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Minnesota Bank and Trust moves to CANCEL Mike Lindell's Accounts

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posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: StoutBroux

originally posted by: nugget1

Just think of the Mayor of DC, you can't leave your house without papers now as of Saturday.

Well, sort of...

TextThe Mayor’s Order specifies that residents may only leave their residences to:

engage in essential activities, including obtaining medical care that cannot be provided through telehealth and obtaining food and essential household goods;
perform or access essential governmental functions;
work at essential businesses;
engage in essential travel; or
engage in allowable recreational activities, as defined by the Mayor’s Order.

That's from March 2020. I thought there were new 'orders' for the unvaccinated.

Here you go:
Same thing, different day. Nobody in the United States is required to stay in their home by any mandate. It's really easy to do a quick internet search and see if something is is an exaggeration or not.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: Thenail

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
The tyrannical measures of the authoritarian elite continues to escalate. Heartland Financial and Minnesota Bank and Trust are moving to 'de-bank' several of Mike Lindell's accounts.

The Post Millennial reports:

On Friday, businessman and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell announced that Heartland Financial and Minnesota Bank and Trust are moving to de-bank many of his accounts associated with his multi-million dollar businesses and charities.

The announcement came on Friday's episode of War Room, where host and former Trump adviser Steve Bannon played a recording of a telephone call between a top executive at Minnesota Bank & Trust and Lindell's controller.

That executive stated during the call that the bank, a subsidiary of Heartland Financial, had concerns about being connected with "someone who could be in the news."

"Not that the FBI is even sniffing and looking, but what if somebody came and said, 'Do you know what? We are going to subpoena all of his account records, and this and that.' And then all of a sudden we make the news," the executive said.

Accounts that are being threatened with de-banking include Lindell Management, Lindell Outreach, Lindell Recovery Network, Lindell-TV, Lindell Foundation, Lindell Publishing, Frankspeech, Michael Lindell Personal, and MyStore.


Needless to say, if the bank is willing to cancel Lindell, they'd cancel a regular citizen in a heartbeat.

Welcome to 2022. Politics over profit.

Hmmm well do you like America or not?
They have every right to do so as they are a business. If this upsets you then move. This move does NOT make America authoritarian. Period

No they don’t have the right to cancel your accounts because of you using your first amendment right . Here’s something for you . The first amendment is for everyone. Not just ignorant brainwashed corporate liberal morons who buy 💯 percent everything the evil globalist media tells them . Left leaning Canadians care more for our country than you .

We all know you agree with the global elite on everything. You have never been on the side of freedom loving Americans . Not one time . How is that possible ??? It’s not impossible . You have an agenda and agree with the main stream media on everything. No offense but your opinion carries a lot less weight than Biden’s , or xi’s or Fauci’s. If you were to change and start to critically think and not just be a water carrier for the global elite we might change our mind about you .

Not sure where you live but YES banks can close your account for any reason at any time, without notice.

Reasons banks close accounts may include inactivity, low balances and instances where their customer's actions have been deemed as posing a specific risk to the institution. These risks include monetary losses, as well as the potential of fraudulent activity. However, banks also can close accounts at their discretion, even if the owner has kept the account in good standing.

What Lindells is doing is having a big ol’ Temper Tantrum because he is not getting his way.
How would he like it if people told him to stop associating with just the right, that he should go to Democratic rallies too. He would tell them to get lost it’s his business and he can do what he wants. See how that works?

i'm sure he had over draft accounts.

i'm sure they are looking into pelosi's accounts too.

hell even i had one. 2000$my 1st was bouncing checks to the tune of 800 bucks a month! 25 bucks a bounce.

bank never closed me. they charge for al that # too.

credit cards are different. they are issued and credit line is tied to income. AE is the worst.

bastards called me at the ritz in laguna beach coz i went over the limit. they wanted their money now! i said wait till i get back to the shop. 2 days and 1500 miles away. when i paid up i canceled their ass. it was biz ness card.
no need to stop payment on the card before they talked to me about it so i could explain.

i should have sued their ass for hurt feelz. lol. my personal CC has been paid and done for years. i am a limited credit user, as the mortgage co labeled me.

edit on 15-1-2022 by sarahvital because: add

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

Conservatives are not wanted in Minnesota.

