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ANTHONY FAUCI - We Intentionally Inflate the Number of Children in the Hospital for Covid-19.

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posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: KMeRMoRe
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I wonder sometimes if it was some sort of coronavirus I picked up.

Nope, it has always been known that colds and flu can cause all of the exact same symptoms as Covid19. especially and including loss of sense of taste and/or smell.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 04:10 PM
Kids most often do not get a serious case of this virus. They count deaths from anything as covid deaths if the kids tests positive for covid. They say the number of kids who died or hospitalized has jumped up two hundred percent and things like that all the time in the begining, yet farther on they disclaim that the virus is the cause of their hospital stay and everyone who believes in the fearmongering doesn't comprehend the second disclaimer, their beliefs make them not pay attention to the whole interview. setting someones beliefs intiially then disclaiming the relativity of the initial BS later on is something used by the media a lot, then the politicians can repeat the first part without making reference to the disclaimer and claim ignorance if they are caught. Deceivers run this world these days, listen or read the whole presentation. This is common practice.

Also do not ignore the side effects on the commercials promoting medicines, they are real, they are not just there because the government says they have to list them, they are also real risks on those pamphlets you get with the meds, read them carefully and contact the doctor if you have those side effects, a listed seemingly minor side effect could be a hint of a much more serious side effect in metabolism arising later, do not ignore attention.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 07:28 PM
As I’ve said before, I’m a fireman in a large N Texas city. My wife works at the Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth. One thing happening at her children’s hospital is that if a child is sent home for with COVID and comes back, they are penalized! So, the black and Hispanic kids, and overweight kids (usually same category) get admitted so the hospital does not get penalized, which includes the white ones too.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: opethPA

The (undisputed?) quote from the Fauci interview:

So it’s over counting the number of children who are, quote, hospitalized with COVID as opposed to because of COVID,

The thread title:

We Intentionally Inflate the Number of Children in the Hospital for Covid-19

While I agree that the thread title somewhat puts words in the Good Doctor's mouth, semantically....can you really parse those two sentences and conclude that they're basically saying the same thing?

Is your main criticism the use of the word "intentionally"? If this is a known practice, and Fauci is aware of it, and most importantly, nobody is stopping this blatant doctoring of statistics, then how can it not be intentional?

They know of the practice, yet nobody seems to be putting a stop to it, AFAIK.

You're a data-oriented person opeth, do you not agree that skewing the data for hospitalizations like this, when the hospitalization data is reported in the media, and used to make policy decisions on mandates, vaccinations, etc., is a very very nefarious thing?
edit on 31-12-2021 by SleeperHasAwakened because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 10:08 PM
These are the leadership characteristics we need more of, in Congress (House and Senate).

Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee questioned the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination booster shots on Twitter on Thursday as the Omicron variant continues to spread across the US.

"If the booster shots work, why don't they work?" tweeted the official account of the 19 Republican members of the committee, whose ranking member is Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio.
More at:

If the words/actions of Republican Congressmen make Liberals and/or Liberal media outlets upset, they are indeed right on target.

All we need is for the current crop of feisty Republicans, and the ones who seek to be elected in November 2022, to divulge WHY the Government and Medical Industry are pushing the vaccines so fanatically.

IT IS ALL ABOUT MONEY. Top government officials get $$$ kickbacks from pharmaceuticals, own lots of pharmaceutical stocks. The Medical Industry gets huge $$$$ from the government for administering the vaccines.

FoxNews, Republicans....everyone, is afraid to explain this very simple "WHY".

That must change. It's not enough just to say they are bad people. It must be explained and/or showed WHAT makes them do what they do.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: slatesteam
Well then.

By his logic it’s easy to see how anyone, anywhere admitted to and ICU or ER would be counted this way.

Wasn’t that the case the last 20 months or so if someone died? Via car crash, cancer, general auto-combustion?

Now I guess it’s just the kids.

Strange Days.

I don't know about hospitalizations, but the CDC director himself told Congress (July 2020) that some deaths were labeled as Covid-19, because a huge lump of the $2.7 Trillion Covid rescue act (March 2020) was for medical facilities who lost people due Covid-19.

Now, the big push is to scare parents and grandparents into getting kids vaccinated. Kid vaccinations (read: $money$) are falling way behind the hopes and projections of vaccine makers/medical people/CDC officials/Stockholders.

They are doing it by giving the impression that tons of children are in the hospital being treated for Covid-19. Their greed is showing us how evil and corrupt these sniveling selfish bastards are.


Don't let the authoritative, yet caring sounding voices of men/women "experts" fool you. They are LYING, simply because they want more money. It really is that simple.

As I said earlier in the threat...quick up-front money for them when the kids are vaccinated...and long-term money for them as the kids gets older and receives regular boosters.

As a bonus for the medical community, tons of children will develop vaccine-triggered long term health problems that need regular therapies and/or treatments...(they hope) for decades.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: carewemust

People don't even realize how completely gone they really are!

