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For you unvaxxed folks... some real world info

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posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: Imperator2

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: AcrobaticDreams
a reply to: Variable

I can see from their perspective why they would have very little tolerance for unvaccinated people with comorbidities not taking a therapeutic that everyone they know took because of ‘conspiracy theories’ causing them to do more work. I am not saying it is right, but they are humans doing a job and unvaccinated people ARE causing them more work (when it comes to Covid). It is just a fact.

Yet if they send a known drug addict experiencing his 3rd or 4th overdose back out the door untreated or send away the 500 lb diabetic woman who still has the smell of a bag of Oreos and the 2 liter Coke she washed it down with on her breath, God help them because that hospital and all involved are going to be sued and lose.

Let's face a fact, hospitals and hospital workers aren't holy houses or heroes. They're a business occupied by folks who are well compensated to perform specific jobs, PERIOD. One of the biggest facepalms we've made since COVID appeared is treating these skilled workers like they were going above and beyond by simply doing their jobs. It caused many of those doctors and nurses to become insufferable, ego inflated wannabe celebrities when, in all reality, they're just another group of folks doing a job they chose for a compensation they agreed to.

I wholeheartedly concur. This same issue occurs with regards to police, firemen, first responders, teachers, gov officials and military personnel. Putting someone into the role of selfless hero is absurd unless they have personally performed in a manner to have it apply. The across the board blanket labeling of these people is insanity. Just more of the brainwashing of the American people to further strengthen this whole appeal to authority nonsense.

They do this in order to brainwash the population. Have your own thoughts about a subject? Well.. you are wrong because this person who is in a position if authority that we have deemed appropriate says otherwise. It's how you change the citizen back into a subject. It takes generations to do it this way, but there was really no other way for them to do it. Brute force wouldn't work on us.

They laid the seeds with advertising. They nurtured us with television, and we went into full bloom with MSM and the internet.

They don't need to use brute force. All they have to do is say it on MSM, have it said by a celebrity, a well paid influencer, or plant a video on Tik Tok, Facebook, or Instagram, and it becomes, "Kill you Momma, if she says otherwise" gospel.

Every step they have made, from day one, has been pre-planned and well executed. We have performed most excellently as our predictable selves. Even us recalcitrant noncompliers.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe

IMHO, your title should say
For all you who have covid, vaxxed or unvaxxed.

Lack of treatment until it gets into the lungs has been the game plan from the beginning.......

Well first I would need to ask what kind of insurance does the guy have? You are right in unless the O2 in the blood drops there isn't much they can do as to treatment, but there are a few and a hospital will not use them unless they feel the illness is serious enough. We also need to remember that the vast majority of those in serious condition in hospitals is the unvacced, so it doesn't make sense that the hospital turned him away being unvacced, ya he will feel like crap for two weeks if it doesn't get worst, but that is typical to many unvacced compared to vacced who get it and are over it in a few days with mild symptoms.

23 Dec 2021 The FDA authorized molnupiravir, an oral antiviral treatment manufactured by Merck, for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in people ages 18 years and older.

The FDA has approved the antiviral drug Veklury (remdesivir) for adults and certain pediatric patients with COVID-19 who are sick enough to need hospitalization. Veklury should only be administered in a hospital or in a health care setting capable of providing acute care comparable to inpatient hospital care.

The FDA has issued EUAs for several monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID-19 for the treatment, and in some cases prevention (prophylaxis), of COVID-19 in adults and pediatric patients. Monoclonal antibodies are laboratory-made molecules that act as substitute antibodies. They can help your immune system recognize and respond more effectively to the virus, making it more difficult for the virus to reproduce and cause harm.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: TylerDurden33

My bet, it's still at a 99.98% survivability rate. I'm not wasting another second of my life on 0.02%.

As long as you are young and healthy then yes you are a big chunk of that 99.9%, but 90% of the deaths, long term illness is people older than 60, or have issues up front, so it isn't .02% for them and COVID is no joke in those groups.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: TylerDurden33
a reply to: Variable

99% of the time if you call a doctors office or hospital for treatment, they just tell you to stay home and that's it.