Glad Mike can see this now.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
a reply to: Allaroundyou

What an ironic statement. No argument, end of story. Yeah whatever, dude. If you don't know much about the political situation then maybe don't make such unknowledgeable judgements. Unless you do understand and discrimination and division are your thing, in which case I don't know what to say to you.

Dude this is really not hard to understand man.
This is called capitalism. He signed a agreement and in that agreement is a nice little Claus that states if you muck with our business then we won't do business with you.
Maybe you should stop viewing things through your one sided goggles and realize they can do what they want.
If they loose account owners and money then so be it. But this is the right they have.
I believe here in freedom loving America we call that freedom.
Get it now?

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: Thenail

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
The tyrannical measures of the authoritarian elite continues to escalate. Heartland Financial and Minnesota Bank and Trust are moving to 'de-bank' several of Mike Lindell's accounts.

The Post Millennial reports:

On Friday, businessman and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell announced that Heartland Financial and Minnesota Bank and Trust are moving to de-bank many of his accounts associated with his multi-million dollar businesses and charities.

The announcement came on Friday's episode of War Room, where host and former Trump adviser Steve Bannon played a recording of a telephone call between a top executive at Minnesota Bank & Trust and Lindell's controller.

That executive stated during the call that the bank, a subsidiary of Heartland Financial, had concerns about being connected with "someone who could be in the news."

"Not that the FBI is even sniffing and looking, but what if somebody came and said, 'Do you know what? We are going to subpoena all of his account records, and this and that.' And then all of a sudden we make the news," the executive said.

Accounts that are being threatened with de-banking include Lindell Management, Lindell Outreach, Lindell Recovery Network, Lindell-TV, Lindell Foundation, Lindell Publishing, Frankspeech, Michael Lindell Personal, and MyStore.


Needless to say, if the bank is willing to cancel Lindell, they'd cancel a regular citizen in a heartbeat.

Welcome to 2022. Politics over profit.

Hmmm well do you like America or not?
They have every right to do so as they are a business. If this upsets you then move. This move does NOT make America authoritarian. Period

No they don’t have the right to cancel your accounts because of you using your first amendment right . Here’s something for you . The first amendment is for everyone. Not just ignorant brainwashed corporate liberal morons who buy 💯 percent everything the evil globalist media tells them . Left leaning Canadians care more for our country than you .

We all know you agree with the global elite on everything. You have never been on the side of freedom loving Americans . Not one time . How is that possible ??? It’s not impossible . You have an agenda and agree with the main stream media on everything. No offense but your opinion carries a lot less weight than Biden’s , or xi’s or Fauci’s. If you were to change and start to critically think and not just be a water carrier for the global elite we might change our mind about you .

It's cute that you have absolutely no idea about how I veiw things.
I have my job that I do and then my views.
And you clearly never read T&C with your bank. Maybe look into that man. And how often have I agreed with MSM? I rarely listen or watch any of that nasty crap. I do my own research without reading op-ed pieces and never read nor listen to pundits. Give it a try brah.
And the only reason users here often say things like that is because I call them out.
Now show me a law that proves me wrong......don't I will wait, because I know it will be awhile because you can't.
Go to freaking school man before you claim to know crap. At least I can admit when I am wrong.
Now can you???

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: Thenail

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
The tyrannical measures of the authoritarian elite continues to escalate. Heartland Financial and Minnesota Bank and Trust are moving to 'de-bank' several of Mike Lindell's accounts.

The Post Millennial reports:

On Friday, businessman and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell announced that Heartland Financial and Minnesota Bank and Trust are moving to de-bank many of his accounts associated with his multi-million dollar businesses and charities.

The announcement came on Friday's episode of War Room, where host and former Trump adviser Steve Bannon played a recording of a telephone call between a top executive at Minnesota Bank & Trust and Lindell's controller.

That executive stated during the call that the bank, a subsidiary of Heartland Financial, had concerns about being connected with "someone who could be in the news."

"Not that the FBI is even sniffing and looking, but what if somebody came and said, 'Do you know what? We are going to subpoena all of his account records, and this and that.' And then all of a sudden we make the news," the executive said.

