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Chinas Social Credit can Throttle your Internet

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posted on Dec, 26 2021 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

But remember many Chinese are not so bad, many Chinese are also NOT Han though Han are the majority after there ancestors butchered, enslaved and wiped out most other Ethnic Chinese group's, Cantonese are one of the must numerous NON Han and they are second class citizens in China even though they are fully Chinese, but NOT in the sight of the HAN.

My grandma was Korean but her name indicated she was from an ethnic minority Chinese group.
I do not confuse the people with the evilness of the entire system. I think of the US in a similar manner.
Our government has done some atrocious things, but there are still a lot of good people.

Back to my Grandma. She immigrated here in the early 1970's the legal way. She also went to night school to take English classes and probably knew more about American history than most Americans. She truly assimilated in the ways she could. She kept her ethnic culture while at the same time was proud to be an American. It's too bad that so many people don't understand this.
edit on 26-12-2021 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2021 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: nugget1

China's actually pretty late to the game, this kind of things has been happening in the US for years. Just ask anybody whose been late paying child support. You can have half your life switched off by the state.

China may be 'late to the game', but they've certainly made up for lost time. Their ability to steal technology has been known for decades and they can run circles against any other nation- most of which they've infiltrated.

Anybody who isn't capable of seeing that China has become the greatest threat to democracy world-wide hasn't done their homework.

posted on Dec, 26 2021 @ 02:39 PM
out of date certs and certs to some organizations are best removed or blocked... for some reason or another even new computers will have out of date certificates and organizational certificates that like a third party gather information from you under what is considered an educational purpose, those are often backdoored or spoofed by hackers.

Certificates are authorities they also can be used as your personal signature of consent on anything in the virtual or internet world.

Unfortunately IP persistence will try to renew those invalid certs or ones you have deauthorized everytime it is renewed by your Internet provider as they are digitally stored there and also refreshed there.

Slow internet often times has to do with out of date windows with Internet explorer subnetting as the search engine... so opening that program up getting rid of stored pages to make it "faster" a damned lie that was only true in 56K modem days and extending amount to save as a "stored" paging file(history) to maximum then clear internet history on exit so it dumps that all at once when the browser is closed? Speeds things up tremendously otherwise you are stuck at a 56K internet throttling speed.

Computers are only annoying as you let them be so I wouldn't stress it too much
edit on 26-12-2021 by Crowfoot because: editing

posted on Dec, 27 2021 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I am just angry at some of the things that go on in China and the evil of it's current regime but other than that I do not intend to sound racist, it is a fact though that the Han DO see other ethnic groups even other Chinese ethnic groups as somehow less human than themselves which is pretty rich when you consider there own history of inhumanity over the ages ever since the time when Qin (though he may not have actually been Han) butchered millions of the other ethnic group's before which time the Han were not the majority at all.

But it is actually not so clear cut either, under Qin many other group's were assimilated into a unified China but not all were willing to give up there identity and soon the short lived Qin Dynasty was overthrown by the vengeful and opportunistic Han dynasty and proceeded themselves to a large degree to continue to cover up history, during Qin's rule he had the historians whom would not lie and rewrite that history butchered and then under the Han those lies he had enshrined were used at least partially to justify there own supremacy in many way's very much like Mao's recreation of this in the form of the so called cultural revolution which was in fact a destruction of as much of China's ancient culture as he could manage to perform, it was a time when student's beat there own teachers to death in mob's whipped up by there communist leaders (and this was of course well after the communists had already come to power), elder people were murdered because of the sin that they REMEMBERED China before Mao's rule and of course millions of peasant farmers were forced off the land leading to mass starvation and millions more dying, a time when the communist leaders held so called Flesh Banquettes while the people starved during which the party members would EAT people and so often they were actually fat from consuming human flesh.

Out of this Darkness, this devil in charge of a nation the modern Chinese communists arose, they are still basically every bit as evil and barbaric as they were then with the minority Uyghur for example a western Chinese Turkic group becoming there new organ farm and slave labour while they slowly butcher them out of existence much as they did to the once more populace Tibetan population before likewise moving as many ethnic Han into those regions a they can to make it more central and under the control of the Han oriented communist party of China.

While we in the west just heard Islamic radical and Separatists and so turned a blind eye due to the problems we have had with Islam but in fact China was and is the Aggressor against it's own ethnic minority group's in this.

Part of this is the Han are a bit scared of the smaller ethnic Chinese group's, the Manchurians for example once defeated them and ruled them for century's and there were many other times there comfortable dominance was questioned and even temporarily over thrown just as they had once overthrown the Qin Dynasty.

So arguably they did not even found China named after Qin but usurped the work of another group whom they assimilated eventually into there own numbers but whom were once regarded as barbarians by them, a typical dehumanising tactic used throughout the ages far and wide in the world to justify enslavement, conquest and genocide just as it was used by the Europeans whom invaded the America's to justify there treatment of the native people's (and likely rewriting of history there too especially if you believe some fringe conspiracy's about the past).

So Yes every ethnic group with a banner to rally behind has been guilty of similar treatment of the OTHER people's but the Han dominated and controlled Chinese communists are still doing it today as well as in many other ways fostering an often inhumane culture that treats it's own citizens often extremely badly.

Now there are other groups in the world that are equally bad or even worse but the Chinese have risen to prominence and are heading for true super power status which should make us worry, especially if we had dreams of a more free, open and honest world.

Sadly though history has often been written or rather RE-written by the conquerors, how much of our own past is accurate and how much is lies?.

I am angry with the Chinese communists as well because much that was lost due to there cultural revolution which was just another burning of the Library of Alexandria by genuine barbarians included history (who knows what herbal remedies have been lost to science because of this), medicine, alchemical sciences developed over thousands of years and culture.

It is said that one reason China so envy's Taiwan which is not really any longer a threat to them is because it is the one place were much that was lost or deliberately destroyed in mainland China during the cultural revolution survived, partially the communists want to complete the destruction and partially they want some of what they lost but if they ever take control of Taiwan it would mostly be lost and yet what Taiwan has is just a tiny fraction of what was lost during that horrible historical disaster.

edit on 27-12-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

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