Obviously you can take Vitamins, Zinc and all that on the 1st/2nd day of symptoms and you'll be 75% better the next day or two.

They are suppressing antibody treatments and ivermectin/NAC -- I used to be able to find NAC on the shelf at walmart, but ever since Joe Rogan was talking about Ivermectin and even NAC, they immediately pulled it... Obviously the Pharma OP and the Gubbment are against their own people.

Good. One of my "values" is the more you can perform a task with your own hands and tools, the less you depend on fickle services that may or may not cost you in the long run. Keep your friends close and your homeopathy supplies closer. A lot of people are learning the wisdom in that philosophy after so called professional care drops the ball.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: Variable

I sympathize with both you and your son. It sucks to be overweight and have the healthcare industry all set with a pre-examination diagnosis ready to go.

Unfortunately, unless you have something measurable in your lungs or are having a hard time breathing, there really isn't a treatment to speak of. You just tough it out and hope for the best.

I was just in an ER, not covid related, and left at 5AM this morning. While there I seized the opportunity and talked to my nurse as much as I could about covid. She said exactly what I just said above: if you aren't having trouble breathing the hospital doesn't have much to offer you.

Now we all know that there are some things out there that some people claim work as treatments. Why is the industry ignoring that? Could be a lot of things. But most likely its because it doesn't fit the, "We have to save you so you will feel indebted to us" narrative. And if you have a co-morbidity, well that's just a built in scapegoat for TPTB.

Good post - level and accurate.

Here’s the thing… how often do you go to the doctor in “non-Covid” world and get told to go home, rest, drink fluids, etc.? Most every time.

In the absence of pulmonary or cardiac issues, COVID treatment is the same.

Also, for your son’s own personal health benefit, he does need to lose weight - any medical provider will tell him or you that. Example, my wife used to work for an orthopedic surgeon. He’d have 300+ Lb patients come in and complain about knee pain. If the patient was borderline for needing surgery he would flat out tell patients that he won’t operate until they see how they feel after losing 50-100 lbs. if they lose that weight and the knee still has problems then they would talk about operating.

That’s not “fat shaming”, that’s sound guidance to avoid unnecessary surgery which is hard on the body and also a lot probably the person will complete rehab successfully - making the surgery even more useless. All at reduced revenue to the surgeon no less, btw.

Turns out, most patients who took the advice and lost the weight didn’t need surgery.

As a person who has struggled with their weight periodically over the course of my life I can say putting thought into your diet, exercise and natural supplement routine is energy well spent for your health.

Find a trainer and tell him he can do it once he recovers. He’ll feel better about himself, feel better physically and more. He can do it!

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 10:59 AM
OP sorry to hear about your son and I'm glad he is on the road to recovery.

We are 2 years into this virus. We need to use common sense. If you are in ANY sort of health risk, I am 100% encouraging you to get the vax.


Anything that you might even question, go get the vax!

We as a nation are like 60% obese, people who never thought they would get it or are not a health risk find out the hard way sometimes and it sucks to see.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: HawkeyeNation
OP sorry to hear about your son and I'm glad he is on the road to recovery.

We are 2 years into this virus. We need to use common sense. If you are in ANY sort of health risk, I am 100% encouraging you to get the vax.


Anything that you might even question, go get the vax!

We as a nation are like 60% obese, people who never thought they would get it or are not a health risk find out the hard way sometimes and it sucks to see.

Or!!!!! Don't do that

And lose weight stop smoking and start taking proper supplementation and going to the gym and abandon the thought of injecting yourself with a foreign substance in favor of natural remedies

It's ridiculous that we've gone from encouraging healthy lifestyles to using needles and foreign fluids instead..

Good god were doomed

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 03:36 PM
There are several people here saying the answer is to lose the weight. I fully agree that being the proper weight is always the best option. However, for some people its not as easy as picking the right diet and supplements and exercising. It is also good to remember that what works for one person may fail miserably for the next.

