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Liver Injury Caused By Moderna Vaccine (Case Report)

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posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 10:36 AM
A respected YouTube channel "Not anti vax" channel is discussing an alarming case report on how there were Liver Injures caused Moderna Vaccine.

The doctor doesn't mention Pfizer one can assume if Moderna Vaccine is an mRNA can cause such reactions,injuries than Pfizer isnt far behind. Of course they have to mention its rare.

But in the comment section the stories are growing and such similar cases arent being counted into the system. From the injuries to the reports of this mRNA shots causing shingles in some.

And this the mRNA leaders politicians like in Aus and Canada expect you to take every four? two shots per year? with no long term data? they expect you to believe that your leader had being vaccinated with it?
Liver Injury Caused By Moderna Vaccine (Case Report)

This case report from UK provides conclusive evidence of immune-mediated liver damage triggered by Moderna vaccine. It's a rare phenomenon. Hence, less providers are aware of it. Which results in missing the signs and taking care for the second doses. Let's review.

edit on 12-1-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: vNex92

they expect you to believe that your leader had being vaccinated with it?

Trudeau didn't get a real one. The video shows him getting it but the pharmacist took the syringe directly out of the package and jabbed him without picking up any dose from a vaccine vial. It was reported to be a moderna booster and they don't come in single syringe doses but need to be taken from a multidose vial.

global news video of trudeau getting fake shot

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 11:00 AM
Well, it is happening here as well:
Liver problems

In the conclusion section, they even mention that the pfizer shot has been found to cause liver problems in the UK as well.

And I can't get your video to work?

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 11:15 AM
Perhaps that explains the obsession modern doctors seem to have with documenting how much alcohol people drink, plausible deniability. My Beautiful, Healthy, Sister was basically convinced that her moderate social drinking was the cause of her liver failure
I personally believe it was because of taking too many flu shots, but it most certainly wasn’t because she was an alcoholic , in fact she was kind of a health freak and always bought healthy farm raised foods, no toxic chemicals in her house ! She was declining physically and they couldn’t figure out why until it was too late, she died 2 years ago in the prime of her Life.

The panel of Death doctors at the hospital basically told her she needed a liver transplant, however she had to quit drinking for a year, WTF, shaming and gaslighting her to the bitter end, NO mention of a partial liver transplant and when her son and I brought it up, they discouraged her husband from considering that option and he listened to them. I often wonder if the sudden disappearance of Ed Henry, a news castor on Fox, was disappeared because of the success his sisters partial liver transplant had, he gave her part of his liver and she apparently was better within hours of that surgery.

Anyways, sorry if I derailed your thread, but I hope people will not allow lazy, corrupt doctors to convince anyone who has liver failure it’S THIER Fault because they had a couple of drinks on the weekends.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: igloo

Most doctors and nurses will have a hard time getting a vaccine or getting your blood if you have a tattoo or tattoos on your arm. They might ask you to use another arm.

It looks like the nurse just placed the needle into his arm.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Anyways, sorry if I derailed your thread

No issues sorry about your family member. This begs the question how come today we have so many people having issues and liver issues after drinking alcohol? how did our ancient families during the Egyptian era, Roman manage just fine without having many medical issues?

Is because we in today's modern society put to much sugar in alcohol? an additive that makes the drinks addicting? and most doctors know but arent willing to debate it publicly as it might hurt the alcohol industry?

But you are right on the doctors.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Anyways, sorry if I derailed your thread

No issues sorry about your family member. This begs the question how come today we have so many people having issues and liver issues after drinking alcohol? how did our ancient families during the Egyptian era, Roman manage just fine without having many medical issues?

Is because we in today's modern society put to much sugar in alcohol? an additive that makes the drinks addicting? and most doctors know but arent willing to debate it publicly as it might hurt the alcohol industry?

But you are right on the doctors.

Very good questions vNex, IDK ? I think because excessive alcohol drinking does indeed cause liver problems, that doctors are too quick to conclude all liver failure is because of drinking too much and that rather then consider any other reasons for liver failure generally speaking, they treat all liver failure as the result of drinking. They rationalize letting those people die , when liver regeneration through partial liver transplants is a very viable treatment. My sister had very good health insurance too, so why was it discouraged ?


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