It has been several years since I shared this picture in an ATS thread.
I'm deciding to bring it up again. It is a mysterious picture that popped up on my computer, a few times.
I was using Google Chrome as my web browser. When I would open a new tab, smaller displays of the webpages I visited most, would display on my screen
to click on.
Within those small webpage displays, I noticed the following image, which did not look like it belonged to the website it was being displayed for.
The following image was seen embedded in the webpage displays of MarketWatch, Pixlr, and Above Top Secret.
The image appears to be a smiling young girl, with no eyes, a very round head, very white skin, and a strange nose.
The words, Lift Up, in red font, are clear enough to be seen. To uplift someone is to inspire them. A literal interpretation of the word, inspire
could be spirit inside.
For several years I could not figure out what the blurry font in blue read. Finally it occurred to me.
The blue font spells, I'M YOU.
I believe this picture is the face of my soul.
I am male, but this picture is female. Since this is posted in the conspiracies in religion forum, perhaps Genesis 1:27 will be appropriate to
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
And now, a pretty song to close out the post. on 12-1-2022 by InachMarbank because: (no reason given)