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Two Interesting Twisted Covid Vax/Boosters Today.

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posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: marg6043

55 is to young to die they looked young, unless something else happened.

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 05:11 PM
I've done my expected duty; Got my two expected shots, wore the expected mask(s), used the expected hand sanitizers, stood at the expected 6 foot distancing signs to do it or not.

...and all I have to say? To hell with the concept of "booster(s)" not interested.

I'd rather stay at home by my own free will than be ordered to do so by the paranoid that the two recommended was not enough... if they purchased too many shots? Liquidating them as "boosters" is not cool at all and the thought of going on a mandated pill as a continuing booster on top of that?

Get out of here this whole matter has been unconstitutional; and individuals pardoning the turkeys behind it is their choice to do so or not.

posted on Jan, 13 2022 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Could be truth but also used as propaganda. Truth is he probably died because he wasn't allowed ivermectin, HCQ, probably didn't use vitamin d, vitamin c, melatonin, zinc. They know exactly how the virus works in the body as what causes the issues.

Then again could have just had comorbities and died of them but was infected with covid.

How can we tell? The media push so much untruth and propaganda, you can't believe anything they say.

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