Accounts that are being threatened with de-banking include Lindell Management, Lindell Outreach, Lindell Recovery Network, Lindell-TV, Lindell Foundation, Lindell Publishing, Frankspeech, Michael Lindell Personal, and MyStore.


Needless to say, if the bank is willing to cancel Lindell, they'd cancel a regular citizen in a heartbeat.

Welcome to 2022. Politics over profit.

Hmmm well do you like America or not?
They have every right to do so as they are a business. If this upsets you then move. This move does NOT make America authoritarian. Period

No they don’t have the right to cancel your accounts because of you using your first amendment right . Here’s something for you . The first amendment is for everyone. Not just ignorant brainwashed corporate liberal morons who buy 💯 percent everything the evil globalist media tells them . Left leaning Canadians care more for our country than you .

We all know you agree with the global elite on everything. You have never been on the side of freedom loving Americans . Not one time . How is that possible ??? It’s not impossible . You have an agenda and agree with the main stream media on everything. No offense but your opinion carries a lot less weight than Biden’s , or xi’s or Fauci’s. If you were to change and start to critically think and not just be a water carrier for the global elite we might change our mind about you .

It's cute that you have absolutely no idea about how I veiw things.
I have my job that I do and then my views.
And you clearly never read T&C with your bank. Maybe look into that man. And how often have I agreed with MSM? I rarely listen or watch any of that nasty crap. I do my own research without reading op-ed pieces and never read nor listen to pundits. Give it a try brah.
And the only reason users here often say things like that is because I call them out.
Now show me a law that proves me wrong......don't I will wait, because I know it will be awhile because you can't.
Go to freaking school man before you claim to know crap. At least I can admit when I am wrong.
Now can you???

Lol, if you did your own research then you wouldn't be repeating left wing opinions?

Just stop brah.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 09:21 PM

originally posted by: Muninn

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: Thenail

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
The tyrannical measures of the authoritarian elite continues to escalate. Heartland Financial and Minnesota Bank and Trust are moving to 'de-bank' several of Mike Lindell's accounts.

The Post Millennial reports:

On Friday, businessman and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell announced that Heartland Financial and Minnesota Bank and Trust are moving to de-bank many of his accounts associated with his multi-million dollar businesses and charities.

The announcement came on Friday's episode of War Room, where host and former Trump adviser Steve Bannon played a recording of a telephone call between a top executive at Minnesota Bank & Trust and Lindell's controller.

That executive stated during the call that the bank, a subsidiary of Heartland Financial, had concerns about being connected with "someone who could be in the news."

"Not that the FBI is even sniffing and looking, but what if somebody came and said, 'Do you know what? We are going to subpoena all of his account records, and this and that.' And then all of a sudden we make the news," the executive said.

Accounts that are being threatened with de-banking include Lindell Management, Lindell Outreach, Lindell Recovery Network, Lindell-TV, Lindell Foundation, Lindell Publishing, Frankspeech, Michael Lindell Personal, and MyStore.


Needless to say, if the bank is willing to cancel Lindell, they'd cancel a regular citizen in a heartbeat.

Welcome to 2022. Politics over profit.

Hmmm well do you like America or not?
They have every right to do so as they are a business. If this upsets you then move. This move does NOT make America authoritarian. Period

No they don’t have the right to cancel your accounts because of you using your first amendment right . Here’s something for you . The first amendment is for everyone. Not just ignorant brainwashed corporate liberal morons who buy 💯 percent everything the evil globalist media tells them . Left leaning Canadians care more for our country than you .

We all know you agree with the global elite on everything. You have never been on the side of freedom loving Americans . Not one time . How is that possible ??? It’s not impossible . You have an agenda and agree with the main stream media on everything. No offense but your opinion carries a lot less weight than Biden’s , or xi’s or Fauci’s. If you were to change and start to critically think and not just be a water carrier for the global elite we might change our mind about you .

It's cute that you have absolutely no idea about how I veiw things.
I have my job that I do and then my views.
And you clearly never read T&C with your bank. Maybe look into that man. And how often have I agreed with MSM? I rarely listen or watch any of that nasty crap. I do my own research without reading op-ed pieces and never read nor listen to pundits. Give it a try brah.
And the only reason users here often say things like that is because I call them out.
Now show me a law that proves me wrong......don't I will wait, because I know it will be awhile because you can't.
Go to freaking school man before you claim to know crap. At least I can admit when I am wrong.
Now can you???

