Sleep paralysis is interesting, I have suffered from it rather randomly, but not for a long time nowadays.
I don't have any solid data or facts about it, but I can tell my opinions, viewpoints, experiences, and thought processes about it.
It's a scary situation, usually I feel completely and utterly exhausted, having woken myself up from some terrifying nightmare, and suddenly not able
to move, or scream, or anything. A feeling of dread looms heavily in the air, compressing me and keeping me from moving. Sometimes I even fall back
asleep, because that's the only thing I can do.
Other times, I am able to try to scream so hard, I finally free myself and able to move - but still feeling exhausted.
From my experience, drinking coffee, especially 'too much' can cause this to happen, as coffee messes up with sleep in various ways (after all, being
a stimulant, that's why people drink it, to get energy and to control their sleep patterns).
In my own, very subjective viewpoint, it seems like coffee or caffeine somehow weakens the natural, protective aura, causing 'holes' or 'weaknesses'
to it, that then make me vulnerable to all kinds of forces and experiences.
Now, we know that the Universe is full of energy, and that energy can take all kind of forms. One form is psychological terror caused by
hallucinations created by overstimulated imagination. The thing is, imagined things don't always feel dreamy or unreal, they can feel surprisingly
This means, sleep paralysis can sometimes be part of a mini-psychosis of sorts, that uses your immense fear to feed its incorporeal, but very
real-feeling manifestations of imagination and psychological terror.
However, we have to remember that we're not alone in the Universe, we do not consist of a singular entity and that's it. We are complex beings with
multiple layers, and it's all interconnected, as in the end, the Universe is ONE.
This means, our own etheric body, astral body, mental and causal bodies can flow disruptive energy between themselves, causing all kinds of
apparations. When we think of the subtle, and yet incredibly complicated and complex mechanism of meridians, acupoints, chakras, their states,
twirling speeds, directions and energy flows - as well as possible blockages - we can realize just how much is happening merely by existing in this
multi-body existence in this incredibly detailed Universe (I didn't even go to atomic level or mention how even atoms are alive, because they are
basically tiny expressions of a large Father-Spirit, which is the Creator that people even on this planet have recognized for aeons, and even many
Earth-scientists have recently figured out there's proof of intelligent design when it comes to reality and existence).
It also means that there are countless entities in countless forms, and the higher the realm, the looser the form (meaning, it's not as solid, so it
can be easily changed, or at least easier than the physical body, which is very heavy and solid for all intents and purposes (although technically
speaking, even it consists of energy, molecules, atoms, and is thus just very lowly vibrating spirit or energy).
People in higher realms are of course more angelic the higher the realm, but in the very close frequencies, like etheric and astral plane, there are
all kinds of entities there - the same kind of diks and jackbuttockses you see in this world. Just because your body dies, doesn't make you a good
human, you remain the same douche you were on Earth, just in a slightly more elevated mode.
This means, that astral world and etheric world have lots of 'cosmic bullies', tricksters, pranksters, quirky spirits that want to tease and cause
havoc, troublemakers, and so on. Not to mention the heavier horrors, because that's unnecessary and frankly, a bit too scary for me.
So when we have sleep paralysis, it can be just a harmless, innocent 'my mind is playing tricks on me' situation, or it can be an attack of sorts by
forces that detected your aura's weak condition and thus see an opportunity to do harm or at least play some pranks. What childish psycho doesn't love
scaring others and then giggling about their reaction? This fact doesn't change just because the dimensional frequency changes, so it could be just a
prank on you.
Of course the 'rational' here that do not have sensitivity to understand or experience anything beyond purely physical (or so they think), can always
explain everything away with 'neurons, synapsis, brain blahblah', but what causes those synapsis to 'fire' that particular way, they don't have an
answer to. They probably think brain is some kind of machine that sometimes acts randomly, but everything affects everything else, so it's not as
random as they may think.
In any case, you can of course pick any explantion that's the most comforting to you, but between awake and asleep, there's a 'twilight zone' of
sorts, where we can be aware, but more sensitive than normally, so we can actually contact and reach higher realms in many ways.
Often -just- before I fall asleep, I hear some voice shouting some word very clearly into my ear - and yet, there's no one on the physical side. I
don't think 'randomness' can produce something so specific, so my explanation is, that someone or someones on the higher realms or other side of the
veil, if you will, are trying to shout some word into my ear.
The Earth 'science', such as it is, explains this phenomenon away with some kind of 'explosion' explanation. Now, THAT sounds crazy to me. There's
nothing exploding, just communication.
There are many interesting things that can happen during that 'twilight', that Earth 'science' doesn't want to accept as reality, but if you keep an
open mind, you can actually learn something about the true nature of the Universe.
This is why sleep paralysis and similar phenomena are extremely interesting to me, however scary.
We are not meant to open the veil fully, though, as it would disrupt our everyday life. This is the reason for many 'blocks' that the Universe has
placed between us and fully experiencing the reality as it is - so we must live in this prisonlike 'closed' existence until our karmic debts and
obligations for this incarnation have been satisfied. Then we are free to truly KNOW again.