posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 08:28 PM
I'd heard this and couldn't find the source but this is the first time seeing it, thanks. He is speaking a little fast for my french but I put on the
subtitles and yup he's saying just that. Wow. Loser.
From the subtitles..."Oui on va s'en sortir de cette pandemie par la vaccination puis en sait on en connait tous des gens qui sont en train d'hesiter
un diplome aux comptes decede convaincre mais aussi des gens qui sont farouchement opposes a la vaccination sont extremistes, qui croient pas dan la
science, qui sont souvent envisage souvant raciste aussi c'est un 76 lots mais qui prend de la place et la il faut un choix en tant que leader que
pays est ce qu est ce qu on tolere ces gens la ou est ce qu'on dit ben voyons la plupart des gens presque 80% des quebecois pour fait ce qu'il fallait
se sont vacciner au revenez a autre chose qu'on aime faire c'est pour ces gens la qui vont debloquer maintenant mais dans une."
This put into google translator gives the following... not a good translation and youtube missed some words too but he gets in all the points about
those extremist, racist, science haters.
"Yes we will get out of this pandemic by vaccination. Then we all know people who are hesiter a diploma to the accounts of death to convince but also
people who are fiercely opposed to vaccination are extremist, who believe not in science, who are often considered racist also it is a 76 lots but
that takes up space and the it takes a choice as that leader that country is what is what we tolerate these people or is what we say ben let's see
most people almost 80% of Quebecers for fact what was needed to be vaccinated back to something else we like to do is for these people who will unlock
now but in one."
Wow, talk about stirring the pot. What a stinking a hole this guy is.