When you can tell people you're lying to them and they still
choose to believe you? That is simply the story of the Pied Piper
all over again.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: carewemust

People don't even realize how completely gone they really are!

When you can tell people you're lying to them and they still
choose to believe you? That is simply the story of the Pied Piper
all over again.

I think there may be hope yet. I texted my vaccinated family members the article about Israel reporting the first case of "florona". The all texted me LMAO or rolling on the floor, along with the comment, "BS!"

All said, "They are just making stuff up now!"

So maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: carewemust

People don't even realize how completely gone they really are!

When you can tell people you're lying to them and they still
choose to believe you? That is simply the story of the Pied Piper
all over again.

I think there may be hope yet. I texted my vaccinated family members the article about Israel reporting the first case of "florona". The all texted me LMAO or rolling on the floor, along with the comment, "BS!"

All said, "They are just making stuff up now!"

So maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.

If your family members are as gullible as some of mine, they will fall right in line to be very afraid of whatever Fauci comes on CNN or NBC and tells them to be afraid of in 2022.

Pfizer/Moderna/J&J are producing vaccine drugs right now for booster #5, which will roll out just before the November elections, triggering massive numbers of colds that will scare people to death.

The #1 goal of Democrats for 2022 is to make the November mid-terms as ripe for cheating as possible. Seriously!

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I'm right there, I had covid back in January 2021, and have not got my smell ability back. This makes eating rather much like a chore now. I still feel lucky that was all that covid did to me.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 01:26 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: all2human
This insanity will continue
as long as we put up with it

When they try to force us to do something, that's the red line in the sand for the majority of Americans.

Priority #1 is to keep each other informed, so we can continue the good fight against mandatory vaccinations, to protect ourselves and our children.

We lost that battle.

Let us hope that we will fight harder for our children than we did for ourselves.

I am not feeling very hopeful. We are good at talking and posting. Even better at complying.

One guy was on his way to D.C. to perform a citizen-arrest of Fauci, but was intercepted by the police before his arrival.

So there are Americans who are done "talking" and "complying".

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 01:46 AM

originally posted by: opethPA
1. "ANTHONY FAUCI - We Intentionally Inflate the Number of Children in the Hospital for Covid-19."

Where does it say anything close to that?
Can you show me where in the link you gave is a Fauci quote claiming, "we intentionally inflate the Number of Children in the Hospital for Covid-19"

How is your subject header not an outright lie other than this is what ATS has become.

2. Why not tell the whole story, other than it doesn't fit your narrative, versus cherry picking the part that fits your narrative?
Nope your lie of a subject header isn't in this section...Maybe its some place else in the source article? No I dont see it there because when you read the whole thing and not out of context like you leveraged then it doesn't back up your claim.

"Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and top critic of Dr. Anthony Fauci, took to Twitter late Thursday to accuse the top disease doctor of editing his message when it comes to COVID-19 hospitalizations during the Biden administration.

Cruz retweeted an interview Fauci had on MSNBC where he spoke about the troubling numbers of children in the hospital with the virus. Fauci made clear that there is a distinction between the number of children hospitalized with COVID as opposed to "because of COVID."

"And what we mean by that: If a child goes into the hospital, they automatically get tested for COVID and they get counted as a COVID-hospitalized individual, when, in fact, they may go in for a broken leg or appendicitis or something like that. So it’s over counting the number of children who are, quote, hospitalized with COVID as opposed to because of COVID," Fauci said.

'They may go in for a broken leg': Fauci says child COVID-19 hospitalizations are overblown
Headline from:

FAUCI-CDC guidelines enable fear-mongering media the ability to lie like this:

edit on 1/1/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Like I said, some sort of coronavirus. These have been around since the '60s.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Some of them are starting to see the light. However, there are quite a few who are still brainwashed to the point they can't see inconsistencies or fallacies in logic.

Many in my community are vaxed and triple vaxxed and coming up positive for Covid. These same people are fear mongering about the anti-vaxxed and fully support mandates and even "showing your papers" to go into businesses.

Every time someone points out the vaccines aren't stopping them from catching covid all you get is deer in headlights like their little brains short circuited.

There is starting to be some push back as far as kids are concerned but still a minority.

I posted this Fauci revelation on our local facebook group as many keep bringing up increased hospitalizations of children... Silence.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: KMeRMoRe
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I wonder sometimes if it was some sort of coronavirus I picked up.

This is the where you realize that we've been freaking out over a cold.

You know the drill. Your throat feels scratchy, you start sneezing and coughing, and pretty soon you're in the grip of a nasty cold. To add insult to injury, all that big-time misery is from a tiny invader -- a living thing called a virus.

And it's not just one you need to dodge. There are more than 200 that can lay you low.

It's likely that someday you'll have a close encounter with one of these types:

RSV and parainfluenza
There are also a lot of viruses that doctors haven't identified. About 20%-30% of colds in adults are caused by these "unknown" bugs.

