It's been a few months since I did my first
analysis so I thought it might be
interesting to do the same thing again using the newest data. I'm not going to explain everything again so if you want to know exactly what these
charts are showing then read the first analysis. The period of time I analyzed doesn't overlap with my first analysis so I thought it would be
interesting to see if I get the same or different results. This analysis also looks at a longer period of time (the last 3 and half months) so it
should be more reliable than the first.
This first chart showing the cases per capita vs the vaccination rate is really quite shocking, it demonstrates very clearly that there is a
correlation between cases per capita and the amount of vaccines administered to a population. Now, some might claim those largely unvaccinated
countries who are reporting very low case numbers don't really have low case numbers, they just have less effective Covid testing systems in place.
However, we can ignore those poor nations and still see a very clear pattern in this data. The vaccine is causing case numbers to rise on average,
meaning the vaccine wont prevent the spread of Covid and may even exacerbate it.
This second chart shows the deaths per case vs the vaccination rate, and again we see the same trend that we saw in the first analysis. This is
actually quite strong evidence that the vaccine will reduce the severity of Covid symptoms and reduce the risk of death. However, I could also argue
that the poorer nations who are less vaccinated also have less effective medical systems and they live in harsher conditions. Which could explain part
of this correlation, but I'm not about to completely deny there does appear to be some correlation, just like we shouldn't deny the obvious
correlation seen in the first chart.
This third chart shows the deaths per capita vs the vaccination rate, and once again we see what looks like a Gaussian distribution. Since the vaccine
will cause higher case numbers it will also cause more deaths from Covid, but the vaccine will also reduce the chances of dying from Covid. Those two
things work against each other, resulting in this strange trend where the most vaccinated and least vaccinated countries are doing fairly well, but
those in the middle have the highest deaths per capita on average. Some may argue this is why we need to make sure everyone gets vaccinated but that
is bogus logic for several reasons.
First of all, if a vaccine doesn't prevent the spread of a virus, and in fact allows the virus to spread more easily, then I would be very hesitant to
call it a vaccine. A vaccine which doesn't prevent the spread of a virus is not going to stop this "pandemic", the
science of pandemics is very clear, when 50% to 70% of a population has been vaccinated the
pandemic will completely end because the virus wont be able to infect enough people. That's not the case with Covid, we have populations with well
over 90% of their people vaccinated. Vaccinated people can still catch and spread the virus, but they are less likely to experience severe
That means there is absolutely no argument for mandatory vaccines. We're simply not going to stop the spread of Covid regardless of what actions we
take, most of us will catch it at some point. It's completely understandable if some people have personal circumstances which make them feel like they
need a vaccine for Covid, it will give them some protection which might outweigh the risk of any side effects. However, I'm still relatively young and
have always had a good immune system. Even knowing the risks of vaccine side effects are extremely small, I still prefer to rely on my immune system
instead of boosters every 4 to 6 months.
The only person the vaccine protects is me so it should be a personal choice. Vaccinated people act like they have no faith in the vaccine, I seem to
have more faith in it than most of them because I accept the fact it does provide some protection. It's very simple, if you want some protection then
get the vaccine, so long as you're willing to risk any potential side effects by getting vaccinated every 4 to 6 months with a vaccine which has more
adverse events than all other vaccines combined going back decades. Or you could take the risk which comes with not being vaccinated, and have a
higher chance of severe symptoms in the event you do contract Covid.
But I'm not going to yell or force anyone into anything, because I'm not a delusional authoritarian. I accept those who wish to be vaccinated and
those who don't. A few weeks ago there was a news story in Australia about one of our sun screen products having an ingredient which could cause
cancer, and this is a well known brand which has been around for decades. The human body and our biological functions are more complex than almost
anything else in our current realm of science. Therefore it's utterly ridiculous to claim mRNA technology which targets a novel virus and has never
been used on this scale before is not experimental.
Here's the legend for the above charts:
edit on 17/1/2022 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)