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Alkaline hydrolysis (body disposal)

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posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: lordcomac
a reply to: putnam6

It should, but won't even beat current cremations for a long time.
Essentially you can't legally handle destruction of bodies unless you own a cannery, and they're essentially all owned by some weird tax shelter scam.

The method is better, but there's too much money and corruption is the handling of a human body in the USA for it to make any headway any time soon.

Real bummer, my plan was to capitalize on the incoming wave of corpses people can't afford to bury as the boomers died off while USD tanked.
I didn't account for the whole free market being a lie, and the whole thing already being planned.

You hit the nail right on the head with a laser guided sledgehammer.

it isnt that it cant be economically viable and (more important) CHEAP.
it can due to automation and the byproduct (even if you give the bones turned to ashes to the family, not all will want them BTW if this exists) is not waste but USABLE FERTILIZER (aka organic).
that byproduct can be SOLD and make the process super cheap if not free.

but there is millions in the funeral industry that IMO really are overpriced and unneeded.

hell they charge a fee to dig the grave, fill it in AND AN OPENING fee.

IMO this should be pushed as many people no longer can afford all the expenses to bury someone.
even the "cheaper" cremation with no frills is kinda expensive (three grand i last heard).


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