How and When They Strike
Cold viruses have a lot in common, but each type has its own style, too.

Rhinovirus. This bunch is most active in early fall, spring, and summer. They cause 10%-40% of colds. You'll feel plenty miserable when you catch one, but the good news is they rarely make you seriously sick.

Coronavirus. These tend to do their dirty work in the winter and early spring. The coronavirus is the cause of about 20% of colds. There are more than 30 kinds, but only three or four affect people.

RSV and parainfluenza. These viruses cause 20% of colds. They sometimes lead to severe infections, like pneumonia, in young children.

Interesting thing I noticed while doing this search was that National Institutes of Health and Mayo Clinic, both well respected US medical organizations, only talk about rhinoviruses as causing colds now. No mention of coronavirus.

Wonder why that is?

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
a reply to: opethPA

Good lord, you can be so dense.

If they are doing it, it is in intentional. People have literally been pointing out this flaw in methodology going back since last March 2020...

There is a huge distinction between dying WITH covid and dying OF covid. Just like there is a huge distinction of being hospitalized WITH covid and OF covid. That 800,000 death number is probably severely over inflated as well.

Branch Covidians have been hanging on an alledged increase in hospitalizations among children as some sort of proof of needed continuing lockdowns, masks, etc. However, the data does not support that kids are in any significant risks.

Almost all the kids hospitalized are WITH covid, not of Covid. IN other words, the kid breaks a leg and goes to the ER. Hospitals have a policy of testing any admission. The kid is asymptomatic and tests positive. He obviously isn't going home with a broken leg, but he now counts as a covid case.

The big issue with this is that these flawed data are driving policy decisions.

Personally, I think the narrative is falling apart so they are trying to slowly distance themselves from past decisions. Unfortunately, progressives have short memories and not good at connecting dots, so these changes in position fly right over their heads.

Fauci says plain as day, if a kid is admitted to the hospital for any reason, a Covid test is conducted. If the test comes out as positive, there's no treatment for Covid rendered, as it's not needed.

But that child is suddenly one of the tens of thousands of patients the Evil, dirty, Satan-owned Mainstream Media reports as being in the hospital as a Covid-19 patient.

The CDC Willingly shares this information with their complicit co-conspirators in the Mainstream Media, even though the CDC itself does NOT list these children as Covid-19 patients.

Fortunately, the core CDC units (the honest, hard-working career people) issue reports and website information ACCURATELY.

Here is the OFFICIAL report of how many children/teens/adults/seniors are BEING TREATED FOR COVID-19 in the hospitals of America.

Covid-19 Hospitalizations - Reality:

As you can see, the number of children being treated for Covid-19 is, and always has been, very small.

It's the Corrupt/Greedy/Evil/Liberal/Democrat Leadership of the CDC that enables and encourages misinformation to be published and spread, regarding children and Covid-19.

It always boils down to $$$$. (Scare parents into placing their children on the fake vaccines merry-go-round.)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 08:00 AM
They are doing this testing protocol at hospitals and it's done on everyone not just kids. However they are using kids to encourage vaccines and they are scaring parents and kids unnecessarily and criminally. From May
All this talk about cases and hospitalizations is a scam.
Going on CNN or the like and fear mongering with lies and constantly misrepresenting the facts than going to Twitter to correct yourself is a tactic Fauci, Collins and the rest use.

a reply to: carewemust

edit on 2-1-2022 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-1-2022 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe
They are doing this testing protocol at hospitals and it's done on everyone not just kids. However they are using kids to encourage vaccines and they are scaring parents and kids unnecessarily and criminally. From May
All this talk about cases and hospitalizations is a scam.
Going on CNN or the like and fear mongering with lies and constantly misrepresenting the facts than going to Twitter to correct yourself is a tactic Fauci, Collins and the rest use.

a reply to: carewemust

Also, Twitter is PERMANENTLY suspending accounts of those who point out the increasingly alarming and frightening Vaccine Adverse Events Reports (VAERS) on the CDC website.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green was permanently terminated this weekend by Twitter.


The positive view: Twitter exposes its core evil, and is therefore made weaker, when terminating users who share verified TRUTHS from official sources.

extra DIV

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 12:10 PM
Update January 2, 2022

Fauci can't stop over-hyping dangers, in order to get maximum number of people injected, as many times as possible.

Huge Hospitalization Surge Coming!:

Reminder: It's all about MONEY.

More Vaccines = More Money for all. (Pharma/Pols/Investors/Medical, and more.)

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Update January 2, 2022

Fauci can't stop over-hyping dangers, in order to get maximum number of people injected, as many times as possible.

Huge Hospitalization Surge Coming!:

Reminder: It's all about MONEY.

More Vaccines = More Money for all. (Pharma/Pols/Investors/Medical, and more.)

Looks like Omicron is the answer. Maybe even a blessing,

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