originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: AstroStar
is aligned to the Belt of Orion
I'm confused. How do you align anything to the Belt of Orion? Please, explain to me.
How ancients aligned beliefs in the sky has a very long history long before the 13th century BC mentioned below under "Parans" for short:-
There are three starts of day to align to at location, Sunrise being the ancient Egyptian way, Previous sunset to date being ancient Greek day marker
and the modern midnight, which the Gregorian Calendar is aligned to in 1582, but cannot be used for Thornborough Henge as it is far more ancient.
So to explain previous sunset, i have included link below:-
Added to these three points of day start we look at the Cardinal points which are Due East, West, North, and South mentioned below:-
There many different beliefs about the constellations and stars, for the Egyptians if the Belt of Orion rose before the Sun then it was thought of as
sacred and Osiris:-
Pyramid Text.
I fly from you, oh men, i am not for the Earth, i am for the sky,
I have soared to the sky as a heaven,
I have kissed the sky as a falcon.
I am the essence of a god, the son of a god.
Behold the faithful and loving Osiris has come as the stars of Orion, the beautiful one.
I have come that i may glorify Orion.
My Soul is a star of gold, and with him, i will traverse the sky forever!
So for Jupiter to rise with the Sun within one degree and is on a different orbit pattern to the Earth is rare at location, Indiction means start of
the Year in the Byzantine Calendar that many think was finalized on 1st September 0462 AD as quoted below:-
"The Byzantine indiction, known also as the Constantinopolitan or Constantinian indiction, was the only indiction used throughout the roman empire,
with the exception of Egypt. When this indiction was first instituted, the beginning of the indiction year fell on the day already designated the
first day of the official year for the major part of the Orient since the time of augus tus, viz, September 23, the Natalis Augusti. It was later
moved to September 1 during the latter half of the 5th century—most probably September 1, 462–463 (first year of the series). justinian i made
dating by indiction mandatory for all legal documents "
So we have the the East used at sunrise where Jupiter is rising with the Sun which is rare within one degree, while if we look at the culminating
angle being Due South we find it cuts through the Belt of Orion, which was probably a chosen alignment for the date, astronomy chart on link below
when image comes up on screen left click on it to make larger:-
Jupiter in astrology beliefs is lucky and would expand good fortune to the alignment to Belt of Orion as quoted below:-
" That title goes to Jupiter, the planet of good luck and expansion in astrology. "
Our own Gregorian Calendar has been aligned to Sirius
You may wish to look at Chichen Itza below however my avatar is "Astronomer62" here:-
Hi Surfer_Soul,
I do deal with ancient beliefs, your comments below:-
"I wonder if the apparent global fascination with Orion has to do with very early sun worship/religion (knowing the solar cycles would have been very
important) or was something else going on in the heavens at the time that lead to the obsession with alignments and such as some have speculated? "
I dont comment on ancient aliens only ancient beliefs, so i would agree with the first part of your comments above, i don't have the research material
to comment on more controversial material, sorry!
edit on AM2031Sat, 08 Jan 2022 04:37:20 -06002022th31amSat, 08 Jan 2022 04:37:20 -0600 by AstroStar because: spelling