Some people can decide to lose weight, diet and exercise, and get where they want to be. Lucky bastards...

For other people, weight loss is a life long battle of repetitive small gains and small losses which ultimately ends up with them being heavier and with worse health than if they had just maintained their original weight. Constantly losing and gaining weight is extremely stressful on a body. Not to mention the psychological toll it takes, which often results in worse dietary and selfcare habits.

And for those who think its just a matter of willpower let me say this: You have no idea what willpower is until you walk out the door every day as an obese person knowing people are looking at you, talking about you, pre-judging you or your worth or abilities, laughing at you, all while preaching what good people they are for valuing a person on their merits instead of their appearance. Clothes don't look right on you. Simple things for other people make you stress and strain. Over packed restaurants or night clubs have aisles many obese people cant fit through. Try being obese and working your way to the middle seats in a movie theater. Its easier to just wait until it comes out on dvd and spare yourself the humiliation. People stop asking you to social functions because they don't want to embarrass you and they don't want to answer stupid questions all night from all the other guests. This is just the beginning. I could really go into detail, but I wont.

Some people have knee and hip and back problems because of their weight. That is very true. It is equally true that some people are overweight because of knee, hip, and back problems that severely limited their mobility, greatly reducing their exercise capabilities. Then, as the weight increased, so did the other problems.

"Some people are fighting battles you know nothing about. Always be kind." ~Robin Williams

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: HawkeyeNation
OP sorry to hear about your son and I'm glad he is on the road to recovery.

We are 2 years into this virus. We need to use common sense. If you are in ANY sort of health risk, I am 100% encouraging you to get the vax.


Anything that you might even question, go get the vax!

We as a nation are like 60% obese, people who never thought they would get it or are not a health risk find out the hard way sometimes and it sucks to see.

Or!!!!! Don't do that

And lose weight stop smoking and start taking proper supplementation and going to the gym and abandon the thought of injecting yourself with a foreign substance in favor of natural remedies

It's ridiculous that we've gone from encouraging healthy lifestyles to using needles and foreign fluids instead..

Good god were doomed

It's unfortunately not that easy for a lot of people. And at this stage even if they started, and got Covid, it would be way to late. If you have been a long term smoker, quitting now might help but unlikely. Losing weight is great for many reasons but again that takes time.

The vaccine for 99% of the people is going to be effective. There is some risk but not enough imo to not get it if you are in a high risk situation.

I also agree 100% that healthy lifestyle changes is very much needed in this country. Healthy food mysteriously costs more and thus low income folks can't afford it. Healthy people also don't have health issues as much...oh sorry, that's another rabbit hole lol.

edit on 18-1-2022 by HawkeyeNation because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

What world do you live in where the vaccine is going to be effective for 99% of people ? Lol

Or can i have the number of your drug dealer because you’re on some good ish.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: Variable

My daughter is an ER nurse, right now the protocol for covid is, if you test positive, but have symptoms of covid, you will get an ex ray and check on your oxygen levels.

If your lungs are good and your oxygen is normal you will be send home with not medications or treatments beside over the counter remedies, to monitor yourself to make sure you will not get worst, if you get worst and have shortness of breath then you can come back to the ER for further treatment.

Where my daughter works this new protocol started during the summer, to avoid overwhelming the ERs and hospitals.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: Variable

My daughter is an ER nurse, right now the protocol for covid is, if you test positive, but have symptoms of covid, you will get an ex ray and check on your oxygen levels.

If your lungs are good and your oxygen is normal you will be send home with not medications or treatments beside over the counter remedies, to monitor yourself to make sure you will not get worst, if you get worst and have shortness of breath then you can come back to the ER for further treatment.

Where my daughter works this new protocol started during the summer, to avoid overwhelming the ERs and hospitals.

We do the same here in this country also. And people usually will stay put till better. We seen stores close because of the honesty of this program. After the employees recover the stores open up again.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

The new free for all home test will be brining and increase of people running to the ERs if they test positive, with symptoms or not, I avoid the ER any way I can as per my daughter's advise.

