announce this to the world because even though people act like it's old news they rarely think about how many ways the've allowed the MSM to creep into their lives and make them trust no one. It's true too!

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 03:56 AM
I wear a mask when required. OR when I feel like it.

And I DON'T CARE what other people think of me or my mask or maskless face.

Life is good regardless.

For those of you who think I care if you are vaxed or wear a mask, I do not.

I do however care if you are coughing or sneezing or hacking next to me though. Nothing to do with Covid, I just don't want to get sick. I don't want to catch even a cold. So, if I walk away from you, that may be the reason. Another reason may be your bathing/showering habits.
edit on 20-1-2022 by MiddleInsite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

I noticed too. Single mom, when I go buy food and groceries with my daughter, she does not need to wear a mask. She's under 6 years old.

People stare at us and move their about 3 year old complete masked up kids aside from us. Two parents and one could have stayed at home with the kids but instead they drag them out and mask them up, then act like this.

The idiocy about their own behavior and values knows no bounds.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 07:26 AM
I miss the normalcy of seeing people without masks everywhere

What if that never returns? Do they did stop the mask mandates in the UK, too many idiots will still wear them.
In Florida there's no mask mandates, some businesses have 'mask required' signs , but I still won't wear one then, and nobody says anything except the zombies

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

I'm glad I don't live where you live! So many people so worried about what others do or don't do... and being downright arrogant and judgy about it to boot. Ugh! With the notable exception of too many schools, we don't have government mask mandates. And folks around here seem happy enough to let everyone do what they want.

I don't even pay attention to who is or is not wearing a mask. It's their choice, and I'm happy to respect that. I'm also happy to respect a business' choice to require masks (or not). If I'm worried about getting cooties -- and at times, I have been -- then I take my own precautions. That's my responsibility. It's also my absolute inalienable Natural right to do for myself by myself. It's everyone's absolute inalienable Natural right. If my choice is to wear a mask, then I will. If anyone doesn't like it, that's their problem. Not mine. I'll still do what I want to do and go about my business and live my life.

Quite frankly, though, I have little respect for all the unmasked folks who are judging and snickering at the masked. If you can't just live and let live, then you're part of the problem.
edit on 20-1-2022 by Boadicea because: replaced (apparently censored) word with "snickering"

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

I find it interesting that those that choose masks, and those that reject them, are saying exactly the same thing.

Both camps say what the other does does not bother them, and they respect the other's right to make their own choices.

Yet here we are.

Either we are not as tolerant as we think we are, or they are creating another false divide.

I think we are all part of the problem. We know the game. We know we can never win, because they control the narrative, they own the court, they make the rules.

The only way we can win, is to not play their game.

Live, love, and let live.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

It's quite the conundrum, eh?

I want to think and believe that for the greatest part, people worry about themselves, make their own choices, and are happy to let others do the same. They don't worry about what others choose to do so much as they worry that we all can make our own choices.

But it's really not about masking or the merits thereof. There have always been and will always be the mini-tyrants who think they know best... if not ALL... and want others to fall in line. If they do not have the power to force others to do their will, then they are reduced to gossiping and judging and snickering. And that includes masking/not masking.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: Grenade "I can count the number of times i've worn a mask on one hand."
I suggest you wear one on each hand for maximum protection. ;P
I have been working from home for a couple years now, and love it...tho if I was totally transparent I'd have to admit to missing some office banter from a few of my co-workers.
My father died at 60, and my mother just passed at 92...she was perfectly content to live by herself, go to church, say hi to the neighbors, but that's about it. I believe I have inherited her genes in that regard. In fact, if my wife passes before I, there will probably be a secluded post in a national park somewhere with my name on it.
Kinda done with people for the most part...but a nice labrador or golden retriever might just do the trick.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 04:30 AM
Where I live the religious mask wearers are in a very small minority.

They live in perpetual fear. You can see it in their eyes. I'm surprised they even leave their houses. They've all but lost the edge they had in the early years—where they felt they had the numbers to be hostile towards those who chose not to wear masks.

People here are respectful for the most part when it comes to masks. Wear them if you want to, but don't harass a person for wearing them or not wearing them. It's almost always the mask wearers who want to start some drama.

Everything here is wide open. Very few people wear masks, and whem they do it's usually because their place of work enforces some outdated policy from two years ago.

posted on Jan, 21 2022 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

But that's the narrative. Wearing a mask is default for accepting being controlled TPTB, the Elites the claptrap.
The reality is places of business required it, then they didn't now some do others don't. No one is very clear on their legal compliance so it's a bit of a free for all.

Wearing a mask is about the same as using your turn signals, stopping at red lights or any of the other things we do predictably as social lubricant when interacting out in public. It's just not that big of a deal.
Altho discussion forums, FB, Twitter and MSN outlets would have everyone believe differently. Any drama you see played out only in media but not in your daily life should be suspect.

There have been "busybodies" around WAY BEFORE we called them "Karen".
Some humans are just like that an it speaks to them more than the person they stereotype/correct/distain.

The entire mask debate is only relevant due to it's demonstrated level of non-protection.

Unless people are going to use REAL PPE like Hazmat Suit & respirators, use Quat level cleaning products, turn their mud rooms into decontamination suites fussing about Masks/or not is asinine. It's been said a bunch of times "no shirt no shoes no service" isn't really different than "no mask no service". Unless wearing clothes to shop is equally a sign of elitism NWO manipulation an wearing them makes me oppressed in some way?

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