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Bridging past with present: kids vaccines

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posted on Dec, 29 2021 @ 10:13 AM
As time goes by here in Denmark, at least it seems the media is starting to wonder for themselves, what the F is going on. They are not very adept at asking yet, and some of them get steamrolled when asking direct constructive questions and directed to "notes" on the Health Department websites for evidence based data.... Go figure.

So let's go back in time, to see the attitude from these same people when it comes to kids and vaccines.

I have to appologise in advance for providing you with a Danish video, but it will serve as evidence and I will translate the important part as accurately as possible for me.

This is the head of the Danish Health Department, Søren Brostrøm, in 2017, where he spoke about the HPV vaccine for kids, to prevent cirvical cancer. Disclaimer: I AM NOT RAISING DOUBT ABOUT THE HPV VACCINE..... What is interesting is what Brostrøm says about the ethics of the vaccine, about the evidence based research that took place:

At 6:20:

About potential vaccine candidates, how the health department are VERY thorough about having empirical evidence for the efficacy of a vaccine as well as a "cost benefit" assesment. Because as he says here, there has to be a clear benefit before a vaccine is added to the program.
This is the reason why Denmark elected NOT to include the Rotavirus vaccine in the kids program, because rotavirus doesn't kill kids....

Before this Brostrøm emphasizes that this is the way they have been doing things for 15-20 years.

Today, we know, that kids don't die from Covid... in general terms. VERY few kids have died from Covid. Don't say anything else without providing evidence.

At 18:20 Brostrøm is talking about the studies that have taken place before the HPV vaccine was approved. Again, they wanted to be sure that this vaccine was safe and effective.
Therefore they look at a study that took place over 4 years.... 4.... years.

This is AFTER the preceding trials in laboratory, on animals etc. We are looking at atleast 5-7 years of preceding documentation before they reach a conclusion that the vaccine is good and safe.

YET, in terms of Covid:
- Oh, this less than 1 year of research, makes us pretty confident that we will see no long term sideeffects in anyone from the Covid vaccines.

Brostrøm even had the nerve at one point to refer to the "US system for warnings about vaccines" (VAERS), but he didn't name it or how to find it, and we also know, that have pretty comprehensible data that kids do experience severe sideeffects, even within the first year of being vaccinated.

So, the eternal question once again begs:
- Who are they working for?

Because they most certainly are NOT working for public health.


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