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A question about immunity for ATS

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posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 06:07 PM
Hello, I have a question that I can't seem to find a answer so I'll ask here.
If a person catches covid19 and recovers they have natural immunity. Then the person gets the vaccine for covid as advised by the authority's. 4 to 6 months later a booster shot is needed because antibodies/spike protein/ protection/ whatever is gone.
Does this mean the vaccine has taken away the natural immunity?

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: ZeussusZ

Greedy bastards were encountered, because...

The Medical community is filled with them.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Ok. So that cdc site says if you get covid and recovers then get the vaccine you will have super immunity.
So after 4-6 months another booster vaccine is required because you have no immunity any longer.
Is that right?

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: ZeussusZ

Scientists say. Covid natural immunity doesn't last as long as the vaccine. And that the vax gives better protection vs covid than natural immunity.

If you have a problem with this, go argue with the scientists. Don't shoot the messenger.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 07:08 PM
I don't think anyone really is immune to this what ever it is. But I do believe for one to stay healthy, a good balance diet is very important at this time.
If this whatever it is was engineered to seek after certain types of people, I do have to say, someone created a monster.
Asian people seem to be less affected by much serverity although Japan has about 19000 deaths now in 2 years. Question is... what happen to the seasonal flu season?

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: ZeussusZ

Scientists say. Covid natural immunity doesn't last as long as the vaccine. And that the vax gives better protection vs covid than natural immunity.

If you have a problem with this, go argue with the scientists. Don't shoot the messenger.

Hmm, wonder if these are any of the same scientists that were "adamant", "convinced", "certain" in early 2020 that COVID absolutely 100% did not originate in the Wuhan virology lab.

Time has not looked favorably on those scientists, in retrospect.

As a scientist of the computer variety, I can tell you that if you feel that scientists don't ever harbor....ulterior motives...biases towards one or another hypothesis (that may or not have favorable or unfavorable outcomes for their careers) ....act on purely self-interested factors for themselves or their peers....then you might get the (incorrect) notion that scientists are infallible or have surpassed the morale dilemmas and character issues of the human condition.

Personally I'm sick and tired of hearing "DON'T QUESTION THE SCIENCE!". "THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED!". We are still constantly testing, re-testing, scrutinizing and examining the work of Albert Einstein, and that will not and should never be a closed matter, and if Einstein's work is still under review after all these years, then our good friends at the CDC, Pfizer, etc. will get no different treatment.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: ZeussusZ

Scientists say. Covid natural immunity doesn't last as long as the vaccine. And that the vax gives better protection vs covid than natural immunity.

If you have a problem with this, go argue with the scientists. Don't shoot the messenger.

Some other scientists at the CDC say natural immunity lasts at least 6 months.
A vaccine needs a booster after 4 months.
What scientists should we listen to?

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: ZeussusZ
Hello, I have a question that I can't seem to find a answer so I'll ask here.
If a person catches covid19 and recovers they have natural immunity. Then the person gets the vaccine for covid as advised by the authority's. 4 to 6 months later a booster shot is needed because antibodies/spike protein/ protection/ whatever is gone.
Does this mean the vaccine has taken away the natural immunity?

No. Natural immunity (as measured by the concentration of antibodies in your body) peaks a few weeks after you recover from COVID19 and then slowly and steadily declines over the next months. That happens whether or not you have been vaccinated. The half life of the decay rate is a little over two months.

The same thing happens if you get vaccinated and don’t have COVID19, but the rate of decline is different. The half life seems to be a little shorter:

If you have had COVID19 and you get vaccinated, your immunity will will be reset to a higher level but still decay over time. Neither natural immunity nor vaccination immunity lasts forever—either individually or in combination.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

You will need to take it up with them.

However I did read a report where they did the dna analysis of covid. And they confirmed it was not made in a lab. Again you'll have to look that one up and take it up with them.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 07:49 PM
My oldest granddaughter got Covid-19 twice last year (according to "medical professionals")
Got vaxxed for her job 2 months ago .
Guess who had to stay in the hospital for a day for observation due to COVID-19 infection last week and is still recovering

Additional info : the two times last year did not slow her down a bit . Not a twitch . She had a cough is all .
edit on 1/3/22 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: 1947boomer

Thanks for the info. But your links have this

"Important Notice
bioRxiv publishes preliminary scientific reports that are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, should not be regarded as conclusive, guide clinical practice/health-related behavior, or treated as established information."

I don't know but looks like shady info.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: ZeussusZ

The vaccines promote 'natural' immunity creating antibodies to the spike protein, which is the most immunogenic feature of the virus.

For example, the biggest immune response to the 'natural' virus, is to the spike protein which presents itself on the very most outer parts of the virus. It is the most obvious part of the virus for out immune system to detect. It is also the best target for a vaccine, that is why EVERY vaccine company has based their vaccines on the spike protein.

It is 'natural' immunity to the virus that begins to reduce after 3-7 months. Because 'natural' immunity is neither perfect, nor forever (and it never was, for any disease, that is why they are still diseases).

The same reduction goes for vaccinated immunity.

This is also why some people get COVID-19 more than once (even some people here on ATS have had the virus more than once, and some of those ATS members have also been rather strident about never getting the vaccine, despite being living proof that natural immunity hasn't protected them).

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: 1947boomer

A study based on 188 samples is not exactly what we should be basing global policy on. It seems to me that COVID fiends dismissed plenty of studies on these grounds when they didn't fit the narrative, but when it does it's definitive?

