posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to:
That's pretty low. I wonder though about the dubbing. I suspect that that low voice is really his however the additional voices that the videos of him
would have us believe are him again singing the other parts as well are questionable.
I sang a lot in high school and college but never managed more than a good baritone. My voice teachers keep telling us to just open up our throats and
sing from our diaphragms but somehow I could never manage it. My brother did though and went on to a 30 year singing career. Turns out I had a
constrictive obstruction in my lower throat that prevented me from opening up to that resounding lower register. I could still hit most of them but it
was squakky. It pissed me off that I could not just practice myself into reaching them. I tried and tried. I knew those notes were down there and I
just could not reach them.
Anyway, thanks for the introduction. I listened to several more of his videos and enjoyed them all. I"ve sent the link off to my brother...