Right now my daughter tells me that people knows exactly what to say when they come to the ER to get admitted to the hospital but a soon they get the x rays and oxigen test, they are send back home, they get angry and is a lot of problems now.

She has been calling me to check on me often, but today she had a funny story, She said a lady came to the ER because she took the rapid test and was positive, my daughter asked her for symptoms, the lady said she had a fever of 106, my daughter just stop the triage and looked at her, she asked the lady where she took the temperature, the lady said behind the ear, she asked who did, the lady said she did it herself

My daughter said she had to excuse, go outside and just shake her head while trying no to laugh.

She then went back to the room and told the lady that she was ok, her fever was not 106 and and if she had that temperature, she would no have been holding a conversation at that point.

Sometimes this type of people are taking space for those that are really, really sick and in need of help.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

The vaccine for 99% of the people is going to be effective

The problem is thats not even close to true, if it were and the side effects werent so prevalent and severe there wouldnt be so many in the country saying "absolutely not"

if it was what they said it was, but its not, and theyve lied repeatedly
edit on 1/18/2022 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 06:20 PM
Doctors are terrible to people who do not follow their advice. When my 90 year old mother basically said f*u to the doctor who wanted to do emergency surgery that could leave her without a voice box, on a ventilator and with a feeding tube, it was like she was totally on her own. She literally had to leave the hospital.

Luckily her primary doctor at least prescribed some medicine that reduced the swelling. But once she said no to the specialists, that was it as far as they were concerned.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 07:41 PM
I’ve had covid twice now. The delta and omicron. 30 years old 6 foot tall 185 lbs. I’m not jabbed. Both times I’ve had it, it wasn’t much to write home about. Some people respond differently. My doctor got the jab and was hospitalized due to myocarditis. I was sick for about a week last time nothing too bad just a cough that was phlegmy. Lots of vitamins and healthy food. Definitely won’t work for everyone. I’ll take my chances getting sick. I made a post called omicron and I if anyone is wondering what I took. I did have some weird spinal pain tho.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 10:23 PM
Well said my friend...

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

My fiance is a nurse for a major Melanoma clinic. Please do tell me what you take that prevents cancer.

It's a rather bold claim and I am sure some of those nurses who have dealt with heartbreaking deaths all across the age spectrum would love to be able to pas along that information.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:41 PM
The amount of people on here calling for links and evidence while spewing their own cocksure opinion sans any of the same is astounding.

It's like snake eating tail. This forum should just be locked down for posterity. In two years we can unpack this nonsense and see which of you thumbing your noses towards others can actually apologize.

Makes me want to start a poll asking how many anti THIS vaccination people also think the election was stolen from Trump.

By the way I voted for Trump the second time. So spare the rote trash that gets thrown out when someone assumes a post like this means I am anti trump or never trump. Before the first year of this president---no president in history was more disliked than Trump. Even if I buy into the fantasy that the left stole the election the sad truth is if Trump has been even just like 10% more relatable as a human he would've won bigly.

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: Variable
One of my sons recently had covid. He was, like many of you, anti-vax. He is 26, 6'3, and about 300 lbs. He was very sick and went to the ER last Saturday night, they sent him home with no treatment. Said he was morbidly obese and unvaxxed, basically good luck! The actual quote was to "suffer at home". This was after they X-rayed his lungs and they were clear. I am not sure what they would have done if his lungs were bad. Luckily he is recovering, still has an awful cough. My problem with the medical establishment is if you are overweight and unvaxxed you can expect little to no treatment unless you're already close to having overwhelmed lungs. It may be too little too late at that point. If anything, this makes me start to mistrust medical institutions even more. First, do no harm, right? Charlotte is not overwhelmed, people are not dying in the hallways. The lack of any treatment is directly because it doesn't fit the narrative of universal vaccination. Treatments are available, they're being suppressed so the unvaxxed suffer needlessly. For you unvaxxed I wish you the best but you need to go into this with both eyes open.


Yes in some cities like NY, they are spending about $2 billion on the "homeless" which includes safe places to go do drugs. Its all upside down.

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