posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 03:24 AM
Everybody seems confident to have identified the great controllers of humanity, but what if we only identified “the fall guy” the “patsy”?
In theatrical magic, misdirection is a form of deception in which the performer draws audience attention to one thing to distract it from another.
After all, the three great monotheistic religions share the same base. Yet it was the catholic church that was always in control. Nobody ever made a
penny without it’s blessing let alone become immensely rich international bankers…. and in the end, the Church always took it’s cut and was in
Doesn’t that sound off an alarm bell in anybody’s head?
Isn’t “The all seeing eye” part of yet detached from the pyramid like Vatican City is from the city of Rome?
Finally, before we dismiss the idea outright, here are a few questions we should ask ourselves:
1. Why do heads of state meet pope on the tarmac when he visits a foreign country yet the pope always keeps them waiting in the antechamber, and
then eventually grants them audience in his office at his discretion when they visit him.
2. Pope’s title is “Pontefix Maximus”, just like the Roman Emperor’s.
3. The devil is represented by a serpent. The Vatican Audience Hall is shaped like the head of a serpent.
4. Pope speaks between the teeth of the serpent in the Audience Hall.
5. Is the Pope’s god “The Serpent”?
6. The pope is “god’s” representative on earth. He therefore is the voice of the serpent and speaks his will and words.
7. Jesuits cannot become pope. Jesuits are bound by oath not to seek higher office in the Roman Catholic Church, and now one of them has been
elected to its highest office: Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Christ, Pontifex Maximus.
8. How come Daniel and Revelation, identified the Roman Catholic Church as the ‘Antichrist‘, the ‘whore of Babylon’.
9. How come Satan was able to offer Jesus the world… unless the world was not already his to offer? Luke 4:5-7
10. Why are current events often predicted in some form or another in the New Testament?
11. Jesus owned a pair of sandals and a tunic, why then is the Vatican so immensely rich?
12. Where are all the immense riches that the Roman Empire and the Vatican collected in over 2,500 years?
I'm sure that if you dig deep enough, you will discover that both Vanguard and Blackrock both belong to the Catholic Church.
The Roman empire never really went away, it just reemerged as a religious empire, the Roman Catholic Church. The statue of Jupiter became “Saint
Peter,” Venus became the “Virgin Mary” and the other gods became the Saints, Roman Catholicism is the Roman Empire repackaged.
The Vatican has often envisioned “a supranational authority” which would have worldwide scope and “universal jurisdiction” to guide and
control global economic policies and decisions.
The fake COVID-19 Global Plandemic, the growing intrusions from the United Nations with regards to control of the internet and the remarks made by the
catholic church all point to their New World Order that will set in stone a path the world may not be able to recover from.
Yes definitly, all roads lead to Rome.