Lol, if you did your own research then you wouldn't be repeating left wing opinions?

Just stop brah.

Ahh so you dislike logic....who could have called that?
So you clearly have a little right wing love for me.
Your cute but not my type.....miss
Funny how you have absolutely nothing to use as a debate or even a decent argument against me.
But hey you follow me so thanks.
Maybe next time ask me if you can come over. Maybe I shall allow you on my property.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Then NPR lied.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: Lemon1234
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Then NPR lied.

Wow you are that thick headed to actually realize what was just said to you.....
Smart you be may. Just not thinking forward you are....
That's on you

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: Lemon1234
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Then NPR lied.
I take it you don't know much about the posting history of AG.
That's fine so I shall just piss him off!
He is a hardcore Trump support active member..........
Please tell me you support this.....??...

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

You do realize that financial institutions consider a savings account as a mattress with easy access and the current average for Americans is 5300 or so dollars which amounts to almost 2 trillion.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 10:33 PM

originally posted by: Lemon1234
a reply to: Allaroundyou

You do realize that financial institutions consider a savings account as a mattress with easy access and the current average for Americans is 5300 or so dollars which amounts to almost 2 trillion.

I don't believe you have any idea of what your talking about.
Maybe try again
edit on 2/19/2013 by Allaroundyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: Allaroundyou

It means people aren't diversifying cause they're scared of uncertainty.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: nugget1

This vaccine passport/mandates will slowly creep upon their economy to a standstill some businesses will see a drop of 50% in a few months from now.

Noticed what they are saying. Which for the most part is right. Its like a force thing. Its forcing you to get vaccinted. Because you are being left out.

"We do know that mandates have the ability to move people who are not vaccinated to become vaccinated

mandates have the ability to move people who are not vaccinated to become vaccinated
For Boosters that dont have any effect, as seen so far. There had being more cases of vaccinated being hospitalized and mainstream news media outlets not wanting to admit it.

The officials are clearly lying about the protection.

shley underscored the protection afforded by vaccines and boosters

I know this is an article from 2021. If these vaccines offered such a glazing protection why do vaccinated need five more boosters? or why are they getting sick?

These officials in DC arent being honest.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: Lemon1234
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Then NPR lied.

The NPR sure did lie about boosters/mRNA vaccines offering protection.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: Lemon1234
a reply to: Allaroundyou

You do realize that financial institutions consider a savings account as a mattress with easy access and the current average for Americans is 5300 or so dollars which amounts to almost 2 trillion.

I don't believe you have any idea of what your talking about.
Maybe try again

Lol, how about educating us instead of telling us how smart you are.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: Lemon1234
a reply to: Allaroundyou

It means people aren't diversifying cause they're scared of uncertainty.

I am and am also uncertain of the future. Doesn't mean I won't stop selling and buying when profit must be made at the time. Know timing is key.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: Muninn

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: Lemon1234
a reply to: Allaroundyou

You do realize that financial institutions consider a savings account as a mattress with easy access and the current average for Americans is 5300 or so dollars which amounts to almost 2 trillion.

I don't believe you have any idea of what your talking about.
Maybe try again

Lol, how about educating us instead of telling us how smart you are.

Why don't you learn when to buy and sell and account for losses and profit based if time and buy.
Ya probably know Jack about any of that.

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: Muninn

I know stocks can be hard for such a Munich mind such as yours.
We are all SO sorry....

posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: Muninn

originally posted by: Allaroundyou

originally posted by: Lemon1234
a reply to: Allaroundyou

You do realize that financial institutions consider a savings account as a mattress with easy access and the current average for Americans is 5300 or so dollars which amounts to almost 2 trillion.

I don't believe you have any idea of what your talking about.
Maybe try again

Lol, how about educating us instead of telling us how smart you are.

Why don't you learn when to buy and sell and account for losses and profit based if time and buy.
Ya probably know Jack about any of that.

That's why I retired at 41 yo.

Try again.

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