Why isn't the CDC or one of the other agencies, that have something like 100 billion collective annual funding, doing a substantial study on it?

I wonder if it's because they're all quite close with pharma companies and the neverending money tap of mandatory vaccinations?

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

You got any link for your info.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ZeussusZ

The vaccines promote 'natural' immunity creating antibodies to the spike protein, which is the most immunogenic feature of the virus.

For example, the biggest immune response to the 'natural' virus, is to the spike protein which presents itself on the very most outer parts of the virus. It is the most obvious part of the virus for out immune system to detect. It is also the best target for a vaccine, that is why EVERY vaccine company has based their vaccines on the spike protein.

It is 'natural' immunity to the virus that begins to reduce after 3-7 months. Because 'natural' immunity is neither perfect, nor forever (and it never was, for any disease, that is why they are still diseases).

The same reduction goes for vaccinated immunity.

This is also why some people get COVID-19 more than once (even some people here on ATS have had the virus more than once, and some of those ATS members have also been rather strident about never getting the vaccine, despite being living proof that natural immunity hasn't protected them).

It’s rare to get covid twice , that’s what the cdc says . They can’t lie about that .Testing positive twice happens quite a bit because the tests are garbage and not accurate whatsoever. Half the people testing positive have no symptoms they just had a false positive. People had immunity from the Spanish flu for a 100 years . Pfizer is living in your head rent free

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: ZeussusZ

Scientists say. Covid natural immunity doesn't last as long as the vaccine. And that the vax gives better protection vs covid than natural immunity.

If you have a problem with this, go argue with the scientists. Don't shoot the messenger.

No actual scientist has ever said that. Most high school students with a decent grade in biology know better. You are watching actors and partisan propagandists.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:54 PM
I had long Covid 19 two years ago exactly. I was sick 8-10 weeks while working 12 hour shifts in the cold. My dad who is a scientist and very provax his whole life, warned me not to get this vaccine. He is a retired chemist, Microbiologist, Bacteriologist and several other titles. I listened to him. I never wear a mask, and have not been sick since.

My best friend got the shots and died 3 weeks later. My Father in Law had no trouble during his bout with covid 19. Later on he was administered 1 shot, and was dead within a week. My daughters friend got the shot and died. The husband of her friend also got the shot, and all of a sudden developed MS

Anyone who tells you that these injections are safe, is not your friend. They either have psychosis, or they are very evil.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: ZeussusZ
blood clots is noted as adverse reaction to jabs?

Integrin inside-out activation is tightly regulated by an intracellular sequence of events initiated by signals from several receptors. In leukocytes, these include G protein–coupled receptors activated by chemokines or inflammatory cytokines (Figure 3A), as well as the B-cell receptor or T-cell receptor (TCR) activated by antigens.


The term immunothrombosis, coined in 2013 by Engelmann and Massberg,2  formalized this concept and described a process by which the activation of coagulation assists the function of the innate immune system, and the converse, whereby components of the immune system contribute to thrombosis. Dysregulated activation of the immune system can thus contribute to the genesis of pathological macro- and microvascular thrombosis.

one more


posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ZeussusZ

The vaccines promote 'natural' immunity creating antibodies to the spike protein, which is the most immunogenic feature of the virus.

For example, the biggest immune response to the 'natural' virus, is to the spike protein which presents itself on the very most outer parts of the virus. It is the most obvious part of the virus for out immune system to detect. It is also the best target for a vaccine, that is why EVERY vaccine company has based their vaccines on the spike protein.

It is 'natural' immunity to the virus that begins to reduce after 3-7 months. Because 'natural' immunity is neither perfect, nor forever (and it never was, for any disease, that is why they are still diseases).

The same reduction goes for vaccinated immunity.

This is also why some people get COVID-19 more than once (even some people here on ATS have had the virus more than once, and some of those ATS members have also been rather strident about never getting the vaccine, despite being living proof that natural immunity hasn't protected them).

You are incorrect. There are multiple proteins that make up the membrane, not just one. The vax has one flavor of the spike, the one they thought was the biggest problem. As that protein they used to create the mRNA has changed on the membrane, there is no longer much of what was originally being targeted left to be recognized right away. Your body also only creates one type of antibody to that spike.

However when you actually catch COVID, you are exposed to the complete natural membrane as opposed to one protein, as well as the RNA inside that is the virus itself. Once your body encounter that full package it develops multiple types of antibodies. Those multiple types being involved are what trigger lifelong immunity. Natural immunity is the gold standard. Whatever you have been believing, start fact checking it with medical literature from before 2020. None of what I just said is controversial.

But if you want to start talking about how the spike protein in the vax itself is inflammatory, or why the vax is a horrible idea, I can go there too. Like how it is delivered with lipids encapsulating it which prefer heart, brain, and reproductive parts of women as a place to create viro cells. Compare that to if you actually catch COVID, it will primarily live in your respiratory system, not whatever your bloodstream hits.

Also, if someone has natural immunity, then catches it again, then the strain they caught is heavily mutated, and taking anything designed for the 1st generation to fight those strains is a dumb idea.

posted on Jan, 3 2022 @ 10:24 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: ZeussusZ

Scientists say. Covid natural immunity doesn't last as long as the vaccine. And that the vax gives better protection vs covid than natural immunity.

If you have a problem with this, go argue with the scientists. Don't shoot the messenger.

No worries mate prior to 2019 science said natural immunity is better, then came 2020

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