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CDC Director Admits 75% of Covid Deaths Not From Covid

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posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: LocalGenius

I don't think people think you are lying, but it does seem you don't know as well as you think you know what was going on with her and her care.

You are way too focused on this dehydration thing, yet nothing you have said indicates that. IV fluids are almost always stopped when a patient has pulmonary edema and requires diuretics.

Get the medical records. Look at intake/output, especially urine output, that will tell you a lot.

Look for whether her blood pressure had a sharp drop, did her heart rate increase, drop in urine production, change in urine color to amber/tea/darker color (which might have already been the case with AKI). You seem to want to jam a dehydration theory in with zero supporting evidence, but you already decided that was the case.
edit on 12-1-2022 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: LocalGenius

I don't think people think you are lying, but it does seem you don't know as well as you think you know what was going on with her and her care.

You are way too focused on this dehydration thing, yet nothing you have said indicates that. IV fluids are almost always stopped when a patient has pulmonary edema and requires diuretics.

Get the medical records. Look at intake/output, especially urine output, that will tell you a lot.

Look for whether her blood pressure had a sharp drop, did her heart rate increase, drop in urine production, change in urine color to amber/tea/darker color (which might have already been the case with AKI). You seem to want to jam a dehydration theory in with zero supporting evidence, but you already decided that was the case.

No, I havn't said it's one thing or the other, I'm just going with what I know atm and trying to rule things out.
I said I wasn't lying to the other guy because he basically said she wasn't in a vegative state on a CPAP (Which she was)

When I asked the doctor why he won't give her fluids why would his reply be because it could cause her cells to rupture?

What would her urine output or blood pressure tell me about how she fell into a vegative state?

I'm really not trying to jam it on any one thing, I'm looking for possibilities, something put her in a vegative state and the doctor is refusing to talk to me, if it was a stroke I honestly don't see why he wouldn't just tell me she had strokes...

I am waiting for her medical records, I should have them in the next week or 2

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: LocalGenius

You are asking me questions I can't answer since I was not there. Cell rupturing would be a problem giving too much hypotonic IV fluids like 1/2 normal saline, that is not something that is normally given so should have no bearing on the conversation. No Doctor will tell you to avoid giving fluids during dehydration because of cell rupture. The questions you want answered require her medical records, so unless it was someone involved with her care, no one can answer anything without having that information.

When you get them look into her blood pressure readings, heart rate, temperature, fluid intake, fluid output (urine would be the big one), were her lung sounds course or crackles, they should be charting whether she is alert and oriented every shift, when did it change, what was done at that time to determine the cause. Did they get an MRI, CT, having a patient go from alert to not alert, or oriented to not oriented is a huge deal, and something should immediately be done to find out why.
edit on 12-1-2022 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04
I appreciate your help thanks

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